

  • Rajasthan State to Introduce Anti-Conversion Legislation
    A man is sitting with his Bible open. He is speaking to a group of people.
    Photo: VOMC

    In an affidavit filed earlier this month before India's Supreme Court, officials from the Indian state of Rajasthan announced their plans to introduce legislation that would ban so-called forced religious conversions. The proposal comes after the Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) took control of the state following elections in late November, unseating the more centrist Indian National Congress.

  • New Law Enacted to Protect Christian Girls Under 18
    A group of children is looking up at the person taking the picture.
    Children in Pakistan.
    Photo: Flickr / DFID (cc)

    In a decision referred to as "a step forward" by Christian leaders, the National Assembly of Pakistan recently passed an amendment to an act governing Christian marriages, banning matrimony for Christians under the age of 18. After the law was enacted on July 10th, Naveed Amir Jeeva, a Christian member of the National Assembly, stated, "The legislation aims to protect young girls from early and forced marriages, ensuring their access to education and health."