

  • Mass Violence After Blasphemy Accusations
    pk riots 2023 08 lg
    A video screenshot of the recent riots in Pakistan.
    View the video.

    On August 16th, thousands of people stormed a Christian colony in Jaranwala, a town located in the Faisalabad district of Punjab. Angered by allegations of blasphemy, and spurred on by urgent announcements that had been broadcasted over mosque loudspeakers, the incited mob either damaged or utterly destroyed up to 26 church buildings and as many as 400 homes. Thankfully, there were no reports of casualties following this recent attack. Please take the time to view the informative video alert that VOMC released the next day, which includes footage of the actual attacks.

  • More Harassment and Sentences for New Life Church
    Vyacheslav and Irina GoncharenkoPastor Vyacheslav and his wife Irina Goncharenko
    Photo: New Life Church

    For several years, the New Life Church in Minsk has faced opposition from the government, including the complete destruction of their place of worship on June 20th. (For more details, click here.) That act of destruction, however, did not stop ongoing harassment from government officials.

  • Infirmed Pastor Handcuffed in Hospital
    Ru Zongren, Guan Jing, and their two children.
    Pastor Ru Zongren, his wife Guan Jing, and their children.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    Pastor Ru Zongren, who suffers from kidney failure, was in the hospital for kidney dialysis on July 30th when police handcuffed him to his bed. He was detained in the hospital for five hours before finally being released.

    Originally from a rural area of Anhui Province, Pastor Ru came to faith in Christ at an early age through the Christian witness of his parents. He eventually went on to study theology, graduating from seminary in 2007, prior to returning to his hometown where he has compassionately served the community since. Through his faithful ministry over the years, the Chengxi Christian Church has grown to establish a membership presently consisting of about 400 believers.