

  • Five-Year Sentence for Sharing Cartoon
    Man checking his phone - Photo: Pixabay / Foundry

    When posts are viewed on social media, few people think about the legal consequences of sharing them. In 2018, Hamid (surname withheld for security reasons) shared a cartoon he had received on Facebook and thought nothing more of it. He was contacted by police about it at the time, but the case was dropped — until officials showed up at his door three years later. By the next day, the 43-year-old poultry farmer had been sentenced to five years' imprisonment for allegedly insulting Muhammad.

  • Prisoner Transferred for ''Concentrated Education''
    Zhang Shaojie -  Photo: ChinaAid www.chinaaid.org
    Zhang Shaojie
    Photo: ChinaAid

    Pastor Zhang Shaojie had been the leader of the Nanle County Christian Church in Henan. In July 2014, he was sentenced to twelve years in prison for alleged fraud and disrupting social order (read more). At the time, his family was forced to flee the country, arriving in the United States through the assistance of VOMC partner, ChinaAid.

  • Militants Attack Pastor's Family
    Damaged brick church - Photo: Morning Star News www.morningstarnews.org
    Damaged brick church
    Photo: Morning Star News

    On December 27th, Pastor Moses Nabwana and his wife Naura were beaten because of the recent conversion of a Muslim imam. Pastor Moses was admitted to hospital due to the seriousness of his injuries (read a previous report on this incident). Four weeks later, the family was again attacked.