

  • Updates from Shandong and Shanxi

    China mapPastor Zhang Geming and Pastor Sun Qingqen, two of the six church leaders who were arrested during a church raid in Shandong province on June 15 (for more information, click here), have been sentenced to one year re-education through labour. According to a July 7 report from China Aid Association, both have been sent to a labour camp in Jining City to serve their sentence, which runs from June 29, 2007 to June 14, 2008. The four other detained church leaders were released after paying a fine of 10,000 yuans ($1400 CAD).

    Six church leaders were arrested on June 9 while distributing literature in Jiaocheng county and were later released (click here for more). On June 29, they went to the local Public Security Bureau office for an official explanation for their arrest. Ms. Gao Qiuxiang (54) accompanied them. While at the PSB office, Gao was arrested and sentenced to ten days of administrative detention.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China, go to theChina Country Report.

  • Hua Huiqi Secretly Sentenced
    Photo fromChina Aid

    Beijing house church activist Hua Huiqi, who was formally arrested in February (click here for more details), was secretly sentenced to six months in prison on June 4, according to a June 4 report from China Aid Association. Neither his wife nor his lawyer was allowed to attend the two-hour trial. Huiqi is expected to be released next month.

    To learn more on the persecution of Christians in China, go to theChina Country Report.

  • Recent Updates from China

    Chinaa) Father Shao Zhoumin (43) and Father Jiang Sunian, two underground priests from Wenzhou who were arrested in late September (click here for more information), received prison sentences in March after being charged with making "illegal exits" when returning from China to Europe. According to a May 21 report from Zenit, Zhoumin, who was accused of having falsified his passport, has been released one month prior to the end of his nine month prison sentence due to his poor health. He suffers from an illness which he likely contracted during his detention that has left him deaf. Sunian, who is classified as a "repeat offender" due to a prior arrest for illegally publishing hymnals, is currently serving an eleven month prison sentence and is expected to be released in August.

    b) After intensive diplomacy and media pressure, the five house church leaders who have been detained in Xinjiang since being arrested on April 19 (click here for more details) were released on May 17 and 18, according to a May 18 report from China Aid Association. Family members of the detained pastors were called by the local government to pay 2000 Yuan ($284 CAD) for the release of each detainee because all of them were "very ill." After payment, the families discovered that most of the pastors were in fine health but two of the male pastors had torture wounds on their arms and legs. The names of the five released leaders are Ms. Xinglan Zhao, Ms. Xiurong Huang, Pastor Tianlu Yang (41) Pastor Chaoyi Wang (41) and Ms. Cuiling Li (48)

  • Updates on Hua Huiqi and Shuang Shuying
    Hua Huiqi with his wife and parents
    Photo from
    China Aid

    Hua Huiqi, (read the details) the house church activist who was arrested along with his mother, Shuang Shuying, in late January, will likely be tried in two weeks at Chaoyang District People's Court. According to a May 14 report from China Aid Association, Huiqi's case was transferred to the court on May 10. The court has not allowed Huiqi's lawyer to meet with him. Shuying, who was sentenced to two years imprisonment, has been held in an emergency medical center since her sentence. She suffers from a heart problem and diabetes and her doctors said her health was too poor for her to be sent to a formal prison.

    To learn more on the persecution of Christians in China, go to theChina Country Report.

  • Americans Released, Chinese Leaders Remain Detained Xinjiang Province, ChinaAfter intense international media pressure, the four American church leaders who were arrested along with thirty Chinese church leaders in Akesu city, Xinjiang on April 19 (click here for more details) were released last week, along with their translator. According to a May 2 report from China Aid Association, all five have returned home. Several Chinese church leaders, however, remain detained, including six pastors. It is suspected that the six will receive harsh sentences because of their connection with the Americans. Persecution of Christians in the Xinjiang area has reportedly been on the rise since the April 19 arrests.
  • American and Chinese Church Leaders Arrested

    Xinjiang Province, ChinaFour American Christian leaders, including two pastors, and approximately thirty Chinese house church leaders were arrested and detained during a fellowship gathering in Akesu city, Xinjiang province on April 19. According to an April 25 report from China Aid Association, the Chinese Christians were detained at the Akesu City detention center. Eyewitnesses saw at least two of the arrested with bleeding noses and facial bruises due to torture during interrogation. Several of the detainees have been released over the past week. Six pastors -- Xinglan Zhao, Xiurong Huang, Tianlu Yang, Chaoyi Wang, Cuiling Li, and Sijun He -- received thirty days detention for alleged involvement in "evil cult activities." The pastors also face one to three years re-education through labour. A couple of years ago, these six pastors were detained for organizing house church activities.

    At last report, the Americans, who arrived in Akesu on April 17, were still being held in an undisclosed hotel for questioning along with their translator. The U.S. Embassy is reportedly intervening in the case.

    Pray for the safety of the Christians who are detained. Pray that no further charges will be brought against the six pastors. Pray that the Chinese authorities who are oppressing Christians may experience repentance and salvation, as the Apostle Paul did. (Acts 9:1-19).

    For more information on persecution in China,click here. The feature article from the May edition of The Voice of the Martyrs Newsletter centers on China. To subscribe and read this month's feature article, click here.

  • Mother of Hua Huiqi Sentenced to Two Years

    Pictures of Shuang Shuying's trial.
    Photos from
    China Aid

    Shuang Shuying (77), the mother of house church activist Hua Huiqi, was sentenced to two years imprisonment by the Beijing Chongwen District People's Court on February 26, 2007, according to a February 26 report from China Aid Association. She was sentenced on charges of "willfully damaging private property." She and her son have been arrested since they were attacked by police on January 24, 2007 (click here for more details).
  • Hua Huiqi and Mother Formally Arrested
    Photo fromChina Aid

    Church activist Hua Huiqi and his elderly mother, who were attacked by local police in Beijing last month (click here for more details) have been formally arrested, according to February 9 and 10 reports from China Aid Association. Hua was arrested on February 8 and charged with "obstruction of justice." His mother was arrested on February 9 and charged with "willfully damaging public and private property." Pray that these charges will be dropped and pray for these two imprisoned believers.

    to learn more on the persecution of Christians in China, go to the China Country Report.

  • Liu Fenggang Released
    Liu Fenggang
    Liu Fenggang and son
    Picture from
    China Aid
    Well-known Beijing house church activist Liu Fenggang (48) was released and returned to his home on February 5, 2007 after serving three years in a Zhejiang prison, according to a February 7 report from China Aid Association. Liu was arrested on October 13, 2003. He was sentenced to three years in prison on charges of "providing national intelligence to overseas organizations" in August 2004 (click here for more).  Liu was hospitalized five times during his imprisonment due to lack of proper treatment for his heart condition and diabetes.  Thank God for Brother Liu's release and ask God to give Liu healing.
  • House Church Raided, Church Activist and His Mother Attacked
    Hua Huiqi, his wife and his parents
    Photo from
    China Aid

    Reports of two separate attacks against Christians in China were received by VOMC in the past week.

    On January 24, local police raided a house church worship service in Zhangchong, Anhui, according to a January 26 report from China Aid Association. Eyewitness reports claim that officers from the Public Security Bureau (PSB), the local police station, the criminal police squad and the Religious Affair Bureau broke into the house at approximately 10:00 a.m. All of the Christians present were photographed and asked to give their names and identities. The police confiscated Bibles, hymn books and various other church items, such as sound equipment, without any legal procedure. Three church leaders were taken to the police station and interrogated. They were released after being warned that their church is not allowed to meet without registering with the government.

    On January 26, a well-known church activist, , and his 76-year-old mother were attacked by the local police in Beijing, according to a January 27 report from China Aid Association. Hua and his mother were walking near a 2008 Olympic hotel site at approximately 8:00 a.m. when police stopped them, threw them to the ground and started kicking them. When Hua asked the police to explain the legal grounds for their detention and to release his ill mother, they beat him repeatedly. To add to his misery, the police poured freezing cold water poured over him in the frigid weather before he was taken to a detention center.

    The following day, the police contacted Hua's wife by telephone and told her that her husband had been sentenced to one month of criminal detention. Hua's family has yet to receive official notice regarding his detention.

    Along with being active house church Christians, Hua and his wife also assist persecuted Christians and oppressed lower class peoples who travel to Beijing in order to appeal for justice from the central government.

    Pray that Hua will be released. Ask the Lord to heal him and his mother of their injuries. Pray that members of the raided house church will be encouraged to continue to meet together despite increasing government opposition (Hebrews 10:23-25). Pray that those who persecute Christians in China will know Christ's love, forgiveness and blessing through the lives of His followers (Romans 12:14, 21).

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in China,click here.