

  • Additional Assyrian Christians Released!
    Assyrian hostages freed by
    ISIS arrive in Tel Tamar, Syria.
    Photo: AINA

    Members of the Islamic State (ISIS) terrorist group have released another 37 Assyrian Christians who had been kidnapped nine months ago. Those freed on November 7th -- including men and women in their 60s and 70s -- were among the 253 Christians snatched during ISIS attacks on Assyrian villages in Syria's northeastern Hasaka province. Thankfully, the newly released hostages arrived safely at the local town of Tel Tamar.

    Negotiations to release the captives had taken place between the Assyrian Church of the East and ISIS. The terrorist group had previously demanded about $100,000 for each hostage. Further negotiations are understood to be "underway," sources report.

    On October 7th, ISIS had released a video of its militants killing three Assyrian hostages, while threatening to kill more if demands were not met. The terrorist group is still holding captive an estimated 168 other Hasaka Christians, as well as 185 Assyrians who were abducted from the town of Qaryatain in western Syria's Homs province during the first week of August. Islamic State's countless acts of violence have particularly targeted religious minorities. Reported abuses include murders and sexual enslavement. For previous reports and informative video footage, go to the Syria Country Report.

    Thank the Lord for delivering these believers from their captors, asking Him to make a way for many more victims to safely escape or be released. Pray that He will also minister complete physical, emotional and spiritual healing to each of the abducted Christians. May they have the grace and supernatural enabling to forgive and intercede on behalf of the terrorists who had restrained and possibly abused them. Ask the Lord to continue the great outpouring of His Spirit upon the inhabitants of both beleaguered nations -- Syria and Iraq -- so that there may be unprecedented church growth in the Middle East.

  • Irrational Destruction of Churches
    The destruction of churches
    without prior notice is a matter of
    great concern for Sudan’s
    Christian communities.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Christians in Sudan have faced further opposition by members of their community -- including governing officials -- as more incidents of destruction have taken place recently in different parts of the country.

    Suspected Islamic extremists set fire to the Lutheran Church of Sudan in the eastern city of Al Qadarif on October 16th, apparently in response to an outreach conducted by local Christians. Church leaders state that the attack followed a prayer meeting which was part of a week-long evangelism campaign...something typically conducted each year. The church building, along with an attached guest house, were both completely gutted as a result of the fire.

    Meanwhile, in the country's large historical city of Omdurman, officials demolished another Lutheran Church of Sudan building on October 21st, under the pretext that it was in an area designated for business. However, as pointed out by the country's concerned Christian leaders, the same rationale has not been applied to a nearby mosque which remains standing without any objection. "It seems that the government is systemically targeting churches in these times," explains one church leader. "They did not give us notice before the demolition." Although a complaint was filed with the Ministry of Religious Guidance and Endowment, the applicants have received no response.

    Since 2012, Sudan's officials have harassed and expelled foreign Christians and bulldozed church buildings, claiming that the churches belonged to the South Sudanese before the group's formal secession from Sudan. Sudanese officials have also raided Christian bookstores and arrested followers of Christianity. Due to its mistreatment of Christians and other human rights' violations, Sudan has ranked sixth on the 2015 "World Watch List" of 50 countries in which Christians experience the most persecution, moving up from 11th place the previous year. More information on the country of Sudan can be found at this page.

    Please pray that the Lord will greatly encourage and strengthen the members of both congregations who have lost their church buildings and facilities, asking Him to now guide them to new premises and provide the means necessary for relocation and construction. Despite the tide of evil that has taken place with the recent destruction of churches, may the light of God's love be radiant through His people in Sudan -- touching the lives of many more residents in their communities. Also intercede for President Omar al-Bashir and his government in hopes that the religious rights of all citizens would be upheld fairly...and appreciation and respect be extended to the Christians, recognizing them as responsible citizens who are contributing to their communities in helpful and positive ways.

  • Young Widow Sought by Husband's Killer
    Luz was forced into hiding
    again after the release of
    her husband's killer from prison.

    The guerrilla leader who was responsible for the horrific murder of a Colombian pastor was recently released from prison, and is now seeking to find the pastor's grieving widow. The killer returned to the remote community where Luz and her children were residing, telling neighbours that he wanted to find her. Within a few days of his release, a SWAT vehicle of armed men also stopped by the farm in search of the young mother.

    Luz was pregnant with twins when her husband suddenly went missing back in 2007. Even more grievous is the fact that those involved in the heinous crime returned his dismembered body in black plastic trash bags to the traumatized family. Since the killer's release, Luz and her three children have been moved to a safe location.

    Colombia has long been overrun with violent Marxist guerrilla groups, drug cartels and right-wing paramilitary groups. Although a strong government has stabilized the nation in recent years, the country remains volatile and dangerous. Leftist guerrillas and right-wing paramilitaries both seem to have abandoned their ideological agendas in order to form gangs that are profiting from cocaine and kidnapping. Those who oppose this illegal activity are targeted.

    Despite Colombia's history of crime, lawlessness, terror and murder, the church continues to grow at an incredible rate. And with the 1991 constitution, greater freedom was granted to ethnic and religious minorities. The greatest denominational growth has taken place within indigenous Colombian churches. Local, citywide and national evangelistic outreaches have resulted in large increases in numbers of congregations and believers. Some churches have grown a thousand-fold over the past two decades! Thankfully, this growth also reflects God's ability to dramatically transform the lives of guerrilla leaders such as Elmer. To view a video clip featuring the testimony of this former persecutor of Christians, click here.

    While we can rejoice over the amazing things God is accomplishing in a nation known for its extreme violence and terrorism, let us pray for His ongoing work of salvation and deliverance in the lives of many more Colombians -- regardless of their political affiliation and criminal behaviour. Like the Apostle Paul, may the country's notorious persecutors experience a life-changing encounter with the Almighty God. Join us in praying that Colombia will become a testimony of His sovereignty, powerful intervention, and sacrificial love for a broken and fallen humanity that's desperately in need of our Risen Saviour Jesus...who came to save the world!