

  • Militants Ravage Village Leaving Eight Dead
    ng james nengwe msn
    A victim of the attacks, James Nengwe
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Various attacks in central Nigeria late January resulted in the death of at least eight Christians and the destruction of dozens of homes. Fulani herdsmen, accompanied by Islamist militants, raided the village of Zanwra (near the city of Jos in Plateau state) over a number of days. Many of those who survived lost everything they owned.

  • Kidnapped Pastor Still Missing After One Year
    Raymond Koh
    Pastor Raymond Koh

    For more than a year, Malaysian pastor Raymond Koh has been missing. On February 13th, 2017, masked men forced his vehicle to stop, pulled him from the car, and then drove away with both vehicles -- all captured in broad daylight by CCTV cameras. Despite widespread distribution of the video footage, there have been no demands and no word on Pastor Raymond's whereabouts.

  • Six Christians Released from Prison!
    Laos believers
    Photo: VOM Australia

    Six Christians, who had been arrested on December 15th for celebrating Christmas, were released on January 31st. According to contacts in the Vientiane province, the believers were taken into custody because they failed to obtain a permit for a Christmas party. As part of the celebration, they invited the entire village to come and watch the Jesus film.