Al Shabaab Rebels Raid Coastal Village
A village in Kenya.In a four-hour pre-dawn raid on January 31st, Islamic extremist al Shabaab rebels killed at least four Christians in a coastal Kenyan village. Two were shot, one was beheaded, and another died because his house had been set on fire. There were also surviving victims wounded in the attack. Eyewitnesses say it's clear that the attackers were hunting down Christians.
The rebels, who are fighting government and regional forces in Somalia, regard the northern coastal area of Kenya as Islamic territory. Although this militant group has attacked the area before, local Christians are further alarmed by the recent incident, causing hundreds of them to flee their homes. One church leader in the area encourages these believers to not be cowed. "God has called us to be 'salt' and 'light,' and to lead many to the marvellous light of Christ," he explains.
In another incident, two Christians were killed on December 21st, 2015 when al Shabaab militants stopped a bus that was travelling to the capital of Mandera. Fortunately, they were unsuccessful in their attempts to segregate the Christian passengers from those who were Muslim. This was largely due to several Muslim passengers who, in their efforts to protect the Christians aboard, refused to cooperate with the rebels. One of the Christian passengers, however, was killed while trying to escape; and so was the driver of a separate vehicle after he approached the stopped bus. Witnesses state that the militants killed the other driver when they learned he was a Christian.
Thankfully, the lives of the remaining bus passengers were spared. As the militants had mistakenly thought the second vehicle carried members of Kenya's Defence Forces, their attention was diverted for a period of time -- enabling the bus driver to quickly drive away from the scene of the attack.
It's consoling to know that several of the Muslim bus passengers had placed their own lives at risk in order to save the Christians aboard. Ask God to greatly bless them for protecting their fellow Kenyans in this courageous manner and to enlighten them to the truth of the Gospel. Likewise, may the members of al Shabaab be receptive spiritually so they may turn away from their deeds of darkness and instead walk in the light of our Risen Lord Jesus. Please also uphold the families and friends of those killed in the attacks, asking God to turn their mourning into joy, filling their hearts with the expectant hope of eternal life and the prospect of being reunited with loved ones once again (1 Corinthians 15:51-57).
Attack of Young Women Results in Tragedy
Christian women are particularly vulnerable to rape and public shaming by the extremists of this Muslim-majority country. In a recent incident, three young Christian women were purposely hit by a car for refusing the sexual advances posed to them by a group of Muslim men.
The young women -- Kiran (17), Shamroza (18), and Sumble (20) -- were walking home together when four Muslim men in a car confronted them, uttering lewd suggestions. Because the girls refused their advances, the men became enraged to the point that the driver targeted them with the car. As a result of the crash, two of the girls received severe injuries and broken bones. The third victim, Kiran, unfortunately did not survive. Having landed on the hood of the car, which had increased in speed before coming to an abrupt halt, caused the teen to be catapulted through the air before falling to the ground.
Such inhumane acts of violence in this southern Asian nation often include the mistreatment of women and children, ranking Pakistan eighth on the World Watch List of countries where Christians face severe persecution. When the country initially upheld the death sentence of Asia Bibi, a young Christian mother who was falsely accused of blasphemy, the case prompted international outrage. More information on persecution in Pakistan, including previously posted updates on Asia's case, is available at the Pakistan Country Report.
May the 'peace of God that surpasses all understanding' bring needed comfort to the surviving young women, as well as ministry to their families, as He surrounds them with His healing presence and lovingly guides them to wholeness and renewed hope. Pray that they be especially comforted after witnessing the tragic loss of their dear friend. Please also remember Kiran's loved ones who are understandably grieving over what seems to be the premature loss of such a young and vibrant life. Ask the Lord to make His comforting presence known to them as well. In a country where believers are subjected to accusations of blasphemy, severe punishment by law, life-threatening danger, and so many other awful acts of persecution, may the Righteous Judge render true justice by convicting the hearts of their persecutors and bringing them to repentance...miraculously using their wrongdoings for greater good (Romans 8:28).
Confiscated TV Equipment Returned
A time of worship during the
SAT-7 TV program.Satellite TV broadcaster, SAT-7, recently announced that all of the television broadcasting and production equipment that was confiscated by officials last year has been returned to the studios. "We know many people worldwide have been praying for this moment and for the staff in Egypt," acknowledges the broadcaster's representative. "Thank you for all your support during this difficult period."
On October 10th, Egypt's censorship police had taken away the broadcaster's vitally needed equipment -- including television cameras, studio lights and editing suites -- as part of an investigation into SAT-7's operations. As a result, the production team has not been able to screen live shows or record many of their Christian programmes, resulting in enormous costs for the television broadcaster. To review a previous report on the situation, go to this page.
May the Lord somehow redeem the time and added expense that resulted from the confiscation of the broadcasting equipment during these past months, as well as the added legal costs...further blessing the tremendous outreach of this effective television program so multitudes more in Egypt will come to the personal knowledge of Jesus as their Saviour and Lord. Pray for new doors of opportunity to be made available to SAT-7 so the television ministry will have an even greater sphere of influence, reaching beyond the country's borders into several other areas of the Middle East. May His faithful servants at SAT-7 be further strengthened, encouraged and equipped as they continue fulfilling God's mandate of ministry during these crucial times.