

  • Pastor Sentenced as Persecution Increases
    Algerian believers praising God
    Photo: SAT-7

    A pastor in Frenda, Tiaret Province, was given a fine and suspended prison sentence on March 8th under a law that prohibits causing Muslims to doubt their religion. Pastor Nordine B. has been ordered to pay 100,000 dinar ($1,132 CAN) and given a three-month suspended sentence. According to the Algerian news outlet, Algerie Part, the only evidence against him was that he was carrying Christian books. Pastor Nordine intends to appeal the conviction.

  • Ministry Partners Acquitted
    Children's workers who were charged with forcible conversion
    Photo: Mission Network News

    Family and friends of eight Christian workers in India were elated when the men were acquitted of all charges. Nine years ago, the men were serving in a Children's Bible Club sponsored by Mission India. The attackers disrupted the meeting, beating those attending and burning Bibles and other materials. The workers were then charged with "forceful conversion."