Call to Expel All Christians
Photo: Mission Network News A video from a Muslim cleric has gone viral in Pakistan, promoting hatred towards Christians and demanding that all of them be thrown out of the country. Referring to the followers of Jesus as "the worst infidels of the universe," the cleric speaking in the video declares that "Christians have no right to live in this Islamic country."
Men Assassinated as Warning to Christians
A Nigerian terrorist group released a video on July 22nd showing five men lined up for execution. The group included three humanitarian aid workers who disappeared last month, along with a security guard and a state employee.
Pregnant Teen Confined to a Single Room
In October 2019, 14-year-old Huma Younus was kidnapped from her home, forcibly converted to Islam, and then married to her kidnapper (read more). Since the abduction, her parents have been working on her behalf, seeking to annul the marriage, which by law is forbidden before the age of 18 without parental permission.