Church Building Destroyed on National Vodun Day
The pastor in front of the destroyed church building.
Photo: VOM USAConsidered the birthplace of the ancient tribal faith of vodun (commonly referred to as voodoo), many residents in the West African country of Benin continue with religious practices that commonly involve animal sacrifices and talismans to ward off evil. These practices are so widespread in Benin that January 10th is celebrated as National Vodun Day.
Church Under Investigation for Worship Services
Roughly 70 percent of Sri Lankans follow Buddhism. The Pentecostal Assembly congregation in Dodangoda, Sri Lanka, is made up of about seven families who regularly meet in the home of their pastor. On February 12th, while the Sunday worship service was in progress, approximately seven police officers arrived at the home. They informed the pastor that local monks, who had issued a complaint about the Sunday services, claimed that the meetings were being conducted illegally.
Early Rain Church Faces Violent Raid
The choir continues to sing “Near the Cross” during the raid.
Photo: ChinaAidThe Early Rain Covenant Church has been a target of Chinese Communist Party officials since the church was raided in December 2018 (read more). The church's lead pastor, Wang Yi, was sentenced to nine years in prison and other members have faced detention and pressure. Despite ongoing intimidation and arrests, the ministry of the church has faithfully continued, though generally online or in small groups.