

  • Repressive Religion Law and new penalties

    On May 31, a new Religion Law in Azerbaijan came into effect along with amendments to both the Criminal and Administrative Codes, according to a June 3 report from Forum18. Under the new law, all religious organizations which have currently managed to obtain state registration will have to re-register by January 1, 2010. Many religious organizations fear they will fail to maintain their legal status. Producing, importing, circulating or selling religious literature without required permission from the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations is now considered an "offence." It is also now an offence to conduct religious activity at a different location from where one's religious community is registered or to be involved in religious activity not specifically listed in the organization's statute.

    Pray for the Body of Christ in Azerbaijan as it faces ongoing opposition for His Name. Pray that believers will confidently entrust themselves to Christ so that they can preach the gospel without hesitation (2 Timothy 1:7-12).

    More information on the persecution facing Christians in Azerbaijan can be found at theAzerbaijan Country Report.

  • Home raided, believers fined

    A Christian's home was raided in Agdash, Azerbaijan on March 25 by the local official of the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations, police officers and two cameramen, according to an April 1 report from Forum18. Twelve children were gathered at Vera Zhuchaeva's home, with their parents' permission, to listen to Bible stories when authorities entered. They forced the children into one room, questioned them, and recorded their names. The children were then released to their parents. Police also confiscated 508 books and 40 films from the house. Three believers who were visiting from the capital city of Baku were taken to a police station and questioned for four hours. When they went to the station the next day to pick up their identification documents, they were fined for "illegally spreading Christianity and other faiths."

    Pray that Christian parents will demonstrate an unwavering commitment to Christ and continue to teach their children about the Lord (Deuteronomy 11:18-20, 2 Timothy 1:5). Pray that religious freedom will be respected in Azerbaijan.

    To find out more about Azerbaijan's suffering Christians,click here.

  • Update: Azeri pastor convicted

    Pastor Hamid Shabanov

    Pastor Hamid Shabanov, who was arrested in late June for allegedly possessing an illegal weapon (click here for more details), has been convicted and sentenced to two years of corrective labour. According to a February 12 report from Forum 18, Shabanov and local Christians are determined to continue the fight to clear his name.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Azerbaijan, click here.

  • Update: Restrictive religion law signed in Nagorno-Karabakh

    The draft religion law that passed parliament in the unrecognized Azerbaijani breakaway republic of Nagorno-Karabakh in late November (click here for more) was approved and signed by President Bako Sahakyan on December 24, according to a January 5 report from Forum 18. The law, which is to come into effect 10 days after its official publication is complete, includes an apparent ban on unregistered religious activity. Other restrictions include the censorship of religious literature by the state and the ban on some religious groups from spreading their faith.

    Learn more about Nagorno-Karabakh's Christians atAzerbaijan's Country Report. 

  • Restrictive religion law passes parliament in Nagorno-Karabakh

    A restrictive religion law passed its final parliamentary reading in the unrecognized Azerbaijani breakaway republic of Nagorno-Karabakh on November 26, according to a December 4 report from Forum 18. President Sahakyan has one month to either approve or reject the law that imposes ambiguous restrictions on religious groups. The law includes an apparent ban on unregistered religious activity, even though a minimum of 100 adult citizens would be necessary in order to register. Further restrictions include the censorship of religious literature by the state and the ban on some religious groups from spreading their faith.

    Pray that the President will reject this law. Ask God to grant boldness to the Christians who suffer hardships in Nagorno-Karabakh.

    Learn more about Nagorno-Karabakh's Christians atAzerbaijan's Country Report.

  • Update: Imprisoned Azeri pastor transferred to house arrest

    Pastor Hamid Shabanov

    Pastor Hamid Shabanov, who was arrested in late June for allegedly holding an illegal weapon (click here for more), was transferred from prison and placed under house arrest following a hearing at the Zakatala District Court in north-western Azerbaijan on November 5. According to a November 6 report from Forum 18, his trial is scheduled to continue on November 17.

    For more on the opposition facing Christians in Azerbaijan, click here.

  • Update: Imprisoned pastor to remain in jail A motion to free Pastor Hamid Shabanov, who was arrested on June 20 for allegedly holding an illegal weapon (click here for more), has been rejected, according to a September 19 report from Forum 18. In a recent hearing that was called without the consent of Shabanov, his lawyer, or his family, the court decided that he will remain in custody for another two months while the criminal investigation against him continues, even though it was scheduled to be complete by August 23. At last report, Shabanov was detained in a police station
    in Balakan district.
  • Pastor remains in jail despite lack of evidence

    Hamid ShabanovBaptist pastor Hamid Shabanov remains in jail after a court in Zakatala, Azerbaijan asked the prosecutor for "further investigation" on July 29. Mirman Aliev, Shabanov's lawyer, called the ruling a partial victory, according to a July 30 report by Forum 18. He said, "We called for Shabanov to be acquitted, for an end to the criminal case and for him to be freed. But the judge was afraid to do so and instead sent the case back for further investigation." The judge set a deadline of August 23. According to Aliev, there is no real evidence against Shabanov and his client is on trial "solely because he is Christian." The trial, to this point, has been full of irregularities. Aliev has complained of "numerous, gross violations of procedure" including forged documents, with alleged interrogations of Shabanov on days when no interrogations took place. Police have also wrongly claimed that copies of the Bible in Azeri and Georgian are "illegal."

    Please remember Pastor Shabanov as he remains in detention. Pray that all charges will be dropped against him. Pray for other church leaders in Azerbaijan as they face persecution from authorities. Ilya Zenchenko, head of Azerbaijan's Baptist Union, was briefly detained and interrogated after Shabanov's trial and accused by Zakatala Deputy Police Chief Kamandar Hasanov of being "an English spy who acts only for money." Hasanov claims that there is "a special instruction not to allow Baptists to function in Zakatala District."

    More information on the persecution facing Christians in Azerbaijan can be found atAzerbaijan Country Report.

  • Court Hearing for Pastor
    Pastor Shabanov 

     Pastor Hamid Shabanov
    and the prison where he is being held

    On June 20, Pastor Hamid Shabanov was arrested for possession of an illegal weapon -- a gun that Shabanov's family insists was planted by police (read the story). According to VOMC sources, in a July 22 hearing Shabanov's lawyer informed the court that documents were being withheld from him, thus hindering his defense. In response the judge ordered a recess until July 28.

    Continue to pray that the truth behind these charges will be revealed and that Pastor Shabanov will be released.

    To read more on the persecution of Christians in Azerbaijan, go to the Azerbaijan Country Report.

  • Pastor Arrested in Aliabad

    Pastor Hamid Shabanov

    Pastor Hamid Shabanov was arrested after police claimed to find an illegal weapon while searching his home in Aliabad on June 20, according to a June 21 report from Forum 18. Pastor Shabanov's family and congregation insist that police planted the gun they claimed to discover. Shabanov's brother sees the arrest as a direct attack on the pastor's Baptist church and an attempt to halt Christian activity in the area. Shabanov's home was among those searched when another local pastor arrested on fabricated charges, Pastor Zaur Balaev, was detained in May 2007.

    Pray that the truth of this situation will be made known and that Pastor Shabanov will be released. Pray that Christians in Azerbaijan will be emboldened to follow in their Saviour's footsteps (1 Corinthians 4:9-14, 16).

    For more details on persecution in Azerbaijan vistAzerbaijan's Country Report.