Three-Year Sentences for Attempting to Convert Muslim Children
On September 1, an Indonesian court sentenced three Indonesian women to three-year sentences for allegedly attempting to convert Muslim children to Christianity. In actuality, Rebekka Zakaria, Eti Pangesti and Ratna Bangun had required all children attending their program to get parental permission to attend. Furthermore, no children were known to have converted to Christianity because of the program. Proof for the accusations came from photographs showing Muslim children at the program.
Throughout the trial, Islamic militants had threatened the lives of the women, Christian leaders and even the judges if there was not a conviction. On the final day, a group arrived with a coffin, saying it was for the women, if they were acquitted.
Rebekka Zakaria, Eti Pangesti and Ratna Bangun in Court;
Protestors Outside CourthouseThe women plan to appeal, but observers are sceptical whether true justice is possible in the face of the intimidation that was clearly evident during their trial.
Pray for peace and strength of mind and spirit as these three servants of God serve their time in prison. Pray for wisdom for the upcoming appeals.
For more information on the persecution facing Christians in Indonesia,click here. A twenty-one minute video on the plight of Christians in Indonesia, entitled "Island Jihad," is available on VOMC's multimedia website, https://www.vomcanada.com/. The October edition of The Voice of the Martyrs Newsletter will feature an article on Indonesia's courageous Christians. To ensure that you receive a copy, subscribe today. -
Catholic Chapel Closed in Indonesia While Pressure Mounts to Stop Such Closures
In the latest in a string of forcible church closures in West Java, Indonesia, a Roman Catholic chapel was forced to close by a mob of around 200 Islamic militants on August 27. According to an August 29 report from Asia News, Father Iwan Pr had just completed the Saturday mass in the village of Margahayu when the mob approached him and ordered him to close the church and stop all services. To prevent harm to the gathered congregation, Father Iwan complied. After the mob left, authorities arrived to apologize for the incident, but did nothing more.
Pressure is mounting on the authorities to do something about the situation. More than thirty-five churches have been shut down by militant groups in the past month. On July 29, Indonesian vice-president Yusuf Kalla called for the immediate end to these attacks against churches West Java. Speaking to a gathering of Muslim leaders, he said that Muslim leaders must keep their followers under control and that police must take firm action against such violence. Some moderate Muslim leaders have joined with him in calling for an end to these incidents.Indonesian Vice-President Yusuf KallaPray that Christians in West Java will be free to worship in peace and without fear of violence from Islamic groups. Pray that the authorities will take decisive action to stop further closures and that those churches which have been closed will be able to reopen.
For more information on the difficulties facing Christians in Indonesia,click here. Go to https://www.vomcanada.com/ to view a twenty-one minute report on the persecution in Indonesia entitled "Island Jihad."
Verdict Expected in Indonesian Court Case
The Voice of the Martyrs has learned that the court hearings in the case of three women accused of attempting to convert Muslim children in Indonesia have concluded and a verdict is expected on September 1. The trial has been marked with loud outbursts from Muslims observing the trial, as well as demonstrations outside the courthouse. Threats have been made by some if a guilty verdict is not handed down.
Pray that the judges will reach a fair judgment, despite the threats made by the crowds. Pray that the women and their families will be safe from violence.
For more information on this case, follow the links onIndonesia's country report.
Update: Indonesian Judge Shouts at Protestors, Another Church Closure in West Java
Protestors in the court room for the trial of three women accused of attempting to convert Muslim children caused such uproar on August 18 that the Chief Justice, Judge Hasby exploded in anger, shouting, "This court has its rules and regulations! Who dared to tell us to hand down the verdict now?" According to Assist News report, the uproar followed the judge's decision to postpone the proceedings for a week to allow the defense to prepare for new elements introduced by the prosecution. Observers question the possibility of an impartial judgment, since the judges have been faced threats by Muslim militants.
In recent weeks, the Persecution and Prayer Alert has reported on several church closures in West Java. VOMC sources in Indonesia report that, on August 21, hundreds of Muslim protestors belonging to the Aliansi Gerakan AntiPemurtadan (Anti-Apostasy Movement Alliance) entered the Pasundan Christian Church in Dayeuhkolot, South Bandung during the worship service. They demanded that the fifty-year-old church immediately stop their activities and close the church. Prayer is requested for the pastor, his family and the 300-400 members of the church.
Churches Closed in West Java, Indonesia
Since the beginning of August, the Persecution and Prayer Alert has reported on a series of churches closed in West Java. An August 16 report from Jubilee Campaign recounts a series of closures in communities around the city of Bandung. On Sunday, August 14, members of the militant Islamic cleric organization, the Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI), entered eight churches in the village of Cimahi and ordered them to close. In each case, a sizable number of militants entered the church, marched to the front and forced the pastor to sign a letter agreeing to the closure. They then forced the members out of the building. Two days earlier, a church and a Christian kindergarten school were closed in Turwakarta. During the previous week, eight churches in Cileunyi were also forced to close. These incidents bring the total number of closed churches to thirty-five since the end of July. According to Colonel Andy Krisna, a retired police officer from Jakarta who led the raids on August 14, the churches were closed because they lacked permits. However, such permits require the approval of neighbours and the MUI has prevented the approval through threats of violence.
Pray for these believers now without a place to gather to worship. Pray for an enduring strength and knowledge of God's presence for believers throughout the region during this time of uncertainty and opposition.
For more information on persecution facing Christians in Indonesia,click here. A 20-minute video feature on Indonesia, "Island Jihad," is available for viewing in the Video section of https://www.vomcanada.com/.
Church Ordered Closed
The campaign to close churches in Indonesia continues as another local church was recently ordered to close. VOMC sources report that the Pasudan Christian Church in Pangauban village, Bandung County received a letter from the village head on July 26, ordering an immediate stop to all religious services. The claim from public officials was that the multifunction building on the campus of the Christian Immanuel Hospital was being misused as a church. The church of 200 had been meeting there since 1996.
Pray for these believers as they are now without a place to meet together. Pray for wisdom as they deal with the ramifications of this decision.
For more information on Indonesia and the challenges facing Christians there,click here. A VOMC video entitled "Island Jihad" documenting the persecution facing Indonesian Christians is available for viewing in the Video section of https://www.vomcanada.com/.
Indonesian House Churches Closed and Boarding House Damaged
In two separate incidents, house churches on the island of Java were closed by Muslim mobs in late July, according to VOMC sources in Indonesia. In a suburb of Semarang, a city on the north coast of the Indonesian island, a mob dismantled the building used by the Isa Almasih Church. The church had not met since the building was sealed earlier that month. Until recently, the church had met for twelve years without any problem.
VOMC sources also report that six house church congregations were closed in the Permata Cimahi House Complex in the city of Bandung, after the village head met with Muslim leaders and decided to close all Christian places of worship in their area. On July 27, the village head gave notice to each congregation that, effective on July 31, the houses could no longer be used for worship. On the morning of July 31, a mob of forty to fifty Muslims, armed with machetes, clubs and sickles, marched to each house church and painted on the door, "Forbidden to Use for Christian Sanctuary." The pastors all managed to flee before the mob arrived.
In earlier July, a boarding house for the Arastamar Theological School in east Jakarta was also attacked on two separate occasions. Members of the militant Islamic Defender's Front accused the school of building a worship center. On July 6, a mob of around 100 people stormed the building, which was still under construction. According to a July 29 report from Compass Direct, a government official accompanied the mob. The building was still under construction at the time. A week later, a large group returned again to finish the destruction, but was warded off by students from the school. Damage to the building is estimated at 100 million rupiah (over $12,000 CDN). Headmaster Matheus Mangentang told Compass Direct that his school has a total of 1,219 students. "Many of them are poor and can’t go anywhere else," he said. "Now around 300 of them will have to sleep in a building with temporary walls until we can afford the repairs." The school management has decided to forego legal action.Headmaster Matheus Mangentang
Photo from www.litindo.org/nl/effect/contacten/setia.phpMuslim leaders in Indonesia met last week and expressed concern about the rapid growth of Christianity in the nation. Presently 85% of the Indonesia's 220 million people are Muslim. Pray for Christians throughout Indonesia who are facing opposition from Islamic groups determined to stop the spread of Christianity. Pray that the believers will continue to share Christ boldly and without fear.
For more information on persecution facing Christians in Indonesia,click here. A twenty-minute video presentation on difficulties experienced by the Church in Indonesia is available through VOMC's multimedia website, https://www.vomcanada.com/.
UPDATE: Court Case Against Children's Workers
The Voice of the Martyrs learned yesterday that the court case for Rebekka Zakaria, Eti Pangesti and Ratna Bangun is to be transferred to the High Court. This is expected to significantly lengthen the trial of these three women accused of attempting to convert Muslim children through a Christian education program. According to an August 2 report from Compass Direct, the announcement was made by the lead prosecutor during a July 28 hearing. With a courtroom filled with angry hecklers, the women attempted to defend themselves, saying they had been completely open about their program and had received permission from the parents. None of the parents are now willing to come forward to discuss the case. After explaining the program to the court, Judge Hasby J. Tholib told the women that Muslim children should never have been allowed in the program.
Rebekka Zakaria, Eti Pangesti and Ratna Bangun in Court;
Protestors Outside Courthouse -
Update: Three Women on Trial
In May, the Persecution and Prayer Alert reported on the arrest of three Indonesian women for attempting to convert Muslim children to Christianity. According to updates received from VOMC sources in Indonesia, the trial has been chaotic as masses of people have gathered around the courthouse, calling for a jihad and threatening to kill Christians. The trial itself has been reportedly interrupted by loud shouts and threats against the women. During the July 21 hearing, an official from the Department of Religion, Dr. Abdul Wahid Syakuri, stated that teaching the Christian faith to Muslim children was an act of apostatizing the children, despite testimony from the defense that no Muslim children had converted to Christianity through the children's program. The trial resumes on July 28.
Continue to pray that the three women, Rebekka Zakaria, Ratna Bangun and Eti Pangesti, will be found innocent. Pray that Christians will maintain a consistent testimony of peace in the midst of the turmoil of this trial.
For more information on the difficulties facing Christians in Indonesia,click here.
Indonesia Update: Bombing in Tentena
On May 28, two deadly blasts in a market in Tentena on the island of Selawesi, Indonesia killed at least twenty-one people and injured many others (click here for details). According to an Associated Press report from June 4, police have arrested seventeen suspects, including the two responsible for the actual bombing. Those arrested include the head of a local prison, three prisoners and an Islamic junior high school master.