

  • Church Building Demolished in Zhejiang
    More than 425 churches have been
    affected by Zhejiang’s persecution
    campaign since early 2014.
    Photo: China Aid

    Shendong Church in Zhejiang was forcibly demolished on April 28th in continuation of the province-wide "Three Rectifications and One Demolition" campaign. Authorities reportedly claimed that the land on which the church was built belonged to the government. The church had previously submitted requests to the local religious affairs bureau and other government agencies, requesting that their location be approved and finalized. However, the contacted governing officials never responded to these requests.

    Following the destruction, the church's pastor then specifically contacted the government official who was in charge of the demolition and the church site's subsequent relocation. When informed that the government needed two months to find and approve a new gathering site, the church demanded that the government find a new site immediately. For the time being, the church has been meeting in a nearby clubhouse.

    The demolition occurred on the one-year anniversary of the demolition of Sanjiang Church, a mega-church in Zhejiang that was one of the first major church demolitions in the persecution campaign. (For more information on that incident, you can read our previous prayer alert.)

    Pray that, through His mysterious ways, God will use the ongoing opposition against the church in Zhejiang to advance His kingdom purposes there. Specifically, ask Him to embolden the faith of this congregation, equipping each of them to be powerful agents of His grace. May they continue meeting together for worship despite the present obstacles, while trusting God that they will soon be granted a suitable new gathering site.

    For more information on China's persecuted church, visit our Country Report.

  • Workers of Church-Operated Kindergarten Jailed
    Cheng Jie and her husband,
    Du Hongbo, with their young children.
    Photo: Du Hongbo via ChinaAid

    Three Christians were recently sentenced to two years in jail for their involvement in a church-run nursery school. Additionally, the printer who produced the "illegal" Christian textbooks for Hualin Kindergarten was sentenced to 21 months in prison. Those convicted included kindergarten director Cheng Jie; church elder Huang Quirui; and church member Li Jiato, a mother of two young children. Each of these believers was also fined.

    The four participants were convicted in late April of "illegal business operations" at Hualin Kindergarten, which is located in southern Guangxi region. The nursery was run by Liangren Church in Guangzhou whose congregation has suffered intense persecution. The church reported last year that almost its entire core staff had been detained after church members were involved in an outreach to a neighbouring region. Several kindergartens and businesses linked to the church were also raided or shut down.

    Please bring these four individuals to our Lord in prayer, asking that He surround each one of them with His peace and grace as they now face prison sentences and fines. Ask that He make a way for their early release from detention. Yet, whether imprisoned or free, may these persecuted Christians continue to serve faithfully wherever they happen to be -- telling others about the hope they have received through Christ. As a result, may their personal witness be used to effectively draw many others in China into a saving relationship with Him.

    To learn more about China's persecuted church, visit this page.

  • Elderly Aid Worker Awaiting Trial
    Peter Hahn

    Peter Hahn, a 73-year old Korean-American aid worker, was arrested December 9th, 2014 on charges of embezzlement and possession of fraudulent receipts. After escaping from North Korea many years ago, he has lived and worked for over a decade in Tumen City, which is located along the border of North Korea and China. There he ran a Christian school and aid agency that provided supplies to the poor in North Korea.

    Chinese authorities began visiting Peter in April of 2014, asking questions about his life and humanitarian work. In July of that year, the police closed his vocational training school and five-storey building. In an effort to satisfy the authorities, Peter wrote a long document detailing his escape from North Korea, his move to the United States, and subsequent return to China to help those in need who were residing within his former homeland. Despite these efforts, Peter and his wife Eunice had their bank accounts frozen by authorities. Their cars and delivery truck were also confiscated.

    Peter, who maintains his innocence, is likely to face trial within months. The maximum sentence for the two crimes is 12 years in prison. In a recent interview, Eunice shared, "I never thought (my husband) would get detained; my heart beats very hard when I imagine how bad his circumstances are." She is particularly concerned for her husband's health, as he suffered two strokes last year and is diabetic. "When I was with him, I would always take care of his food and medicine," she explained. "Now he is in jail, (and) obviously they're not going to take care of his health, even though they say they have a doctor there."

    Peter's arrest came just a few months after authorities detained a Canadian couple, Kevin and Julie Garratt, who had lived in the border town of Dandong since 1984. At the time of the Garratts' arrest, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said the couple was "under investigation for suspected theft of state secrets about China's military and national defense research." The Chinese Foreign Ministry has offered no reason for the apparent crackdown on Christians working in border towns between the two countries.

    First, let us thank the Lord for the love and dedicated service demonstrated by Peter, Kevin and Julie for those in need within North Korea. As Peter and his legal team now prepare for his upcoming trial, pray that God will grant them great peace and wisdom. May the authorities involved seek justice for Peter so that the charges will be dropped and he can resume his vital ministry work.

    You can encourage Peter during his time of trial by writing him a letter. Please send your note to VOMC's office (see address in the footer of this email), and it will be forwarded on to Peter. Your notes and prayers will make a difference in this dear brother's life!

  • Wenxi Li Has Been Released from Prison!

     In the December 4th edition of the Persecution & Prayer Alert, we requested prayer for the anticipated release of Wenxi Li, a Christian bookstore employee. We are pleased to announce that he was indeed released from prison on December 18th, and is reportedly in good health. For more information about Wenxi, you can read our previous alert.

  • Upcoming Release of Christian Bookstore Worker!
    Wenxi Li

    Former bookstore employee, Wenxi Li, is currently scheduled for release from a Shanxi province prison on December 18th. Wenxi, who is from Beijing, had travelled to Shanxi province to help local Christians open a new bookstore. Police raided the new business and confiscated hundreds of books. On December 19, 2012, Wenxi was asked to come to the police station in order to retrieve the $6,000 worth of books that had been seized by authorities. Upon his arrival, he was immediately arrested and sent to prison. The bookstore worker was later denied bail and then sentenced to two years in prison on June 17, 2013. VOMC's initial report, which provides more details of his arrest, can be found here.

    Wenxi's family is cautiously optimistic that he will be released on schedule. Although since being transferred a few months ago to the prison where he's currently being detained, he has received better overall treatment and was even permitted to make sporadic five-minute calls to members of the family. His wife, Cai Hong Li, reports that he sounds encouraged and is in good health. She is also thankful that while in prison, Wenxi was able to share the Gospel with other inmates and, as a result, several have become Christians.

    Though Cai Hong hopes her husband will take some time to rest after his return home, she told VOM staff that he is passionate about the bookstore ministry and will likely want to return to this work as soon as he is released. She then asked for prayer for his forthcoming release and, additionally, for the improvement of her health as Wenxi's imprisonment has been very difficult on their family.

    How encouraging to receive this news of Wenxi's soon-approaching release from prison! May there be no delay of schedule concerning his release, so he can be reunited with his family in time for Christmas...a gift they will most certainly treasure this season. May the transition go smoothly, bringing needed healing and restoration to each member of his family after the ordeal they've all experienced. Let us also pray for Wenxi's friend and bookstore co-worker, Lacheng Ren, and others who are imprisoned in China for their faith. Ask the Lord to mediate on their behalf as well, while caring for them and their families throughout the legal processes. In the meantime, as in the case of Wenxi, may they have opportunities to lead many to Christ.

  • Children Among 100 Christians Arrested During Service
    Police recently raided a house church similar to this one.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    Over 200 police officers raided a house church in Foshan City, Guangdong Province, on September 21st. More than 100 Christians, including children, were arrested in the raid which occurred during a Sunday service.

    According to local believers, the service was raided without any prior warning. Following the incident, police left behind a notice stating that the church members were detained for conducting an "illegal gathering." Most church members, including the children, were detained for 10 to 20 hours and then released. However, at the time of the report, 30 believers still remained in police custody.

  • Pastor Loses Appeal, Family Members Forced to Flee Country
    Pastor Zhang Shaojie
    Photo: ChinaAid

    Pastor Zhang Shaojie, who was sentenced in July to 12 years' imprisonment and ordered to pay a hefty fine, has lost his appeal of the false charges. Pastor Zhang is the leader of Nanle County Christian Church in Henan, which belongs to the state-sanctioned Three-Self Patriotic Movement. In November and December of 2013, Pastor Zhang and over 20 others were detained without formal documentation after a group of church members attempted to petition a higher authority about a land dispute involving the church. Fortunately, on August 22nd -- the day after Pastor Zhang's appeal was rejected -- one of the four other Christians remaining in detention was released on bail pending trial. (For more information on Pastor Zhang's charges, please visit our website.)

  • Released Christian Requires Ongoing Prayer
    Gao Zhisheng
    Photo: ChinaAid

    Gao Zhisheng, a Christian human rights lawyer who has faced ongoing persecution from authorities, was released from prison on August 7th. However, despite the joyful news, this faithful Christian advocate is suffering severe consequences due to his time in detention. Gao was first arrested in 2009, then released briefly in 2010, before disappearing shortly thereafter. In 2011, state media reported that he had been jailed again for violating probation rules. (For more information on Gao's imprisonment, visit this page.)

  • Gao Zhisheng to be Released from Prison Next Month
    Gao Zhisheng

    Prison authorities recently announced to the family of human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng that he will be released next month. In a recent interview, Gao's wife, Geng He, shared that her husband's brother had managed to contact Shaya Prison, where Gao is being held, to request a visit. The prison authorities told Gao's brother that the detained Christian would be released on August 7th after finishing the required time in prison. However, the authorities did not respond to the inquiring brother's request to collect Gao from prison on his anticipated release date, explaining later that the prison needed to contact Beijing to work out the specifics of the release. Concerns remain about the degree to which the authorities will grant Gao genuine freedom in August, and whether his release will be subject to conditions or restrictions.

  • Two More Believers Released

    Zhao Guoli and Wu Guishan, two believers who were imprisoned for their faith in Henan province, were released on July 5th! The two Christians were apprehended in November of 2013, along with approximately 20 others. While we rejoice in this good news, please continue to pray for the four others who remain detained, including Pastor Zhang Shaojie, who was recently handed a 12-year prison sentence. (For more information, please visit this page.)