
Alain Toledano Valiente

  • Defenders of Religious Freedom Blocked from Meetings
    Alain Toledano Valiente - Photo: Facebook / Alain Toledano Valiente
    Alain Toledano Valiente
    Photo: Facebook /
    Alain Toledano Valiente

    The United States Department of State has been hosting a Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom event in Washington, D.C. from July 16th to 18th. Representatives from around the world have gathered together to discuss this major issue. For some representatives from Cuba, however, attendance was blocked by the Cuban government.

    Ricardo Fernandez Izaguirre, an independent journalist and outspoken advocate for religious freedom in the country, was detained on July 12th and has not been heard from since. Attempts to contact him have been unsuccessful, and his cell phone appears to be disconnected. The reason for his detention is unknown.