Mob Attack Forces Church to Host Services Online
A worship gathering in Indonesia.
Photo: VOMCIn the early morning of September 16th, a mob consisting of approximately 50 people had gathered at the front gate of the Maranatha Chapel in Depok City. Mob members angrily banged on the gate while shouting and causing a disturbance. Thankfully, at the time, no service was taking place inside the church building and the crowd eventually dispersed.
Christian Boy Beaten for Alleged Blasphemy
Photo: Flickr / ILO Asia-Pacific (cc) A young Christian boy was recently badly beaten by his Muslim schoolteacher after he allegedly committed a blasphemous act in class. The incident, which took place in the Pakistani city of Khanewal, has raised concerns about the lack of religious tolerance and justice in the community.
Court Ruling Permits Balloon Launches
Photo: VOMK Since 2005, The Voice of the Martyrs Korea VOMK has used large balloons to carry Bibles and Scripture pamphlets into the restricted nation of North Korea. However, in 2020, the South Korean government passed a law criminalizing the use of balloons after negotiations with the North Korean government. (See this report for more details on the restriction.)