

  • Formerly Imprisoned Pastor Threatened by Police
    Pastor Zaur - Free

    Azeri pastor Zaur Balaev, who was released on March 19 after being imprisoned for nearly a year in prison on accusations of holding "illegal meetings under the guise of religious activities" (click here for more details), is facing new threats from authorities, according to a June 12 report from Forum 18. In late May, Balaev was summoned to the office of a local police chief where three officers present made statements including, "'Haven't you learned from your imprisonment?" and "Wasn't one prison term enough for you?'" Balaev also said that one officer told him, in a clear threat, "You may not be afraid, but you've forgotten you've got a wife, daughter and a son." Although the officers were not violent to him, Balaev described them as "very crude." Balaev's church is reportedly under close watch by authorities. The police have banned the church from holding church services but the congregation has refused to stop meeting together for worship.

    For more information regarding Pastor Zaur Balaev or other Christians facing persecution in this country, readAzerbaijan's Country Report.

  • Update on Imprisoned Pastor Pastor Zaur - FreeThe Voice of the Martyrs has learned of the release today of Azeri pastor Zaur Balaev. Arrested on May 20, 2007 during a house church raid in Aliabad, Pastor Zaur was accused of holding "illegal meetings under the guise of religious activities" but sentenced to two years in prison on fabricated charges of resisting arrest. According to VOMC sources, upon his release Zaur insisted on giving Jesus the credit for setting him free.

    For more details on Pastor Zaur and other persecution in Azerbaijan, visitAzerbaijan's Country Report.

  • Pastor and Church Members Fined After Church Raid Baku AzerbaijanFive church members and three visitors were imprisoned and fined after the police raided the mid-morning meeting of a Seventh-day Adventist service in the Azerbaijani capital of Baku on December 8. According to a December 16 report from the Adventist Press Service, thirteen police officers interrupted the gathering, demanded the passports of those present and then began searching the premises. Books and other religious materials were confiscated. Police then arrested eight of those present on charges of "meeting without state registration" and detained them at the local police station where officials tried to force them to sign statements denying their faith. After five hours, the Adventists were fined and released with a warning that they would be imprisoned if the congregation continued to meet together. Pastor Rasim Bakhshiyev was fined a total of 16.50 manats ($20 CAD) and the others were fined 11 manats.

    Pray that this congregation will be encouraged to meet together for worship and prayer, despite opposition.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in this country, visitAzerbaijan's Country Report.

  • Payments Demanded from Imprisoned Pastor
     Pastor Zaur Balaev

          Pastor Zaur Balaev; fromForum 18

    Family and friends of Pastor Zaur Balaev are said to be "shocked" by the financial demands he is facing in prison. According to VOMC sources, hot water to wash or do laundry and cook food all require payment. Family is allowed to visit only after paying "a considerable amount." Zaur's wife was allowed to stay with him for three days for his birthday, but as she was leaving the prison, she said, "I am shocked by the conditions and the sum spent, because I was forced to pay for everything."

    Speaking to Forum 18, officials deny that payment has been demanded. "The state pays for everything, including food," said Mehman Sadykov, spokesperson for the Justice Ministry. "Such reports don't correspond with reality."

    Pray for strength for Balaev and his family during this time. Pray that their appeal will be successful. Pray that Balaev will be a testimony to other prisoners, demonstrating the love and power of Christ.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Azerbaijan, visitAzerbaijan's Country Report.

  • Update on Pastor Zaur Balaev
     Pastor Zaur

    Pastor Zaur Balaev
    Photo from
    Forum 18

    The appeal hearing for imprisoned Pastor Zaur Balaev (click here for more details) began on September 6, according to a September 7 report from Forum 18. Although Balaev's lawyer is confident that the pastor's sentence will be reduced, he fears that his client will not be cleared of all charges. In order to do so, the court would have to incriminate the police officers who falsely testified against Balaev. The hearing is scheduled to continue on September 19.

    For more information facing Christians in this country, visit Azerbaijan's Country Report.
  • Pastor Zaur Balaev Sentenced to Two Years
    Pastor Zaur 

    Pastor Zaur Balaev
    Photo from
    Forum 18

    Pastor Zaur Balaev, who was arrested during a house church raid in Aliabad in late May (click here for more details) was sentenced to two years in prison on August 8, according to an August 9 report from Forum18. Balaev was accused of holding "illegal meetings under the guise of religious activity" but was sentenced under Article 315, Part 1 for allegedly reacting violently against the police during the raid. The accusations against him have changed since his arrest. The authorities first claimed that he set a dog on police but have since claimed that he attacked five policemen and damaged a car door. During the trial, some witnesses admitted that they had not witnessed Balaev's alleged assault on the police and some reported that police had pressured them into testifying against him.

    Pray for Pastor Balaev who suffers from a congenital heart condition and has been experiencing kidney pain. He has been reportedly beaten by authorities and is being denied family visits.

    For more information regarding the persecution facing Christians in this country, visitAzerbaijan's Country Report.

  • Pastor Zaur Balaev's Trial Date Set
    Pastor Zaur 

    Photo fromForum 18

    Please pray for Pastor Zaur Balaev who has been charged with Article 315.1 of the criminal code of Azerbaijan (read the details). His trial is scheduled for July 13. If found guilty, he could be sentenced to three years' imprisonment.

    For more information about the persecution Christians face in Azerbaijan, visitAzerbaijan's Country Report.
  • Pastor Arrested During Church Raid

    Azerbaijan mapPastor Zaur Balaev was arrested on May 20 when the police raided a Sunday church service in a private home in the village of Aliabad. According to a May 22 report from Forum 18, the police ordered the congregation to cease meeting together due to lack of registration. Police also demanded that Pastor Balaev accompany them to the local station. When several church members went to the station to enquire about Pastor Balaev, several of them were detained for a short period. One female Christian was severely beaten. Pastor Balaev is currently being held at a local police detention centre. The official reason for his detention is not yet known but police claim that he resisted them during the Sunday raid. Witnesses, however, insist that these claims are false. Authorities have refused to register this church for fifteen years.

    Pray that Pastor Zaur will be released. Pray that he and all Christians in Azerbaijan will remain faithful to the task God has given them, knowing that they will receive the crown of life (I Peter 5:1-4).

    For more information on persecution in Azerbaijan,click here.

  • Update from Nagorno-Karabakh

    AzerbaijanIn December 2004, Gagik Mirzoyan, a Baptist Christian, was called to serve in the army of the unrecognized Azerbaijani breakaway republic of Nagorno-Karabakh. However, because of his pacifistic beliefs, he refused to bear arms or take the military oath. As a result, he faced beatings and threats of imprisonment. He was eventually given a suspended sentence in July 2005, but that decision was overturned on appeal and he was sentenced to one year in prison (click here for the story).

    According to a September 18 report from Forum 18, Mirzoyan finished serving his sentence on September 5 and was released. However, he still has three months left of his military service and it is uncertain what the military will do if Mirzoyan continues to refuse to take the military oath. Pastor Garnik Abreyan met with Mirzoyan on September 16 and reported that he is free to move around the base and has not been required to wear a military uniform to this point.

    Thank God for Mirzoyan's release. Pray that the government will respect his beliefs and leave him in peace.

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in Azerbaijan,click here.

  • Update: Baptist Conscript in Nagorno Karabakh Imprisoned

    AzerbaijanIn July 2005, a Baptist man who refused to bear arms or swear the military oath because of his pacifistic beliefs was given a suspended sentence and allowed to return to his military unit (click here for more details).  According to a September 5 report from Forum 18, military leaders successfully appealed the sentence and Gagik Mirzoyan has been sent to prison for one year.  Nagorno-Karabakh has compulsory military service for all young men, with no provision for alternative service.  The unrecognized republic is in conflict with Azerbaijan, as it seeks to establish its independence.

    Pray for strength for Mirzoyan.  Pray that he will be a testimony to those around him in the prison.