

  • Lawlessness Heightens Call to Prayer
    Hassana and Hussaina Garba - Photo: Facebook
    Hassana and Hussaina Garba
    Photo: Facebook

    The violence dominating areas of Nigeria continues as Fulani herdsmen terrorize village communities. Unfortunately, Christians are frequently targeted in these attacks. On September 18th, a church elder was shot in the stomach and his twin daughters kidnapped from their home in Katsina State. Thankfully, Ibrahim Garba survived the attack and received treatment in hospital. His teenaged daughters, Hassana and Hussaina, were released three days later.

  • Family in Hiding After Verdict
    Asif Pervaiz (right) and his attorney (center) - Photo: Morning Star News
    Asif Pervaiz (right) and his attorney (center)
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Marilyn and her four young children have had to flee for their lives after her husband, Asif Pervaiz, was sentenced to death for blasphemy on September 8th (read more). Typically, even the families of those accused of blasphemy are targeted with acts of violence by opposing community members. In an effort to stay safe, Marilyn and her children are now in hiding.