

  • Large Mob Attack at Pastors' Gathering
    A group of people in India.
    Pastors and church leaders in India.
    Photo: VOMC

    On February 19th, a group of pastors had gathered in Kusumba Village, a town located in the Jalgaon District of Maharashtra, India. As the meeting was taking place, a mob of approximately 400 Hindu nationalists suddenly attacked, brutally assaulting many of the pastors. As a result of the violence, two of the church leaders were left in critical condition.

  • Needed Freedom from Kidnapping
    Saba Shafique is sitting with her mother.
    Saba Shafique and her mother.
    Photo: Christian Daily International-Morning Star News

    On January 5th, 12-year-old Saba Shafique was abducted from her home in Lahore, Pakistan, and forced to convert to Islam before being married to her abductor. This devastating incident occurred despite the country's laws prohibiting child marriage.