

  • Pharmacist Fatally Doused with Acid
    A baptism in Pakistan - Mission Network News www.mnnonline.org
    Persecution in Pakistan poses
    threat to professing Christians.
    Photo: Mission Network News

    Faraz Ahmed Badar, a Christian pharmacist at a hospital in Gujranwala, was killed by being doused with acid as he was leaving work at 2:00 a.m. on September 5th. The 26-year-old had been working for two years as manager at the DHQ Hospital.

  • Eyesight Lost in Attack
    Vikram John - Photo: Morning Star News www.morningstarnews.org
    Vikram John
    Photo: Morning Star News

    A young Christian in Karachi lost his sight in one eye after armed neighbours attacked his family on August 18th. Other family members were also assaulted but suffered only minor injuries.

    Since Alvin John and his family moved into a new home in late 2017, they have faced harassment and intimidation from neighbours opposed to their Christian faith. On this specific night, Alvin's 25-year-old son Vikram had exchanged words with some area youth before coming into the house. The dispute started when Vikram was defending his younger sister who had been teased.

  • Pray for Long-Term Prisoners

    Prisoners of faith Imram Masih and Asia Bibi
    Prisoners of faith
    Imran Ghafur and Asia Bibi

    During the summer of 2009, two Pakistani Christians were falsely accused of blasphemy. Nine years later, both remain in prison, separated from loved ones as they await court rulings.

    On July 1st, 2009, Imran Ghafur was accused of blasphemy when burned Quranic papers were found on the floor of his shop. Coincidentally, according to witnesses, a nearby Muslim shop owner had recently become jealous because of Imran's success. In January 2010, Imran was sentenced to life imprisonment. Due to the high-profile nature of this case, the court has not initiated a hearing date for Imran.

  • No Church Allowed in Village
    Church in Nayya Sarabah - Photo: World Watch Monitor www.worldwatchmonitor.org
    Church in Nayya Sarabah
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Six months after Christians in the village of Nayya Sarabah were stopped from meeting for worship, the community's officials are now demanding that the church building be destroyed. Local Muslims are refusing to allow a church facility within the village.

    Since the construction of the church building in 2012, services have been held regularly for the past several years. However, in December 2016, local Muslims objected. After negotiations, a compromise was reached, allowing the church members to continue meeting. One year later, in December 2017, an application was submitted to the local police station and the church members were forced to sign a pledge, stating that they would no longer meet in the village. Authorities claimed that this legal agreement was for their own safety, explaining that the police were unable to provide security for them.

  • Christian Beaten to Death by Police

    Waqas Masih - Photo: Morning Star News - morningstarnews.org
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Christians in Pakistan frequently face false accusations from community members and authorities. In a recent case on May 29th, such an allegation resulted in the death of a 24-year-old Christian. According to relatives, Waqas Masih was assisting his uncle with a construction project when police approached on the pretence of drugs.

    The three involved police officers, who were known for blackmailing the poor, demanded money from the uncle, Saleem Masih. As a heated argument ensued and threats were made against all present, Wasaq panicked and fled. The officers chased after him. By the time his family arrived, the officers had already caught up to Wasaq and beaten him to death. The police claim that he had simply fallen.

  • Chief Justice to Hear Asia Bibi's Appeal

    Asia Bibi and her girls in 2010

    There is a mixture of hope and scepticism among Pakistani Christians with the latest development in the case of Asia Bibi who was sentenced to death for blasphemy in 2009. The Chief Justice of Pakistan's Supreme Court, Mian Saqib Nisar, stated on April 21st that Asia's appeal would be heard soon and that he will personally preside over the case. Another time, he mentioned that all appeals before the Supreme Court would be decided by July.

  • Christian Woman Dies After Being Set on Fire
    Asma Yaqoob - UCA news
    Photo: UCA News

    A 25-year-old Christian woman has died after a Muslim suitor set her on fire for refusing his marriage proposal. On April 17th, Asma Yaqoob was working as a maid at a home in Sialkot when she heard someone at the front gate. When she went to see who it was, Asma was met by Rizwan Gujjar who doused her in flammable liquid and lit her on fire, resulting in third-degree burns over 90 percent of her body.

  • Acquittal of 20 Accused for Burning Christian Couple

    Shama and Shahzad

    Shahzad Masih (26) and his pregnant wife, Shama (24), were disposing of garbage in the village of Kot Radhakishan in November 2014 when Shama allegedly burned pages from the Quran (see this page).

    After news of the incident had spread around the community, a frenzied mob consisting of hundreds gathered demanding their death. Ultimately, the young couple were thrown into a brick kiln where they were burned to death. It was later determined that they had been falsely accused. It is believed that the rumours were started because the impoverished couple owed the kiln owner money.

  • Religious Declaration Required on All Identification
    Worship service in PakistanHaving to declare their faithmakes Christians even morevulnerable to persecution.
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    Christians and other religious minorities have reason for concern after a March 9th ruling from the Islamabad High Court mandated that a person's religion must be declared on all government-issued identification. Any citizen who disguises their true religion will be guilty of betraying the state. Documentation includes birth certificates, passports, voters' lists, and national ID cards. Anyone applying for a government job will also have to declare their religion.

  • Family Attacked for Building Church Wall
    Gospel Assemblies Church
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    Five members of a Christian family in northeast Pakistan were attacked and injured as they helped to build a wall around their church on Sunday, March 4th. As church members were inside praying, George Masih, 70, was overseeing the construction of the building project which took place in the village of Yousufwala.

    Twenty men, armed with clubs and axes, approached and began beating George and others at the site. His two sons, Babar and William, daughter Nasreen, and daughter-in-law Jamila were also injured. The attackers demanded that the construction stop, claiming the land belongs to them. It is believed the perpetrators were linked to a local landlord.