

  • Church Leaders Detained in Inner Mongolia
    House church meeting
    Photo of house church fromChina Aid

    The president of the Inner Mongolia Branch of the Chinese House Church Alliance, Wang Dawei, was detained along with more than 40 of his co-workers on February 20, according to a February 21 report from China Aid Association. The leaders were in the third day of a Bible study meeting in Xilinhaote, Inner Mongolia, when more than 100 police officers from the State Security Bureau (SSB) and members of the Religious Affairs Bureau disrupted the meeting and detained them. Police officials also confiscated the money that was collected in the offering and more than 30 boxes of Bibles and other Christian literature. Later that afternoon, SSB members searched Dawei's residence. The leader of the meeting, a South Korean minister, was also detained during the incident. His whereabouts remain unknown.

    Pray that these leaders will be released. Ask God to give them strength and boldness of faith as they suffer for Him. Pray that the Chinese authorities who are oppressing Christians may experience repentance and salvation (Acts 9:1-19).

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in China,click here.

  • Update on Arrested House Church Leaders
    House church meeting
    A house church meeting
    Photo from
    China Aid

    On December 7, Chinese police arrested 270 house church pastors gathered for a Bible study meeting in Linyi, Shandong (click here for details). According to a February 19 report from China Aid Association, 249 of these pastors have since been released after paying fines and serving detentions ranging from a few days to a few weeks. The 21 church leaders still detained were recently given labour camp sentences ranging from three years to one year and three months. The seventeen men and four women have been accused of being members of an "evil cult." Their family members have yet to receive any written notification regarding the Linyi City Re-education through Labour Commission's decision.

    To learn more on the persecution of Christian in China, go to theChina Country Report.

  • Two Christian Women Detained and Harassed by Police in Yunnan

    Yunnan, ChinaAt approximately 1:00 p.m. on February 2, police detained two Christian women, Meng Xiu Lan (55) and Zhou Cheng Xiu (53), after they were found distributing Christian literature in the town of Moding, Yunnan province, according to reports received this week from China Aid Association. The police accused the women of "disrupting society, endangering public security and violating the law" and threatened to imprison them if they did not tell who had given them the flyers. The women refused to supply the information. Both were stripped naked and frisked by police. At approximately 4:30 p.m., after police warned Lan that she was allowed to believe in Jesus "in her heart" but would be imprisoned if she preached the gospel, they handcuffed her and escorted her to her brother's home. Xiu was also handcuffed by
    police and escorted to her home. Police searched both homes and confiscated CDs, Bibles and other Christian material.

    Ask God to heal and minister to these believers during their recovery. Pray that He will help them to heed His difficult call to exhibit love to their persecutors. Pray that they will continue to obey God regardless of what man says (Acts 5:29).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China,click here.

  • Christian Leader Detained

    Henan, ChinaAt approximately 5:00 p.m. on January 29, a Chinese Christian leader, Bai Cheng, was detained in Luoyang, Henan province while he was leading a Bible study, according to a January 31 report from China Aid Association. That same day, Cheng's sister-in-law received a criminal detention notice issued by the Public Service Bureau of Luoyang stating that Cheng had been put in criminal detention at Luoyang City Detention Centre for his suspected participation in "evil cult" activities under Article 61 of China's criminal law. Officials also confiscated two computers and a car from Cheng.

    Pray for strength for Bai as he serves his Saviour in prison. Pray he will be released soon. Pray that his passion for Christ will be a light that draws others to Jesus
    (Matthew 5:14-16).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China,click here.

    The March edition of The Voice of the Martyrs Newsletter features the trials and faith of today's Chinese Church. To receive this free sixteen-page monthly publication, subscribe today.

  • Two Christians Beaten in Yunnan

    Yunnan, ChinaAccording to a January 30 report from China Aid Association (CAA), two members of a house church in Yunnan province, Chen Xiqiong and Liang Guihua, were severely beaten by police officials on the morning of January 23. Xiqiong and Guihua walked into the Xishan District's Public Security Bureau office to request an account of the items, including Bibles, which were taken from the church and burned by police officials in early December. After ignoring the believers' request, officials forcibly removed them from the office. Ms. Liang Guihua (54) was thrown against a wall and rendered unconscious for more than 10 minutes. After the assault, the Christians went to a local hospital for evaluation. According to CAA, Chinese government officials are resorting to the burning of Bibles in order to hinder the growth of house churches in China.

    Ask God to heal these two believers. Pray for God to encourage and embolden Chinese Christians as they continue to serve Him by His grace (Philippians 1:29).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China,click here.

  • Three House Church Leaders Released

    Hubei, ChinaLast week, four of the nine house church leaders detained in Hubei province for being involved in an "evil cult organization" in early August were unconditionally released (click here for more details). On January 23, the three female house church leaders who remained detained were also unconditionally released, according to a January 23 report from China Aid Association. The director of the Hubei labour camp reportedly made a formal apology to the leaders for their wrongful imprisonment and also stated that he and other officials had "learned their lesson" and would seek to "do a better job" in the future. Praise God for the release of these believers.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China,click here.

  • House Church Leader and Wife Detained
    Xinjiang, China
    Arrest papers of A Li Mu Jiang fromChina Aid

    Mr. A Li Mu Jiang, a house church leader in Kashi, Xinjiang was taken from his home and arrested for an alleged "national security issue" on January 12, according to a January 14 report from China Aid Association. That same day his wife was also taken from their home to be interrogated.

    Ask God to strengthen and protect these two believers. Pray that they will rejoice in the opportunity to grow in Christlikeness through the ongoing opposition they face (James 1:2-4).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China,click here.

  • Four House Church Leaders Released

    Hubei, ChinaOn August 6, nine house church leaders were given "re-education through labour" sentences ranging from 12 to 18 months for being involved in an "evil cult organization" after they were found worshipping together in Hubei province (click here for more details). According to a January 18 report from China Aid Association, four of these believers were released on January 8 after the Hubei Provincial Re-Education through Labour Administration Committee repealed the decision made by the Re-Education through Labour Administration Committee of Enshi Autonomous Region. The four released leaders are: Mr. Wang Caizhang (34), Mr. Ma Zhao (35), Mr.Yang Situan (39) and Mr. Du Dongliang (32). Three female leaders remain detained. Two others are currently serving their sentences at home due to medical reasons.

    For more on the persecution of Christians in China, go to the China Country Report.

  • Church Leaders Face Criminal Detention

    Tian Jian
    Tian Jian
    Photo from
    China Aid

    Two highly-respected house church leaders face criminal detention following a raid on a church service in Jiuquan City, Gansu Province on December 20, according to a January 8 report from China Aid Association. Su Dean and Tian Min-ge were arrested while conducting a service along with a co-worker, Wang Hongliang. The three leaders were arraigned on charges of "gathering in an illegal assembly under the guise of religion." Wang was released after fifteen days, but Tian and Su's penalties were elevated to criminal detention on January 5. Seventy-one-year-old Tian Min-ge (also known as Tian Jian), is being held at the Fangcheng County Public Security Bureau in Henan.

    Pray for strength for Tian and Su, as they serve their Lord in prison. Pray that they will be released soon. Pray for Christians in China as they continue to minister for the Lord despite the on-going oppression that they face. Pray that the recent commitments to increased religious liberty by the Chinese Communist Politburo will be more than empty promises.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China,click here.

  • Christian Bookstore Owner Released
    Shi Weihan and his family
    Shi Weihan and his family
    Photo from
    China Aid

    Shi Weihan, a Christian bookstore owner who was detained in late November on charges of "illegally" printing and distributing Christian literature (click here for more details), was released on bail on January 4 in China. According to a January 7 report from China Aid Association (CAA), two dozen others who were detained on charges associated with his case were also released unconditionally. Weihan is reportedly in relatively good health.

    Chinese officials decided against a formal trial for Weihan, dismissing all charges against him due to "insufficient evidence." It is evident that international pressure was instrumental in his release. "The Chinese government has made a positive step in the right direction regarding this case," said CAA President Bob Fu. "This is a clear victory of rule of law and international intervention."

    Praise God for Shi Weihan's release. Pray for other Chinese believers still in detention for their Christian activities.

    To learn more on the persecution of Christians in China, go to theChina Country Report.