

  • Clampdown on Christianity
    Pastor Batyr - Photo: Release International www.releaseinternational.org
    Pastor Batyr
    Photo: Release International

    Throughout Central Asia, Christians are facing worship bans, arrest and torture as Islamic nationalism gains ground. In late August, we reported on a group arrested in Tajikistan for distributing Christian literature (read the report). Similar incidents are happening regularly in other neighbouring Central Asian countries, according to a recent report from VOMC's partner ministry, Release International.

  • Pharmacist Fatally Doused with Acid
    A baptism in Pakistan - Mission Network News www.mnnonline.org
    Persecution in Pakistan poses
    threat to professing Christians.
    Photo: Mission Network News

    Faraz Ahmed Badar, a Christian pharmacist at a hospital in Gujranwala, was killed by being doused with acid as he was leaving work at 2:00 a.m. on September 5th. The 26-year-old had been working for two years as manager at the DHQ Hospital.

  • Release of Church Properties and Bibles

    A Sudanese soldier is reading the Bible while holding a kalashnikov on his lap. - Photo: World Watch Monitor
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    On August 8th, a Sudanese court ruled that properties seized by the government must be returned to the Sudanese Church of Christ (see this page). Following up on that decision, ownership of 19 properties was officially handed back on September 24th.

  • Clampdown on Christianity
    Pastor Batyr - Photo: Release International www.releaseinternational.org
    Pastor Batyr
    Photo: Release International

    Throughout Central Asia, Christians are facing worship bans, arrest and torture as Islamic nationalism gains ground. In late August, we reported on a group arrested in Tajikistan for distributing Christian literature (read the report). Similar incidents are happening regularly in other neighbouring Central Asian countries, according to a recent report from VOMC's partner ministry, Release International.

  • Clampdown on Christianity
    Pastor Batyr - Photo: Release International www.releaseinternational.org
    Pastor Batyr
    Photo: Release International

    Throughout Central Asia, Christians are facing worship bans, arrest and torture as Islamic nationalism gains ground. In late August, we reported on a group arrested in Tajikistan for distributing Christian literature (read the report). Similar incidents are happening regularly in other neighbouring Central Asian countries, according to a recent report from VOMC's partner ministry, Release International.

  • Clampdown on Christianity
    Pastor Batyr - Photo: Release International www.releaseinternational.org
    Pastor Batyr
    Photo: Release International

    Throughout Central Asia, Christians are facing worship bans, arrest and torture as Islamic nationalism gains ground. In late August, we reported on a group arrested in Tajikistan for distributing Christian literature (read the report). Similar incidents are happening regularly in other neighbouring Central Asian countries, according to a recent report from VOMC's partner ministry, Release International.