

  • House Church Closed

    Tongling, ChinaA house church assembly in Tongling City, Anhui Province was closed by the local Religious Affair Bureau (RAB) on November 26, 2006, according to a December 11 report from China Aid Association. The church leaders were then told to worship in the local Three-Self Church.

    The house church, which has approximately 200 members, was founded by Christian Brother Wang Xingquan fifty three years ago. Xingquan's daughter has recently come under pressure. Her work unit has stopped paying her salary and has threatened to fire her unless she joins the Three-Self Church. Another Christian church member was coerced into resigning from the church after his job was threatened.

    On December 5, 2006 the government held a hearing upon request of the Christians and upheld the RAB's decision to close down the church. The church members are currently holding worship services in their own homes and are preparing for further legal action to protect their right to religious freedom.

    Pray that this house church will be reopened. Pray that Chinese Christians will be encouraged to continue to meet together despite opposition (Hebrews 10:23-25).

    Ask God to continue to work in the heart of the brother who bowed to government pressure.

    For more information on persecution of Christians in China,click here.

  • Six Prisoners Released

    Thank you for prayingAll of the Christians who were arrested near Yili City in Xinjiang Autonomous Region on October 20
    (click here for more details) were released by November 26, 2006, according to a December 11 report from China Aid Association. Four brothers had been imprisoned in a detention centre for thirty two days. One brother and one sister had also been imprisoned for fourteen days. No legal documents were issued when these Christians were arrested or released.

    During their imprisonment, the four brothers were reportedly severely tortured by other prisoners upon police instruction. Brother Tan Defu was intentionally placed in a cell with homosexual prisoners where he was sexually abused and physically beaten.

    Take time to thank God for the release of these prisoners and ask Him to heal them of their injuries.

  • House Church Building Demolished
    In the early morning of October 26, a house church building on the campus of the Jilian Agricultural University in Changchun, China was completely destroyed, according to a November 1 report from China Aid Association. The building served as both a meeting place for the Nongda house church and a supermarket.

    According to eyewitnesses, five hundred police officers, along with several hundred peasant workers, surrounded the building at 4:00 a.m. The people sleeping inside were driven out of the building. The authorities then proceeded to destroy the main part of the building, along with the furnishings. Within an hour, there was nothing but debris. No explanation was given for the demolition.

    The Nongda church has steadfastly refused to affiliate with the official Three-Self Church and have faced repeated threats and harassment in the past.

    Pray that, despite the loss of their building, these believers will be reassured of their lasting and more precious inheritance (Hebrews 10:36, 37). Pray that Christ will be glorified as they courageously remain true to him (Philippians 1:20). Pray that their faithfulness will result in many people coming to salvation (Romans 12:14, 21).

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in China,click here.

  • New Arrests Against Christians

    The victory of the crossThirty-five Christians attending a Bible training program near Urumqi in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region of China were arrested on October 26 after police raided the meeting being led by a Korean pastor from America. After twelve hours of interrogation, which was described by China Aid Association (CAA) as relatively "gentle," all were released that night. According to an eyewitness, none of the women were abused, though one man was beaten and two were fined. At last report, the American was being kept under surveillance in a hotel. Police have confiscated his passport.

    CAA has also learned that on October 20, local police arrested at least ten Christians in a home near Yili City in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region, including three Singaporeans. According to eyewitnesses, a Christian family had invited fellow believers to a blessing ceremony for their newly rebuilt house. While the Christians were singing hymns, police arrested them.

    All but five were released the next day. Those still in detention are: Brother Liu and Brother Ouyang Liang from Uramqi, Brother Li Baoming, Brother Tan Defu, and Brother Lou Yuanqi from Huocheng. The whereabouts of Ouyang is unknown. The rest are being held at the Huocheng detention centre. There are concerns that the five may be sent directly to "re-education through labour" camps.

    Ask God to fill these believers with praise in order that, through their witness, others might hear of the Lord and come to Him (Psalm 40:3). Praise God for those who have been released. Pray that those still detained would be strengthened by scripture that they have committed to memory (Psalm 119:49-56).

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in China, click here. An encouraging story of faith in the midst of persecution in China is part of the November edition of the Persecution Report, available at www.vomcanada.com.

  • Pastor Sentenced to Two Years for Printing Christian Literature

    Pastor Wang ZaiqingA prominent Chinese house pastor, Pastor Wang Zaiqing, has been sentenced to two years in prison and fined $12,500.00, according to an October 20 report from China Aid Association. Zaiqing was first arrested by the local Public Security Bureau on April 28, 2006 after it was discovered that he was printing and distributing Bibles and other Christian literature to fellow believers free of charge. He has since been detained in the Number One Detention Center of Huainan City and was formally arrested on May 26 (for more details, click here).

    On October 9, the local people's court found Wang guilty of "illegal business practices," claiming that Wang failed to get the permission of the provincial News and Publication Bureau to print and distribute his Christian literature. Wang and his attorney plan to appeal the verdict to a higher level People's court.

    Pray that the appeal process will be successful. Pray that Pastor Wang will be acquitted of all charges against him. Ask God to give him wisdom as he faces his accusers (Matthew 10:19). Pray that he will take heart in the fact that Christ has overcome the world and its trials (John 16:33).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China,click here.
  • Prosecution Postponed for Lack of Evidence

    House churchOn July 29, police demolished a large house church building in Hangzhou, China. Many Christians were beaten and arrested in the incident (click here for more information). Six church leaders were charged with "incitement to resist law-enforcement" in connection with the incident. According to an October 23 report from China Aid Association, prosecution of the six has been postponed for lack of evidence. The case has been turned over to the local Public Security Bureau to collect more evidence. One legal analyst is hopeful that the case may be dismissed for lack of evidence.

  • Formal Charges Filed Against Lawyer
    Go Zhisheng
    Photo courtesy of
    China Aid
    Prominent Chinese human rights lawyer, Gao Zhisheng, was detained in August by security police and formally arrested on September 21. He has only recently been informed that he is being charged with "suspicion of inciting subversion of state power." Police have prevented Gao's lawyer, Mo Shaoping, from visiting because, they claim, the case involves state secrets.
  • Two Priests Arrested

    China flag, VaticanOn September 25, two priests were arrested in Shenzhen, Guangdong, according to reports from the Cardinal Kung Foundation. Father Shao Zhoumin, the vicar general of the Wenzhou Diocese in Zhejiang province, and Father Jiang Sunian, the chancellor of the Wenzhou Diocese, were arrested as they returned from a trip to Europe. During the arrest, the police confiscated a large number of books and photos that the priests were bringing back from their visit. The priests have been detained in an unknown location and no reasons have been given for their arrest.

    Zhoumin and Sunian were previously arrested together on October 27, 2005. Each was also arrested in 1999.

    Pray that God will bring about justice in China (Psalm 140). Pray that these men will be released soon.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China,click here.

  • Updates from China

    Bishop Wu(a) Bishop Wu Released:
    Chinese Bishop Wu, arrested on September 11 in southern Zhouzhi, has been released after five days of detention, according to a September 20 report from Asia News (for details on his arrest, click here). Since his release, Wu has been in the hospital suffering from a slight concussion which some observers believe to be the result of maltreatment during custody.

    Bishop Julius Jia Zhiguo(b) Bishop Julius Jia Zhiguo Released:
    Asia News reported on September 26 that Bishop Julius Jia Zhiguo was released on September 25 after more than ten months of "study sessions" by Chinese authorities. Upon his release, Zhiguo was able to meet with local priests; something he has been restricted from doing on previous occasions.

    In April it was reported that Bishop Zhiguo was released from detention but remained under house arrest (click here for more). VOMC has since learned that he had not been released but underwent treatment in hospital and then returned to custody. Zhiguo has been detained at least eight times since January 2004.

    (c) Guilty Verdict Overturned:
    In March 2006, Li Huimin was sentenced to one year of "re-education through labour" for participating in an "illegal gathering" (for more details, click here). According to China Aid Association, a court in Henan Province revoked that sentence on August 20. While the court still considered the Easter celebration he was attending illegal, the sentence was revoked because of "inappropriate citation of the legal articles." It is believed this is the first such lawsuit won by a Christian in China.

    Despite the good news, Bob Fu of China Aid Association notes: "It is still too early to believe it is a sign that the Chinese government is changing its policy on religious freedom, because the proper Christian gathering in this case is still considered illegal."

  • Chinese Bishop Arrested

    Bishop Wu QinjingBishop Wu Qinjing of the Zhouzhi Parish in ShannXi Province was arrested on September 11. Wu was ordained as bishop in October 2005 but the Chinese government would not recognize the ordination as Wu refuses to join the government-sanctioned Patriotic Association of Chinese Catholics. Wu was ordered to keep a low profile and not perform the duties of a bishop. He defied these orders at the funeral of Bishop Li Duan on May 27 and several other times since then.

    During the night of September 11, thirty Public Security Bureau officers raided the church where Wu serves. Finding the gates locked, the officers scaled the wall. An elderly priest and others in the church were physically abused, threatened and driven away. Bishop Wu was then arrested without charge and taken to an undisclosed location. When a reporter with The Epoch Times contacted the Zhouzhi County Religious Bureau, the spokesman stated, "We picked up Wu Qianjing here to let him study for a few days, as soon as he meets our expectation, we will let him go."

    Pray that those who were beaten will recover from their injuries. Pray that Bishop Wu will be released from prison. Pray that the Lord will protect him from harm during his incarceration.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China, click here.