

  • Pastor and Wife Assaulted BangladeshThe Voice of the Martyrs has learned of the brutal assault of a church leader's wife in south-west Bangladesh on Thursday, March 31, 2005 that requires your immediate prayers.  Details of the location of the attack are being concealed to protect the believers there, but VOM is able to report that, as a church leader and his wife were returning home on the evening of March 31, he was attacked.  When his wife attempted to assist him, she was brutally raped with a soft drink bottle.  Both of them were taken to the local hospital where the wife is reportedly in critical condition.

    VOM sources have said that this couple has been one of the keys to a church planting movement in their district.  The husband is reportedly, "on fire to tell the world about Jesus." They have two small children; a son and a daughter. Please pray for their healing and for the work that God is doing in this area of Bangladesh.

    To learn more about the persecution facing Christians in Bangladesh,click here.

  • Anti-Conversion Law Proposed

    BangladeshFollowing the example of several states in neighboring India, the government of Bangladesh is proposing similar anti-conversion legislation. According to an April 30 report in Mission Network News, while the bill has not yet passed, the religious atmosphere in Bangladesh has been affected. Gospel for Asia's K.P. Yohannan reports that there has already been an increase in persecution for Christians in the country.

    Pray that this proposed legislation will not pass and that the work of spreading the Gospel in Bangladesh will go unhindered. Pray for evangelists in Bangladesh as they seek to be God's messenger in an increasingly hostile society.

    For more information on the Church in Bangladesh,click here.

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