

  • Catholic Church Destroyed in Fujian

    China flag, rosary and prayer bookPolice in Fujian, China have destroyed a church in the village of Yutouchang and promised to demolish another in a neighbouring village, according to a September 4 report from AsiaNews.

    On the morning of September 1, approximately five hundred policemen and other officials arrived with bulldozers and destroyed a recently-completed building built by an unregistered Catholic church. When local Christians attempted to stop the destruction, they were beaten by police.

    Before leaving, police warned that they intended to destroy another church building presently under construction in the village of Ao Oian. Authorities justify these demolitions by citing "security reasons."

    Pray for the physical healing of those who were beaten. Ask God to give these Christians a deep assurance of His never-ending love, even in the midst of very trying circumstances (Ephesians 3:14-19). Ask God to preserve the second church building from demolition.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China,click here.

  • House Church Raided and Missionary Sentenced in Inner Mongolia

    Inner MongoliaTwo incidents of persecution among the Mongolian people in the autonomous region of Inner Mongolia have come to light, thanks to an August 24 report from China Aid Association.

    On August 5, a Mongolian missionary, Wu Guilan (50), was sentenced to one year of "re-education through labour" because of her evangelistic work among the people of Inner Mongolia. She was convicted of "spreading heresies," including the belief that "one should believe in the heavenly God instead of worshipping Genghis Khan, which is useless." The sentencing came nine days after she was arrested for organizing a cult.

    On the morning of August 19, local police along with other officials raided a house church in Liang Jiagou Village of Wuhai City. The officials confiscated furnishings and other church property and warned the Christians that they could only gather at the government sanctioned church.

    Pray that Christians in Inner Mongolia will consistently trust the God of justice in the midst of a very unjust situation (Psalm 140). Pray that, like Paul's imprisonment, Wu Guilan's sentence will result in the advancement of God's kingdom (Philippians 1:12-14).  Ask God to help her find comfort in the words of His Scripture (Psalm 119:49-56). Pray that all believers affected by the raids and arrests will exemplify the love of God by loving those who persecute them (Matthew 5:43-48).

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in China,click here.

  • Bishop Released After Ten Years

    Bishop An ShuxinBishop An Shuxin (57) was arrested in May 1996. Over the past ten years, those outside of prison have only seen him once, when he was able to visit his elderly mother for a few hours on the Chinese New Year of 2000. The public did not see him again until his sudden release on August 24.

    According to the Cardinal Kung Foundation, An remains under surveillance. He has also been issued a work permit to serve as a Roman Catholic bishop and to do pastoral work, even though he has not registered with the government-approved church. No information is known at this time about conditions surrounding his release.

    Praise God with us that Bishop An has been released! Pray that he will be faithful to give the truth of God's Word to those under his care (I Peter 5:1-4). Ask God to fill his heart with peace beyond comprehension as he brings his needs to the Lord. (Philippians 4:4-7).

    For more information on the persecution of China's Christians, click here.

  • Human Rights Lawyer Arrested
    Gao Zhisheng
    Gao Zhisheng
    Photo courtesy of
    China Aid
    In November 2005, prominent human rights lawyer, Gao Zhisheng, was ordered to suspend all operations of his law firm for one year (for more details, click here). Reports suggested that the suspension was largely because of the sensitive religious rights cases that he was representing. According to an August 22 report from China Aid Association, Gao has now been taken into custody. On August 15, Gao was taken from his sister's home in Shandong province by security agents. Authorities have confirmed his arrest but his whereabouts are unknown. His wife and two children, ages 12 and 13, are under house arrest. Those who attempt to visit them have been met by security officers. According to Bob Fu, President of CAA, "The house arrest of Mr. Gao's family members is absolutely illegal. Forcibly entering and occupying private property is completely in violation of the China's Constitution. Putting two children under house arrest also violates the International Covenant on Children's Rights."

    Pray that Mr. Gao will be allowed to return home and that the house arrest on his family will be lifted. Pray that they will rely on God's power as they wait for His deliverance (2 Corinthians 1:9-11).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China,click here.

  • Continued Persecution Follows House Church Destruction

    House churchChinese authorities are continuing their repression following the destruction of a church building on July 29 (for more information, click here). An August 8 news release from China Aid Association reports that twenty of the fifty who had been detained have since been released. Five of them have been served with formal charges for "interfering with the duty of police officers." There are also reports of severe torture during interrogation. At least three people suffered broken ribs and some of the women were forced to strip in public.  A Christian reporter from Zhejiang, Zan Aizong, was also arrested and jailed for seven days for reporting on the destruction and posting an open letter to the Hangzhou chief of police that protested the incident. He has since been fired from his position with the Haiyang Bao newspaper.

    A short video clip of the destruction of this church building is available on www.vomcanada.com.

  • Chinese Authorities Continue to Arrest Christians

    Hebei ProvinceAccording to the Cardinal Kung Foundation, on July 30, police in Zhangjiakou, Hebei arrested Yao Liang (82), auxiliary bishop of the Xiwanzi diocese. On August 1, Father Li Huisheng (33), from the same diocese, was also arrested. The next day, a petition was presented to the authorities calling for the immediate release of Yao and Li. Police responded by deploying 500 officers and arresting approximately ninety people. Two of the church members were seriously injured and a pregnant woman miscarried as a result of the violence suffered in the arrests. At last report, twenty of those arrested remained in custody.

    In an unrelated incident, China Aid Association reported on August 3 that a Sunday School teacher's training course was raided by security police in Huainan City, Anhui on July 27. Under the pretext that the Christians were disturbing the peace, police swarmed the house, searched every corner and carried away some church equipment. The ninety children who were present were released after registering their names. The forty adults were held until early the next morning. Pastor Li Lizhong (40) and Cai Yili (38) were each given fifteen days of administrative custody without having any charges laid against them.

    Pray that the peace of God will rule in the hearts and minds of those arrested (Philippians 4:7). Pray for the healing of those injured.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China,click here.

  • Update on Church Destruction
    Church destruction
    Photo from video byChina Aid Association.
    Video can be viewed at
    The July 31 Special Edition Persecution and Prayer Alert reported on the destruction of a large unregistered church building in China and the arrest of many of those present. According to recent reports from China Aid Association, fifty of the believers were still detained on August 2. The location of four of them was unknown. On August 3, three more Christian leaders from the Xiaoshan area were arrested and the local authorities were threatening large fines against any company associated with the construction of the building.

    China Aid Association has obtained a short video clip, showing some of the destruction of the church building. To view the video, go to VOMC's multimedia website, www.vomcanada.com.

  • House Church Destroyed, Hundreds Beaten
    Che Lu Wan Church Building Prior to Destruction
    Che Lu Wan Church Building Prior to Destruction on July 29, 2006

    This afternoon (July 31, 2006) The Voice of the Martyrs in Canada learned from our partner, China Aid Association (CAA) that on the afternoon of July 29, a large house church building in Che Lu Wan Village, Dangshan Town, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province was destroyed and many Christians were arrested and wounded during the confrontation. According to CAA, eyewitness reported that the destruction of the church building started at 2:30 PM, July 29. Several thousand anti-riot police, military police and government workers along with three hundred military vehicles arrived and surrounded the church building while 10,000 House Church Christians were praying in the building. The church has been under construction since July 17, 2006 and was almost complete when it was destroyed.

    According to CAA, eyewitnesses reported that the police used "electric shock batons and anti-riot shields to disperse thousands of Christians. Several hundred Christians were observed to be beaten and some were arrested and taken away by police while they attempted to protect their church building. According to a reliable source from the house church there, on July 28th, the Xiaoshan District government declared the church building 'illegal' because it was built without government permission and asked the Christians to voluntarily destroy it. This church building was on private land purchased by a local Christian couple."

    Sources from both the government and the church told CAA that the local government has repeatedly denied the Christian believers' formal request to build a church, even though they have met all the requirements.

    Please pray for those who were injured and arrested in the confrontation. The Hong Kong-based Information Centre for Human Rights and Democracy reports that twenty people were hurt, including four who were seriously injured. Pray for the release of those who were arrested.

    We would also urge you to protest the destruction of this church property and the excessive use of police force. Please call and/or write to:

    Secretary XI Jinping, Party General Secretary of Zhejinag Province
    Tel: +86-571-7052463
    Address: No. 1, Sheng Fu Lu, Xihu District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province (Zip code: 310025)

    Ms. Wu Aiying, Minister of Ministry of Justice of PRC
    Tel: +86-10-65205114
    Fax: +86-10-64729863
    Address: No. 10, Nan Da Jie, Chaoyangmen, Beijing City (Zip Code: 100020)

    His Excellency Shumin Lu, Ambassador
    Embassy of the People's Republic of China
    515 St. Patrick Street
    Ottawa, Ontario K1N 5H3
    Tel: (613) 789-3434,3513

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in China,click here.

  • Multiple Police Raids and Detentions

    ChinaAccording to reports received by The Voice of the Martyrs, a group of Christians were returning from Sunday worship in a home in Langzhong, Sichuan Province on June 27, a police car, a van and three motorcycles suddenly blocked their way. Without showing identification, the officers forced eight believers into their vehicle and took them to the Public Security Office in Baoma Town for interrogation.  Hearing of the detention, several house church leaders went to ask for an explanation. Four of them, Li Ming, Jin Jirong, Wang Yuan and Li Hongbo, were detained. When three local believers went to the Public Security Office to visit them, they found 66-year-old Jin Jirong's feet injured. When they questioned authorities about the apparent abuse, they were arrested on false charges ranging from assaulting a police officer to interfering with the performance of an officer's duty. All three have since been released. At last report, Li Ming, Wang Yuan, Li Mingbo and Jin Jirong were still detained and have likely been sent to labour camps for "re-education."

    According to reports from China Aid Association, a house church in the village of Guo, Zhu Ma Dian City in the Chinese province of Henan was raided by Public Security Bureau officers while they were worshipping on July 19. More than sixty Christians were interrogated for several hours before being released.

    Two days later in Shen Fan village of the city of Anlu in Hubei province, six police officers raided a home where forty-three Christians had met for fellowship. The officers searched the home, confiscated Christian books and took twenty of the Christians to the local police station. Some were released later that afternoon, but eight were given ten to fifteen days' detention. Those still in custody are: Brother Sun Yaozhou, Brother He Luohua, Brother Wang Dayou, Brother Fang Aiwen, Sister Huang Zhiying, Sister Fang Mingzhen, Sister Hu Yuzhen and Sister Zhang Jianfang.

    Pray for the physical healing of those who have been injured. Pray for the release of those who are detained. Pray that the gospel will spread even more as a result of the suffering they face (Philippians 1:12-14). As the Holy Spirit works through them, pray that Christians in China will rejoice in the victory that is theirs through the crucified and risen Christ.  Pray that God would be glorified as they steadfastly fix their eyes on what is eternal (2 Corinthians 4). Pray that you will be faithful to walk beside them in love, prayer and encouragement (Hebrews 13:3).

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in China,click here.

  • New Wave of Arrests
    Detention paper
    Detention paper issued by
    Langzhong City PSB, Sichuan province
    A prominent evangelical house church leader, Wang Jinhua, along with her husband, Xu Jinfu, and their eight-year-old son, Xu Enze, were arrested on July 11 in Jilin City, China. The boy was released after church members appealed to the authorities on his behalf. Xu Jinfu was released on July 14, but Wang Jinhua has been transferred to the Baishan Prison after three days and nights of interrogation.

    According to China Aid sources, Wang was questioned about her relationship to the Three-Grade Servant group, a controversial religious sect whose leader was sentenced to death on July 5. Wang was a former leader in the group but left ten years ago.

    China Aid has also learned of several other arrests in recent days in the provinces of Henan and Sichuan. On July 9, fifteen house church leaders were arrested at the Nanuan House Church in Nanyang City, Henan. According to eyewitnesses, twenty Public Security Bureau (PSB) officers broke down the door and confiscated the church offering box and the sound system. Four of those arrested were released later that day. At last report, however, eleven others were still in custody, accused of engaging in "evil cult" activities. Those in custody are Liu Wanlong, Wang Jie, Chen Tongqing, Chen Guangzhou, Chen Guangzhi, Zhang Wei, Xiao Qin (family name not available), Xiao Fei (family name not available), Duan Xiaotong and his wife. When Chen Tongqing's wife and son went to the detention center to look for Chen, both were beaten by the prison police. Chen's son was forced to return home and gather his father's Bibles and other Christian literature and turn them over to the police.

    In Langzhong City, Sichuan, two house church leaders were arrested on July 6 and accused of being "evil cult" leaders. Dan Wei and his wife, Xiao Tianmin, were leading a Bible study when four PSB officers raided the home and arrested them.

    Pray that the ongoing spate of arrests will serve to strengthen the determination of believers throughout China to remain true to the Lord (Acts 4:29-31). Pray that those who are still incarcerated and may be facing physical suffering will remain faithful under pressure. Ask God to strengthen the young believers to follow in the example that has been passed down to them by their leaders (1 Corinthians 4:9-14, 16). Pray that God would bring verses of Scripture to mind that will comfort the prisoners and their families during these trying times (Psalm 119:49-56). Continue to pray that the Chinese government will recognize the basic human right to worship as one chooses.

    For more information on the ongoing persecution facing Christians in China,click here.