Captive Schoolgirl Refuses to Recant Faith
Photo: Morning Star NewsNews that over 100 kidnapped schoolgirls were released by a Boko Haram faction on March 21st brought joy to concerned parents, a nation and people around the world. The girls had been kidnapped from their school in Dapchi on February 19th (see this page) and taken to an unknown location. According to those released, five of the girls died earlier due to the stress and trauma of the attack. One girl, Leah Sharibu, remains in captivity for one simple reason: she refuses to convert to Islam.
Religious Declaration Required on All Identification
Having to declare their faithmakes Christians even morevulnerable to persecution.
Photo: World Watch MonitorChristians and other religious minorities have reason for concern after a March 9th ruling from the Islamabad High Court mandated that a person's religion must be declared on all government-issued identification. Any citizen who disguises their true religion will be guilty of betraying the state. Documentation includes birth certificates, passports, voters' lists, and national ID cards. Anyone applying for a government job will also have to declare their religion.