Kidnapped Pastors Beaten with Metal Rod
The pastors were taken to a secluded
wooded area where they were beaten.Two Christian pastors claim they were kidnapped, stripped of their clothes, robbed and subjected to violence after arriving at a local airport in late February. In a recent interview, Rev. Nguyen Trung Ton told sources that he and his colleague, Rev. Nguyen Viet Tu, were abducted by unknown men whom they believe were plain-clothes security officers.
Rev. Nguyen Trung Ton, a pro-democracy activist in the Asian communist country, explained that they were on their way to meet with other activists in the Quang Binh province when they encountered a group of men who punched them and forced them into a van. Then the abductors covered the pastors' heads so they couldn't see where they were being taken. After arriving at a secluded wooded area on the Huong Khe mountain, the pastors were beaten with a metal bar, stripped and robbed.
After the beatings, the abductors left the scene, leaving the wounded pastors to suffer without any help. Fortunately, the wounded men were discovered by local residents who came to their aid. As a result of the help they received, the victims were able to make it safely home.
Being a pro-democracy advocate, Rev. Nguyen Trung Ton was previously arrested in 2011 and sentenced to years in prison after being charged with undermining the state and promoting propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Sources report that after his release from prison, he has faced numerous instances of harassment from security officials. Rev. Nguyen Trung Ton and his family have also received death threats. Other reports on persecution in Vietnam may be reviewed at this page.
Please uphold these two pastors who have undergone such unjust and violent treatment for their faith in God and for their peaceful advocacy of national democracy and religious freedom. Ask Him to heal them of their physical wounds, as well as the emotional trauma they experienced during the brutal attack. May conviction come upon the kidnappers and those who instigated the attack, helping them to realize that our Almighty Creator disapproves of their mistreatment of His people. Pray that the Lord's work in Vietnam will continue to touch many lives -- including those in need of salvation -- so that hearts may be changed and His name duly glorified.
Convert Helps Network of 300 Churches!
Sukdev (centre) is grateful for the
audio Bible VOM has provided.As Christians, we've been called to proclaim the Gospel by sharing the truth of God's Word. But what about the many believers around the world who are unable to read the Scriptures? Fortunately, as Romans 10:17 tells us, faith comes by "hearing" the Word, not only by reading it. Technology like the micro SD cards that The Voice of the Martyrs ministry is distributing throughout the world will help illiterate Christians learn the Bible and discover its invaluable truths.
One such Christian is Sukdev, who left Hinduism to follow Christianity a decade ago. Sukdev wanted to learn more about the Bible so he could better share the Gospel with Hindus in his village. As the 48-year-old evangelist couldn't read, his young daughter Luxmi would often have to read the Bible to him when she wasn't at school or doing housework. She would also try to accompany her father whenever he met with villagers to teach them about Jesus so she could read the Bible verses aloud. However, since Luxmi wasn't always readily available to assist with the evangelistic ministry, Sukdev longed to have instant access to the Scriptures.
Then one day, his desires were fulfilled. The Voice of the Martyrs provided him with a micro SD card containing audio files of the Bible in multiple languages, along with helpful discipleship materials. During this past year, VOM has distributed more than 15,000 of these SD card Bibles in India as part of the ministry's efforts to get a Bible to every believer.
"(Sukdev) was so grateful that he was moved to tears," reports a VOM ministry worker. "With this tool in his basic mobile phone, he could suddenly go anywhere, anytime to share the Gospel." Today, Sukdev travels into new districts baptizing new believers, making disciples and planting churches in some of the most remote and difficult places of India. In many of these areas, public transportation is not available so he often walks several kilometres from village to village.
"Since I have learned the truth, I have to share it," Sukdev announces. After years of faithful witnessing, he now helps lead a network of more than 300 house churches! May God's ongoing protection, provision and blessing be upon all those in India who are involved with this thriving ministry outreach.