Brutal Attack on Christian Worker
Waqas Masih.
Photo: HARDS Pakistan via Morning Star NewsA 22-year-old Christian man was brutally attacked by his supervisor at a paper mill in Sharaqpur, Punjab, when he refused to renounce his faith in Christ. Having sustained severe injuries to his throat on March 21st, Waqas Masih was hospitalized in Lahore where his condition has been reported as critical but stable.
Large Mob Attack at Pastors' Gathering
Pastors and church leaders in India.
Photo: VOMCOn February 19th, a group of pastors had gathered in Kusumba Village, a town located in the Jalgaon District of Maharashtra, India. As the meeting was taking place, a mob of approximately 400 Hindu nationalists suddenly attacked, brutally assaulting many of the pastors. As a result of the violence, two of the church leaders were left in critical condition.
Prisoners Released After Years of Detention
Abdulbaqi Saeed Abdo
Photo: ADF InternationalOriginally from Yemen, Abdulbaqi Saeed Abdo was forced to flee to Egypt in 2014 after being subjected to violent attacks because of his conversion to Christianity. Then, in 2021, Abdulbaqi was arrested by Egyptian officials following an interview he did for a Christian television program addressing the topic of persecution in Yemen. Additionally, he was identified as a member of a Facebook group for those who had converted from Islam to Christianity. Nour Gerges, an Egyptian Coptic believer who also participated in the same Facebook group, was arrested at the same time.
Attacked Christian Loses Ability to Speak
A hospital in Somalia.
Photo: Flickr / ATMISIn 2020, Abdulai Ramadan put his faith in Jesus Christ and has since belonged to a secret fellowship of believers in Somalia. His wife, however, is strongly opposed to his newfound faith, which she perceives as his rejection of their family and culture.
Numerous Recent Atrocities in Chibok Area
Boko Haram terrorists. In the latest onslaught of violence by Boko Haram terrorists, Christian communities near Chibok, Borno State, were recently targeted by a string of coordinated attacks. The devastating raids resulted in several deaths, the destruction of dozens of homes, and the forced displacement of more than 4,000 followers of Jesus.
Young Teen Kidnapped
On January 9th, a 14-year-old Christian girl was kidnapped just outside her home. The abducted teen's family is concerned that those responsible are planning to forcibly convert her to Islam and then make the young girl marry one of her attackers.
Attack Leads to Miscarriage
Kunika Kashyap
Photo: Morning Star News
Kunika Kashyap was more than six months pregnant when she went to visit another Christian in her village who had been ill. While Kunika was sitting at the ailing believer's bedside, a relative of hers named Ganga Ram Kashyap began recording the pregnant Christian woman on his mobile phone, hoping to obtain video evidence of her praying.
Christian Woman Killed, Daughter Wounded
Women in Pakistan.
Photo: Voice of America
On January 6th, two Christian women had been returning home from work in Gujranwala when they were approached and shot by two men on a motorcycle. During the attack, Shabana and her 18-year-old daughter Misbah were both struck by bullets. The mother was instantly killed at the scene, while Misbah received a serious bullet wound to her back – requiring urgently needed hospitalization for treatment. At last report, the Christian teen remains in critical condition.
Christians Face Opposition and Violence
A village in Vietnam.
Christian workers in Vietnam are requesting urgent prayer on behalf of believers who have recently experienced situations of severe persecution. In response to the ongoing concern, VOMC's partnering ministry office in Australia has been providing the affected Christians with greatly needed financial assistance.
Three Christians Shot on Christmas Day
Arif Masih, one of three men wounded in the attack.
Photo: Christian Daily International-Morning Star News
Three Christians were injured in a violent attack on Christmas Day outside the home of a pastor in Lahore. The incident happened just one day after a confrontation between Pastor Shahzad Siddique and a group of militant Muslim youth who had been harassing guests at a church event. Speaking of the incident, Pastor Shahzad stated, "I had returned home from church on Christmas Day and was resting when gunmen opened fire on a gathering outside my house in Maryam Colony."