

  • Authorities Attempt to Silence a Voice for Equality

    Shahbaz Bhatti is no stranger to threats and harassment. As chairman of the All Pakistan Minorities Alliance (APMA), he has raised the voice of persecuted Christians in Pakistan since 1985. For the past several months, threats have increased. Anonymous phone calls warn him to stop his work or face death. He has been threatened by government security agencies with severe punishment. According to sources, he faces arrest and imprisonment at any time. His name has recently been added to Pakistan's Exit Control List, normally reserved for criminals and dissidents, meaning that he is no longer able to travel outside the country.

    Despite the threats, Bhatti is determined to continue. In a letter to The Voice of the Martyrs, Bhatti said, "In spite of government intimidations that may jeopardize my life I am determined to carry on this struggle for the amelioration of minorities and the most dejected class of my countrymen. I am ready to even sacrifice my life for the mission of peace, preservation of Human rights and dignity, alleviation of discrimination and victimization perpetuated by the extremist forces for the attainment of their vested interests."

     Shahbaz Bhatti
    Shahbaz Bhatti

    Pray for Shahbaz Bhatti and his continued ministry to the Christian minority in Pakistan. Pray for wisdom and endurance during this time of challenge. We encourage you to contact the Pakistani authorities, politely calling on them to remove his name from the Exit Control List and protect him from danger and injustice. You can fax Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf at 92-51-9224768 or contact the Pakistani Embassy in your country. For contact information for the Pakistani embassy in your country, follow the links from our website at https://www.vomcanada.com/links.htm.
  • Christians Released on Bail

    Four Christians accused of killing a Catholic priest were released on bail on September 25, according to an October 10 report from Compass Direct. The four Christians, Sharif Masih, Naimat Masih, Aslam Masih and Parveez Masih, along with a Muslim suspect Mohammed Afzel, were arrested on July 9 for the shooting death of Father George Ibrahim.

    The police claim that Ibrahim was killed in a failed robbery attempt. When the men appeared before the court, however, they said that they had nothing to do with the attack but had "confessed" after being severely tortured by police. They reported that they had been subjected to beatings and electrical shocks. One of the men still cannot walk properly. No date has yet been set for the trial.

    Father Ibrahim had received death threats for the past year from the former principal of a girls' school, Shahzina Sadique, whose husband is reported to be president of the local chapter of Anjum Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan, a banned terrorist organization. Sadique had denounced Ibrahim before a local court as an "enemy of Islam" who should be killed. Local Christians are firmly convinced that these four men are innocent and that the real killers are being protected.

    Pray that the truth will prevail and that those responsible for this attack will be convicted. Pray for strength for these men as they face the upcoming trial.

  • Christians Blamed for Killing Priest

    On the early morning of July 5, Roman Catholic priest, Fr. George Ibrahim was gunned down by six assailants in the courtyard of his home. The murder came after Fr. Ibrahim had faced death threats since the school he ran had been turned over by the government to the control of the church. According to the priest's cook Pervez Pyara who witnessed the shooting, Ibrahim had received threats from the former principal of a girls' school, Shahzina Sadique, whose husband is reported to be president of the local chapter of Anjum Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan, a banned terrorist organization.

    Despite the testimony of Pyara that Fr. Ibrahim had been specifically targeted, police have arrested three local Christians and a Muslim, saying that Ibrahim was killed in a robbery attempt. The three Christians, Sharif Masih, Naimat Masih, and Aslam Masih, as well as Mohammed Afzel, a Muslim repeat-offender burglar, deny any involvement in the crime. There have been no formal charges, though they have been held since July 9.

    On September 4, the Catholic Church's National Justice and Peace Commission (NJPC) filed a petition on behalf of those arrested. The presiding judge has ordered the police to reinvestigate. Speaking to Compass Direct, a Catholic Church source said, "Everyone knows who is the person responsible for this murder. There are known groups of fundamentalist Muslims behind this, but the government and the police are afraid of them."

    Pray for justice for those arrested and that those responsible for this murder will be convicted. Pray that the police and courts will be willing to act with fairness, in spite of pressure and threats from powerful organizations.

  • Prison Sentences Upheld for Two Christians

    The Voice of the Martyrs learned late last week that a Pakistani court has upheld the conviction and life sentence of two Christians accused of blasphemy against the Koran. In February 1999, Jhang Amjad and Asif Masih were arrested on charges of vagrancy. While in police custody, authorities claim that they set fire to a copy of the Koran. Amjad and Asif claim that the police officers set fire to the book themselves because they refused to pay a bribe.

    However, the Lahore High Court has agreed with the prosecution, saying that, "The act of the accused was calculated to outrage the religious feelings of the Muslim(s)." The court also said, "There is not even a remote possibility that the police officials who were all Muslims could willfully dare or even think of desecrating the Holy Quran in the manner it was done." It is expected that the decision will be appealed to Pakistan's Supreme Court.

    Please pray for Amjad and Asif, as well as their families. Pray for protection in prison and for a successful appeal. Family members of those convicted of blasphemy regularly face discrimination and threats. Pray for protection and strength for their families.

  • Blasphemy Trial Begins

    On July 17, court proceedings began against Pervez Masih, a schoolmaster of a Christian school charged under Pakistan's controversial blasphemy law. Pervez has been in prison since April 1, 2001 when the schoolmaster of a neighbouring Muslim school filed blasphemy charges against him, saying that two students had heard Masih blaspheme Mohammed. A fact-finding report in 2001 concluded that the charges were based on "professional biases and rivalry, including religious hatred" and were without any factual basis. According to Compass Direct, Pervez's family has hired a Muslim lawyer to represent him before the High Court. Pray that the truth will come out in the trial and that Pervez will be cleared of all charges. Pray for his health and safety in prison.

  • Catholic Priest Murdered at Home

    Father George Ibrahim was brutally murdered in the early hours of July 5 as six armed assailants entered his home in Renala Khord and shot him and his parish assistant. Local police are claiming that the attack was a robbery but church leaders believe that Father Ibrahim was murdered and his assistant wounded because of the government's decision last fall to return a former Catholic school to Ibrahim's parish after thirty years of state control. When the Supreme Court declared in the early 1990's that the forced nationalization of Pakistan's Urdu-language schools in 1972 had been unconstitutional, private school owners began to apply for the return of the schools. Government-employed teachers and administrators, and militant Muslim groups have often opposed such applications. Shahbaz Bhatti, head of the All Pakistan Minorities Alliance, told VOM that Father Ibrahim had been receiving death threats and that there are militant Islamic groups in the area who do not want Christians to be prosperous. Private schools run by Christians are typically seen as offering superior education to state or Islamic schools. Christian schoolmaster Pervez Masih was accused of blasphemy in 2001 by a rival Muslim schoolmaster because of the success and popularity of Pervez's school.

    Pray that those responsible for this murder will be brought to justice. Pray for Christian schools and their administrators and teachers in Pakistan. Pray that God would give them strength and courage as they faithfully serve Him.

  • Authorities Increase Pressure on Christian School

    For the past several weeks, The Voice of the Martyrs has been following the plight of a Christian school in Islamabad, Pakistan, operated by Peace Worldwide. For more information, go to https://www.vomcanada.com/pk-2003-05-25.htm.  

    As of yesterday, the school remains open, despite continuing government pressure on the leaders of the school and the owner of the building that they rent. On Monday, the Director of the Capital Development Authority threatened to burn the school's furnishings and arrest the head of the school, Hector Aleem, as well as the owner of the building, Muhammad Hafiz. Booklets are being distributed in the community, claiming that the school is involved in preaching and teaching the Bible. According to Aleem, the school follows only government-approved curriculum.

    Pray for endurance for Aleem and the others running the school, that they will continue to be able to provide an excellent education to their students in the face of this continuing pressure. Pray that the authorities will stop their attack on the school and allow it to continue to function. Pray for the owner, Muhammad Hafiz, as he stands against the authorities in allowing the school to continue operating in his building.

  • Christian Acquitted of Blasphemy Charges

    After serving four and a half years in prison for alleged blasphemy against Islam, Pakistani Christian Aslam Masih was acquitted today by the Lahore High Court. Masih was arrested in November 1998 for allegedly giving a charm to Khadim Hussain, a Muslim, containing verses from the Quran to be hung around a dog's neck. In his appeal trial, however, the prosecution's main witness completely denied the statement attributed to him. He stated that the police had invented his testimony. The remaining evidence against Masih was second and third-hand testimony. According to a source cited by Compass Direct, Justice Najam ur-Zaman is reported to have taken "a very aggressive attitude against the prosecution" because of the flimsy circumstantial evidence.

    This decision overturns a double life sentence given to Masih in May 2002 by a lower court. He will be released once this decision is passed on to the lower court. Security plans are being arranged to protect him once he is released, since those acquitted often face death threats.

    Praise God for this decision. Pray for Masih's safety. Pray also for other Christians still facing life imprisonment or death sentences under Pakistan's blasphemy laws.

  • Christian School Not Yet Closed

    In a Special Edition Persecution and Prayer Alert on May 25, we reported on the imminent closure of a Christian school in Islamabad (for more information, see https://www.vomcanada.com/pk-2003-05-25.htm. According to an update from Peace Worldwide on May 27, the school was not yet closed, though officials were attempting to remove their signs until some students' parents protested.

    Peace Worldwide is asking for assistance in contacting the president of Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf, urging him to act on behalf of their school in Islamabad. You may send him an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or try to send a fax at one of the following numbers: 92 51 9201835 or 92 51 9201051 (Note: You may have to try several times to get through. We cannot guarantee that either of these numbers will work, but they are most current that we presently have). For help on how to write a letter, you can check out our website at https://www.vomcanada.com/howto.htm.

  • Christian School Given Three Days to Close

    On Saturday, May 24, a school founded and operated in Islamabad by the Pakistani non-governmental organization, Peace Worldwide, received an order from the Deputy Commissioner CDA to close within three days. The school located in H # 291 St, 80 Sector G – 11/2 in Islamabad, Pakistan's capital, is the only private Christian school in the city. The official closure order was given after the owner of the building used by the school, Muhammad Hafiz, indicated that the Christian school could no longer use the building for their activities. Hector Aleem, chairman of Peace Worldwide told The Voice of the Martyrs today that the school has received a number of threats from Muslim militants since the school's founding, attempting to close it down. On January 8, 2001, Aleem narrowly escaped an assassination attempt while he was working in his office at the school. No charges were ever brought against the attackers. Aleem contends that Islamic militants have been pressuring governmental officials to close his school and that this order is the result of their efforts.

    The notice received by Peace Worldwide from the Deputy Commissioner cited that the official reason for the closure order was because the school was situated in a residential area and as such, schools were not permitted to opeChristian School Given Three Days to Closerate there. However, Aleem told The Voice of the Martyrs that there are at least three other schools in close proximity to his school, including the First Government School that is only 50 yards away. The Peace Worldwide school is well loved by the people of the area, Aleem maintains, having both Christian and Muslim students. Government and militant Islamic groups, however, have consistently opposed the existence of the Peace Worldwide school. According to Aleem, there are over 200 private schools operating in Islamabad, but that his is the only Christian one.

    Aleem is asking that Christians around the world remember them in prayer during this time. Pray especially that his appeals to President Pervez Musharraf will be heard and that the heart of the president would be softened to act on behalf of this school. Christian schools are consistently the best schools in Pakistan. General Musharraf, himself, attended such a school as a child. Pakistan presently has a literacy rate of 38%, Aleem points out. "We are helping the Government to increase the literacy rate." Pray, too, for the more than 100 students attending the school and its faculty and staff in the midst of this turbulent time.

    Peace Worldwide is also asking that you immediately write to the president of Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf, urging him to act on behalf of their school in Islamabad. You may send him an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or try to send a fax at one of the following numbers: 92 51 9201835 or 92 51 9201051 (note: you may have to try several times to get through. We cannot guarantee that either of these numbers will work, but they are most current that we presently have). For help on how to write a letter, you can check out our website at https://www.vomcanada.com/howto.htm.