

  • Islamic State Executes Three Christians
    Pray for the grieving families
    of these three men.
    Photo: AINA

    The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports that three Christians, who were part of a large group held captive by Islamic State (ISIS) earlier this year, have been executed. The terrorist group released a video about a week ago showing Dr. Abdelmassih Enwiya, Bassam Issa Michael and Assur Rustam Abraham wearing orange jumpsuits. A Syrian evangelical leader paid tribute to the three martyred Christians, describing the doctor as "a great man of God who took a risk by staying in his village to take care of his people and encourage them in the Lord."

    The men had been held since February when ISIS abducted over 230 Christians following dawn raids on their settlements in the northeast of Syria. While the group has periodically released elderly prisoners, more than 200 people are remaining in captivity. According to news reports, ISIS is demanding ransoms of around $50,000 per hostage for the release of each prisoner, threatening to execute remaining hostages if their ransoms are not paid.

    Syrian Christians have been targeted by militant Islamist jihadi groups since the outbreak of the civil war in 2011, resulting in numerous believers being killed or forced to flee their homes. In many cases, those who have remained -- often the elderly and disabled -- have been ordered to either convert to Islam or pay a religious tax (referred to as "jizya"). In March, a total of 23 Christians were released after paying the religious tax. For additional reports revealing the extremely trying conditions facing believers in this part of the world, go to the Syria Country Report.

    Please uphold those who have tragically lost loved ones at the hands of ISIS, asking that they be greatly comforted and filled with joy at the prospect of seeing them again at the coming of our Lord Jesus (1 Thessalonians 4:15-18). Pray for an end to the violence perpetrated by members of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. Ask God to also minister comfort and protection to the remaining hostages, in response to their pleas for help and deliverance from their captors. May the militants responsible for the murder and abduction of multitudes of innocent civilians be convicted of their sin, turning to the Lord for mercy, forgiveness and salvation.

  • Satellite TV Channel Under Investigation
    Rooftop satellite television dishes are
    typical in the Middle East and North Africa.
    Photo: Wikimedia Commons / Bbbremi (cc)

    Officers from the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology's Censorship Department entered the television broadcasting offices of SAT-7 in Cairo on Saturday, October 10th. After presenting a search warrant, they proceeded to confiscate cameras and other vital broadcasting equipment. Farid Samir, the director of SAT-7's operations in Egypt, was taken in for questioning by police but released after Egyptian church leaders intervened on his behalf.

    During a two-hour hearing the following day, charges were brought against Farid claiming incorrect registration of a TV channel, failure to hold licences for certain editing activities, and failure to comply with regulations concerning live streaming of broadcasts on the Internet. However, lawyers acting on SAT-7's behalf refuted these charges, demonstrating that the censorship department's report contained factual errors and presenting evidence to confirm that SAT-7's registration and licences are in good order.

    It is yet to be determined whether the case should proceed to court as deliberations could take up to two weeks' time. Meanwhile, SAT-7 will be deprived of its confiscated equipment, causing significant disruptions to its operations. The broadcaster emphasizes that one of its key aims is to promote a peaceful co-existence in the Middle East by fostering bridges of understanding between different faith communities. More information on persecution in Egypt is available at this page.

    Ask for God's peace and protection to be upon all who are involved in the broadcasting ministry of SAT-7, and that His wisdom be granted to Farid and his legal team in their interactions with the authorities. In fact, may the Lord's profound presence be experienced at every meeting to such an extent that even those in opposition won't be able to deny His reality and existence. Also pray that the television ministry be permitted to continue its operations unhindered, so the proclamation of the Gospel message and the promotion of a peaceful co-existence in the Middle East can continue blessing many viewers' lives.

  • Amendments Render Unregistered Religious Activity Illegal

    Changes to Russia's Religion Law, which came into force this July, appear to require all religious communities without legal status to notify the authorities of their existence and activity. This includes providing the names and addresses of all their members and addresses where any meeting takes place.

    This is "bad news" and "against the Constitution for sure," states Aleksandr Verkhovsky of the Moscow-based SOVA Centre for Information and Analysis. Although no punishments yet exist for those who continue to meet for worship without notifying the authorities, unregistered religious communities and human rights defenders fear they may follow.

    The changes also deny newly-registered religious organizations not affiliated with those that are centralized the right to create religious educational organizations. In addition, they will not be able to conduct ceremonies in hospitals, prisons and old people's homes; nor invite foreigners for the first ten years after their registration. The Human Rights Ombudsperson's Office has yet to comment on whether these provisions violate Russia's Constitution and the European Convention on Human Rights. To learn more about the opposition experienced by evangelical churches in Russia, and review previous reports, go to the Russia Country Report.

    May the Russian government recognize the benefits of having effective churches in their country -- lower crime rates, provision and assistance for the downtrodden and impoverished, needed counselling and help for the imprisoned and those struggling with addictions...just to name a few. Pray that the churches in Russia will have the ability and means to reach out and serve the people of their communities faithfully and joyfully. As a result, may many lives be changed from the inside out, causing an exponential growth of Christianity in the country.