

  • Honour Killing Results in Double Tragedy
    Photo: Flickr / Tamaki Sono (cc)

    Ashamed that their 23-year-old daughter Nadia had renounced Islam and married a Christian man about a year ago, parents with militant Muslim views sought revenge by launching a manhunt against the newlyweds. As a result, the young woman and her husband, Aleem Masih, 28, were forced to flee to Narang Mandi, a town approximately 60 kilometres from the city of Lahore. They also had to file a police protection report for themselves and Aleem's relatives, knowing that both parties had been threatened.

    On July 30th, Nadia's family received information that the couple were planning to visit a doctor in Khaliqnagar, located within the Youhanabad region. Her father, Muhammad Din Meo, and his sons seized the driver of their rickshaw and abducted the young couple, taking them to a nearby farm. Attorney Aneeqa Maria of The Voice Society reports: "The Muslim men first brutally tortured the couple with fists and kicks, and then thrice shot Aleem Masih. Nadia was shot in the abdomen." The attackers later returned to their village where they publicly proclaimed that they had avenged their humiliation and restored the pride of Muslims by killing the couple.

    Police found Nadia still breathing when they arrived at the farm. She is presently in critical condition at the General Hospital in Lahore, after having undergone a major operation in which two bullets were removed from her abdomen. When Aneeqa went to visit the now widowed Nadia in the hospital, she encountered a mob shouting anti-Christian slogans. The attorney witnessed a similar display at a local police station where militants had gathered to pressure police. Since the incident, Nadia's vengeful family and locals have been threatening the lawyer, as well as Aleem's grieving family, demanding they drop the case. (Additional information on persecution in the country of Pakistan can be reviewed on our website.)

    Ask the Lord to work mightily in the hearts of Nadia's family and their supporters, calming their fury against the young Christian woman, her late husband's family, and the attorney assigned to this case. May they realize the seriousness of their hateful crimes against the innocent couple and other followers of Jesus. Pray on behalf of the Masih family and their lawyer Aneeqa, that they be granted protection, comfort and guidance throughout the proceedings. In spite of all that Nadia has suffered throughout the ordeal, we pray for God's strength as she grieves the loss of her husband, forgives her family, and recovers from serious injuries.

  • Christians Detained for Evangelizing
    Photo: Christian Solidarity Worldwide

    A Christian man from Minya, who was convicted of blasphemy, risks being detained indefinitely. The 35-year-old believer, Medhat Ishak, was arrested on August 7th for allegedly evangelizing Muslims in a Cairo suburb. The day after his arrest, a judge found him guilty of "defamation of a revealed religion" and ordered that he be detained for a two-week period. The detention order was then extended for an additional 15 days.

    Medhat's lawyer, Rafik Rafaat, has concerns that it could be extended indefinitely. He believes that extremists are pressuring the judges to crack down on Christian evangelists. On the other hand, Muslims in Egypt are allowed free rein to distribute religious literature in public, including Qurans. Please pray for Medhat's next hearing which is scheduled to take place soon.

    On July 10th, another Egyptian Christian was arrested for evangelizing, and subsequently detained with two friends who came to his defense. During Ramadan season, when observant Muslims typically break their daily fast by eating dates, 16-year-old Fawzi Osama was reported to police for distributing bags containing the fruit and a Gospel message in the streets of Alexandria. That evening, two of his Christian friends joined him at the police station, only to be detained as well. With a bail of 10,000 Egyptian pounds (about $1,735 US), the young adults were discharged on July 12th. Further investigation is pending. For more information on this situation, please click here.

    How wonderful it is that these Egyptian Christians are so willing to share the Gospel in the midst of such great hostility. May God greatly bless their efforts by working in the hearts of the unsaved recipients so they will be receptive to the message and in a position to ultimately accept Christ as their own Saviour and Lord. Ask that He will be especially near to His suffering children, including those who are in prison or experiencing other forms of persecution for their faith. Finally, may God's justice prevail throughout the court hearings and in the lives of His beloved followers.

  • Youth Grateful for God's Presence

    In August of 2008, the assassination of a Hindu leader led to a massive wave of mob violence against Christians in Orissa. Militant Hindus had been looking for an excuse to stop evangelism, and the uproar surrounding the assassination provided them an outlet. The violence spread rampantly throughout the state, destroying thousands of Christian homes and churches, while consequently forcing over 100,000 believers to seek government protection or hide in the jungle.

    Jisaya was just six years old when his family was chased from the state of Orissa during the 2008 upheaval. "We were so helpless at that time," he says in retrospect. It was the Sideras International School, one of the children's homes supported by VOM Canada, that enabled Jisaya's family to provide for him. Though uprooted, his parents continued in ministry, grateful for the care and education VOM Canada donors have made available to their son.

    Recently, we received the following praise report from Jisaya who is now 13 years old: "(God) is blessing me abundantly in my study, as well as in my personal life. By His grace and mercy, I was able to succeed in my study. He has given me His presence in my life yesterday, today, and I hope...also in the upcoming days."

    The effects of the 2008 wave of violence are still being felt by many of its victims today. Unfortunately, the pattern of "mob justice" against Christians remains a tremendous concern. Accused of "forced conversion," many believers have been mercilessly burned alive. With regards to governmental justice, India's new "religious freedom" laws, in fact, only pose further discrimination against India's Christian minority.

    Thankfully, God is continuing to remind these believers that they are not alone and, as in the case of Jisaya, their suffering shall not be in vain, for He has promised to somehow use it for greater blessing. You can learn more about persecution in India from our country report.

    Praise the Lord for His ongoing faithfulness in ministering to the victims of violence through the provision of the children's homes. Please pray for the families of those who've been martyred, granting them continued courage and provision. Also uphold all the dedicated men and women who compassionately care for these children of the persecuted. May the Lord grant the caregivers wisdom and endurance in their vital discipleship work. Finally, pray for open doors -- and receptive hearts -- so the Gospel can reach multitudes throughout the nation of India; those who would otherwise be hopelessly lost.