

  • Christian Bookstore Owner Arrested

    Mr. Shi Weihan and his familyMr. Shi Weihan (37) has been held in an unknown location without formal charges since November 28 when he was arrested by police after twenty members of the Public Security Bureau raided his Christian bookstore near the Olympic Village in Beijing. According to a December 7 report from China Aid Association, some of his employees, his younger brother and his wife were also arrested during the raid but have since been released. Weihan has not been allowed to see his family and has been denied access to a lawyer. He is diabetic and there is considerable concern for his health since he is without medication. Weihan's wife and two daughters have gone into hiding. They fear that threatened reprisals against them could be used as an interrogation tactic against Weihan before legal representation can be arranged.

    Pray for safety for Weihan's family. Pray that Weihan will stand firm in his faith and trust in Christ during this time (2 Cor 1:8-9). Pray that he will receive the health care needed. Pray for his release.

    For more information on the persecution facing China's Christians,click here.

  • House Church Pastors Arrested for ''Illegal'' Religious Meeting
    House church meeting
    A house church meeting
    Photo from
    China Aid

    At approximately 1:30 p.m. on December 7, Chinese police arrested 270 house church pastors gathered for a Bible study meeting in Linyi, Shandong, according to a December 10 report from China Aid Association. The police, who claimed that the pastors were attending an "illegal religious meeting," handcuffed the pastors two-by-two and took them to the local police station for questioning. At last report, at least 120 pastors remained in custody.

    Pray that these believers will be able to rejoice in knowing that it is a privilege to suffer for Christ's sake (1 Peter 2:20-21). Pray for the release of those still imprisoned. Ask God to enable Chinese Christians to boldly serve Him, despite ongoing opposition to their faith.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China,click here.

  • Catholic Priest and Seminarian Detained

    Jiangxi, ChinaFather Zeng Zhongliang, rector of the Yujiang diocese seminary in Jiangxi, China and one of the seminary students, Wang Bin, were arrested on November 25.

    According to a November 27 report from AsiaNews, the arrests followed a diocese meeting organized by Zeng on behalf of Bishop Thomas Zeng Jingmu, who is presently under house arrest. Police had attempted to raid the meeting but it had already adjourned before they arrived.

    Pray for strength and courage for Zeng and Wang as they endure prison because of their faith. Pray for the many religious prisoners presently in Chinese labour camps and detention centres or under house arrest.

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in China,click here.

  • Forty House Church Leaders Arrested

    China Gospel FellowshipForty leaders of the China Gospel Fellowship (CGF) were arrested on November 18, according to a November 27 press release from China Aid Association. According to one eyewitness, Public Security Bureau officers raided a leadership meeting in Fanhu, Hunan and arrested those present. Twenty-one were released within a week but the remaining detainees are being held at the county detention centre. Family members have been told to bring blankets and money to cover their living expenses while detained.

    All those arrested are senior leaders of the CGF, including its founder, Pastor Shen Yiping.

    Pray for these detained leaders during this time. Pray that all will be released soon. Pray for the families as they not only deal with the absence of their loved ones but also face this financial burden forced upon them.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China,click here.

  • Chinese Leader Beaten Again
    Hua Huiqi
    Photos fromChina Aid

    According to an October 18 report from China Aid Association, church leader and human rights activist Hua Huiqi, who was beaten by police and private security guards on October 11 (click here for details), was transferred from the Tiantian Hospital to his rented home on October 16. The following day, however, Huiqi was beaten again by Public Security Bureau (PSB) officers after they refused his request to use the bathroom adjacent his bedroom. The officers then prevented him from communicating with several journalists waiting outside his house and ordered him to stay in his bedroom.

    Learn more on the persecution that believers in China are facing. Go to the China Country Report.

  • Hua Huiqi Beaten By Police

    Church leader and human rights activist Hua Huiqi was beaten unconscious by police officers and private security guards who were trying to stop him from returning to his home in the district of Chongwen, Beijing, on October 11. According to an October 12 report from AsiaNews, Huiqi was taken from his home to the district of Fengtai on October 8. However, the Fengtai police refused to have him in their jurisdiction and sent him back to Chongwen under police escort.

    Huiqi has been taken to the Tiantian Hospital for treatment. His room is reportedly surrounded by more than two dozen police officers seeking to prevent him from being visited or photographed.

    Ask God to give healing to Hua. Pray that, as his sufferings overflow, his comfort in Christ will be more than enough for him (2 Corinthians 1:5). Pray that God will strengthen believers to follow in Hua's example of steadfast faithfulness to Him.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China,click here.

  • Two House Church Leaders Under House Arrest
    Hua HuiqiLiu
    Hua Huiqi and Liu Fenggang
    Photos from
    China Aid
    Two previously Two previously imprisoned Beijing house church activists, Hua Huiqi (for more, click here) and Liu Fenggang (click here for the details), have been held under house arrest since October 1. According to an October 4 report from China Aid Association, two dozen police officers have been stationed around their homes. Several Public Security Bureau (PSB) officers have been stationed on Pastor Hua's roof in order to prevent anyone from leaving or entering the building. On October 3, eight PSB officers broke Hua's bedroom window and cut off the house's electrical supply.

    For more information facing Chinese Christians, visitChina's Country Report

  • Nine Church Leaders Sentenced to Re-education through Labour

    Hubei, ChinaThe Voice of the Martyrs has learned that nine house church leaders who have been missing for nearly two months were given "re-education through labour" sentences ranging from 12 to 18 months in Hubei province on August 6. According to an October 4 report from China Aid Association, the nine were detained in on July 15 when authorities found them holding a worship service at the home of church leader Ms. Qin Daomin. The four men--Wang Caizhang (34) Ma Zhao (35), Yang Situan (39) and Du Dongliang (32)--were given an 18 month sentence. The five women--Hu Rong (42), Li Mei (42), Ren Xianxue (35), Qin Daofang (40) and her sister, Qin Daomin (33)--were sentenced to 12 months. The believers were sentenced for "engaging in and making use of an evil cult organization to undermine the enforcement of State laws." The official sentencing document listed activities such as singing Christian hymns to villagers, showing the Jesus film in a nursing home and praying for a disabled elderly man as evidence of their "crime."

    Qin Daomin is temporarily serving her sentence at home in order to care for her young child. Her father was severely beaten and sentenced to ten days administrative detention for hosting the Sunday worship service at his home. Li Mei has been serving her one-year sentence in a local hospital with both hands chained to her bed. She is in very poor health due to the repeated beatings and torture she sustained during the first month of her detention.

    Pray that these believers will rely on the Lord's strength and not on their own as they are suffering for Him (2 Corinthians 1:8-9). Pray their persecutors will come to know Christ as Lord. Ask God to continue to bring forth church leaders to guide those churches whose leaders are imprisoned.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China,click here.

  • Two House Church Members Arrested XinjiangTwo female house church members, Ms. Guo and Ms. Li, were arrested in Huocheng County, Xinjiang on September 2, according to a September 26 report from China Aid Association. Both have been detained indefinitely at the local detention center.

    Guo and Li were arrested when they met together at the home of a Christian brother who was recuperating from a broken leg. The police arrested them, claiming that their gathering at a private residence was illegal. The next day, the police went to search the house. On both occasions, the police did not show any arrest or search warrants.

    Fellow Christians who tried to visit the detained sisters in the detention center on September 11 were turned away.

    Pray that these Christians will be released. Ask God to open doors of opportunity for them in prison so that they can share the gospel for which they suffer (Colossians 4:2-3).

    For more information about the persecution facing Chinese Christians, visitChina's Country Report.

  • Imprisoned Pastor in Extremely Poor Health ZhangOn September 24, The Voice of the Martyrs received reports that Pastor Zhang Rongliang's health is seriously failing and he may be near death. According to contacts in China, "Pastor Zhang must be carried from place to place by two men supporting him. He does not walk well on his own. He openly questions whether he can finish this sentence. If he is not released, there is a good chance that he will die in prison." Pastor Zhang suffers from severe diabetes and high blood pressure.

    Pastor Zhang has four years remaining of a seven-and-a-half year sentence. He had previously spent 12 years in prison where he suffered severe torture, including electric shock.

    Pray for Pastor Zhang's healing and for his release from prison. Pray that the Holy Spirit will encourage him and that his testimony will draw non-believers into the knowledge of Christ (Matthew 10:19-20).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China, readChina's Country Report.