Christian Portrayed as "Socially Dangerous"
The sparsely populated mountains in Sichuan province.
Photo: Flickr / George N (cc)The Public Security Bureau in the Sichuan Province of China arrested a Christian man, Lin Xuesui, on June 14th for allegedly "organizing and financing illegal gatherings." The charges were laid after Lin, who is from the coastal city of Wenzhou, shared his testimony in a remote mountainous region about 2,000 kilometres away from his home. Two other Christians were arrested at the same time but later released on bail. According to a recent report by VOM Korea, Lin remains in custody pending his trial.
Christian Convert Sentenced to Death for Apostasy
A Libyan appeals court has sentenced a young man to death for converting to Christianity, despite there being no official apostasy laws in the country. The name of the Christian convert, who came to faith in Jesus four years ago, has been withheld for his protection. Though the young believer has faced pressure to recant his belief in Jesus, he refuses to forsake his Christian faith.
Parents' Appeal for Custody Denied
Zarvia Pervaiz
Photo: Morning Star NewsA Christian family in Rawalpindi, a city located in the Pakistani state of Punjab, are anxiously waiting for the safe return of their 13-year-old daughter, nearly four months after her abduction. Zarvia Pervaiz was kidnapped, forcibly converted and married in April to a man the family had formerly trusted.