

  • Pastor and His Family Detained on False Accusations
    Pastor Kirubendran with his wife and child.
    Pastor R. Kirubendran, with his wife Manju,
    and their 18-month-old daughter.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    On April 24th, Pastor Kirubendran and his family were detained for allegedly conducting "forcible conversion" activities and "insulting religion." The pastor's wife, Manju, was released on bail in early May, along with their 18-month-old daughter. While the toddler had not been charged, she was detained along with her mother. Despite repeated attempts to post bail, Pastor Kirubendran was not released from custody until May 24th.

  • Christian Man Fined for Sharing His Faith
    Vladimir Burshtyn being led by officers
    Police take Vladimir Burshtyn to Drogichin District Court.[br]Photo: Baptist Council of Churches

    On June 1st, a musical group of Baptist believers arranged a performance on the streets of Drogichin in southwestern Belarus. In addition to providing uplifting music, the Christians shared their faith with those who passed by. One of the evangelists, Vladimir Burshtyn, is a Christian man in his early 70s. He travelled 110 kilometres from his home in order to participate in the meeting.

  • Believers Denied Access to Their Homes
    Men talking outside
    Security guards blocked church members
    from returning to their residences.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    Several members of the Early Rain Covenant Church who reside in the Languang Changdao apartment complex have been prevented from entering the building. Around noon on June 6th, families who tried to return to their homes were denied access to their apartments. When they attempted to go into the building, security guards and others assaulted the believers.