

  • Update: Pastor Zhang Mingxuan accused of ''illegal business operations''

    Photo from
    China Aid

    Pastor Zhang "Bike" Mingxuan, a house church leader who has been under fire from authorities along with his family in recent weeks (click here for more information), has been accused of engaging in "illegal business operations," according to a November 25 report from China Aid Association. During Pastor Zhang's detention last month, authorities interrogated him about his involvement in distributing silicon prayer bands during the Olympic Games, which authorities consider a "nationally politically sensitive item." Pastor Zhang, who has been in Beijing since October 31, has been forbidden from renting a residence or staying in hotels in the city and authorities continue to try to intimidate and discredit him.

    For more information on the persecution of believers in China, visit the China Country Report.

  • House church leader sentenced to ''re-education through labour''

    On October 30, house church leader Pastor Zhu Baoguo was sentenced to one year "re-education through labour" on charges of being an "evil cult" leader, according to a November 18 report from China Aid Association. Pastor Zhu and four other leaders were detained by authorities during a church gathering in Dushu village, Henan province on October 12. While the other four leaders were sentenced to five days of administrative detention, Pastor Zhu was sentenced to 15 days. Two days after Pastor Zhu's release from detention, he was sentenced and taken to a labour camp in an unknown location. There is considerable concern for his health as he suffers from heart disease.

    Ask God to protect Pastor Zhu in the labour camp. Pray that he will be a bold witness for Christ there. Pray that the persecutors of Christians in China will open their hearts to the love of Christ (Acts 9:1-19).

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in China,click here.

  • Update: Pastor Zhang and wife released

    Pastor Zhang
    Photo from
    China Aid

    After several weeks of threats and attacks on the Zhang family by Public Security Bureau officials (click here for more), Pastor Zhang "Bike" Mingxuan, his wife, and his sister-in-law were released from detention on October 27, according to a November 6 report from China Aid Association. Pastor Zhang's sons, Jian and Chuang, who were beaten by officials on October 16, have been forced to vacate their Beijing apartments and are residing in Nanyang city, Henan province.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China, click here.

  • House churches banned in Yichun city

    Photo of house church meeting fromChina Aid

    House churches in Yichun city, Heilongjiang province, China were banned in mid-October, according to an October 29 report from China Aid Association. Verbal orders to end all house church activity came from both provincial and central government agencies.

    Ask God to give strength and boldness to Christians in Yichun city. Pray that believers will continue to meet together despite opposition (Hebrews 10:23-25).

    Learn more about China's persecuted Christiansclick here.

  • Update: Zhang family remains under fire

    Zhang Jian
    after the beatings
    Photo from
    China Aid

    Pastor Zhang "Bike" Mingxuan and his family continue to face pressure from Public Security Bureau (PSB) officials in China. According to an October 28 report from China Aid Association, Zhang Jian, who was brutally beaten on October 16 (click here), was recently threatened by PSB officials with imprisonment unless he agreed to sign a document stating that his injuries were minor. Fearing separation from his wife and one-year-old son, Jian consented. Pastor Zhang, who hadn't been heard from since the attack, contacted Jian by telephone on October 22. He confirmed that he is being detained but was unable to give the details of his detention. Pastor Zhang's wife, Xie Fenglan, and sister have been placed under "soft detention" in a PSB-operated Beijing hotel. Their cell phones have been confiscated and their travels restricted.

    For more information on the opposition facing Christians in China, visit theChina Country Report.

  • Pastor Zhang and family targeted by authorities

    Zhang Jian after the beatings
    Photos from
    China Aid

    Chinese authorities continue to target underground church leader Pastor Zhang "Bike" Mingxuan and his family, according to reports from China Aid Association. At noon on October 16, while Pastor Zhang was away from home, approximately 15 Public Security Bureau officials barged into his and his wife’s legally rented apartment and began throwing their belongings out into the street. His wife, Xie Fenglan, urgently phoned their oldest son, Zhang Jian, for help. Jian arrived to find authorities knocking his mother to the ground. When he tried to shield her from their blows, he was beaten with iron bars. Xie Fenglan phoned for an ambulance, but was informed that a government-issued order forbade dispatching one for relatives of Pastor Zhang. She then phoned her other son, Zhang Chuang, for help. When he arrived, he too was beaten by the officials. A family friend eventually brought Jian to the hospital where he regained consciousness. He suffered a broken nose and may never regain sight in his right eye. Jian left the hospital with Chuang because PSB officials were watching him. However, the brothers continued to be threatened by officials and were warned not to leave Chuang's apartment until a Chinese House Church Alliance celebration, scheduled for October 20 and organized by their father, was over.

    It is suspected that Pastor Zhang has been detained by authorities. Police recently used garbage to block the entryway to the church building where he preaches. Xie Fenglan was evicted from their home and at last report has been residing with another house church leader because authorities ordered hotels to refuse her shelter.

    Pray for the Zhang family as they face many trials for their faith in Christ. Pray for an end to the crackdowns on Chinese Christians (2 Thessalonians 1:3-4).

    For more information on the plight of Chinese Christians, visit theChina Country Report.

  • Pastor Zhang and wife released

    Pastor Zhang "Bike" Mingxuan
    Photo from
    China Aid
    Pastor Zhang "Bike" Mingxuan and his wife, who were arrested along with another pastor on August 6 (click here for more details), were released in Henan province on August 29. According to an August 29 report from China Aid Association, the couple spent three weeks in "forced vacation" and had to stay at four different resort locations throughout their captivity, accompanied by government officials. They were reportedly treated well during their detention. The couple is prohibited from returning to Beijing until the Paralympics end on September 16. Pastor Zhang, a well-known evangelist and president of the Chinese House Church Alliance, said that even under captivity he actively evangelized and defended the rights of house churches believers to his captors.

    Praise the Lord for the release of these believers. Ask God to guide and embolden Pastor Zhang and other church leaders serving Christ in China.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China, visit theChina Country Report.

  • Prominent church leader arrested

    Pastor Zhang
    Pastor Zhang "Bike" Mingxuan
    Photo from
    China Aid 

    According to an August 6 report from China Aid Association, Pastor Zhang "Bike" Mingxuan, President of the Chinese House Church Alliance, has been arrested along with his wife and another pastor, Wu. Pastor Zhang was on his way to deliver medicine to his ill wife when he was detained. At last report, all three were being held in a Public Security Bureau office in Zhengzhou City, Henan.

    Pray for the release of these three believers. Pray that they will be a testimony to those imprisoning them. Pray for the health of Pastor Zhang's wife during her detention.

    For more information on the persecution facing China's Christians, go to the China Country Report.

  • House church pastor escapes from police custody

     Pastor Hua Huiqi
    Pastor Hua Huiqi
    Photo from
    China Aid

    According to reports from China Aid Association, Pastor Hua Huiqi and his brother, Hua Huilin, were illegally arrested by the Chinese police at approximately 6:00 a.m. on August 10. The brothers were on their way to attend a service at the Kuanjie Church, which President Bush was scheduled to attend, when they were apprehended. During a lapse in security, Hua Huiqi was able to escape police custody around noon. Hua Huilin was released later that afternoon.

    Pray for guidance and wisdom for these believers. Pray that the spiritual leaders in China will remain faithful to the task God has given them, knowing that they will receive the crown of life (1 Peter 5:1-4).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China, go to the China Country Report.

  • Health of book store owner deteriorating
    Shi Weihan and his family
    Shi Weihan and his family
    Photo from
    China Aid
    China Aid Association is reporting that the health of Shi Weihan, a Beijing book store owner and house church leader, has been deteriorating since his imprisonment four months ago (click here for more details). Poor prison conditions and refusal of diabetes medication have contributed to Shi's decline. He has reportedly lost more than 10 kg in body weight amidst the constant physical and psychological torture employed by prison officials. Recently Shi was coerced to sign a confession convicting him of "engaging in the printing and distribution of a large number of illegal publications." The charges stem from Shi's printing of Bibles and Christian literature which were sold at his Beijing Christian bookstore, but were deemed "illegal" by Beijing authorities because the books were not printed by the officially registered Three Self Patriotic Movement Church.

    Remember Shi Weihan as he languishes in detention. Pray that God would sustain his health. Pray for his release.

    More information on the persecution facing Christians in China can be found atChina Country Report.