

  • Prominent House Church Leader Sentenced

    Pastor Zhang RongliangDespite serious illness, Pastor Zhang Rongliang has been sentenced to seven and a half years in prison. Although the verdict came on June 29, Zhang was not informed of the sentence until July 4. Zhang is the leader of the underground house church movement, China for Christ, which has more than ten million members. He is accused of obtaining a passport through cheating and "illegal border crossing" related to speaking trips to various countries around the world. He has previously served a total of twelve years in prison since his conversion to Christianity in 1969. His story has been featured in a number of books, as well as the video documentary, "Jesus in Beijing," available through VOMC's online catalog.

    Pray that Pastor Zhang will receive the medical attention he needs. Ask God to give him particular strength to remain steadfast in the midst of the challenges he endures (1Peter 5:8-10). Pray that whether in or out of prison, God's people will be emboldened to share the gospel (Ephesians 6:19).

    For more information on the persecution facing Chinese Christians,click here.

  • Pastor Arrested for Printing Bibles

    A well-known Chinese house church pastor was formally arrested on May 26 for illegally printing and distributing Bibles and other Christian literature. According to China Aid Association, Pastor Wang Zaiqing (43) is being held in the Number One Detention Center of Huainan City on charges of "being involved in illegal business practices." He has been detained since April 28.

    Wang became a Christian in 1993 and is a respected church planter and preacher despite suffering the effects of a crippling disease he contracted at the age of five. He has been involved in printing Bibles and literature for free distribution to meet the needs of a rapidly growing Church in China.

    Pastor Lui Yuhua was arrested on the same charges on April 26 in Shandong Province (click here for more details). Pastor Cai Zhuohua was arrested in Beijing on similar charges in September 2004 and is presently serving three years in prison.

    Pray that Bibles and Christian literature will continue to be delivered throughout China so that lives may be changed through the Word of God (Psalm 119:33-48). Ask the Lord to protect Wang from harm during his incarceration. Pray that God will work in the hearts of the authorities to release him soon (II Corinthians 1:9-11). Pray that he and Pastors Lui Yuhua and Cai Zhuohua will rejoice that they are heirs together with Christ through their sufferings (Romans 8:16, 17).

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in China, see theChina Country Profile.

  • Twenty-Eight Christians Detained in House Church Raid

    Dr. Li Baiguang and Dr. Fan YafengOn June 8, China Aid Association reported on the arrest of twenty-eight Christians in Henan Province, China on May 28. As the church members were worshiping in the home of Ms. Chen Xuelan in Xiguan Ma Jia Chang, Public Security Bureau officers raided the meeting and took them into custody. That evening, all but five were released. Ms. Liu Yuemei was released on June 1 after her family paid a fine of 1600 Yuan ($220 CAD). Ms. Chang Xinhong (35) was released a week later after she promised to pay her fine in cash. Those remaining in custody are Ms. Chen Xuelan (58), Ms. Cao Yan (55) and Pastor Li Shunmin (52).

    During the raid, officers presented no documentation authorizing the raid or the confiscation of Bibles and notebooks. The Christians intend to file a legal appeal. Two prominent human rights lawyers, Dr. Li Baiguang and Dr. Fan Yafeng, have agreed to represent them.

    Pray that Ms. Chen, Ms. Cao and Pastor Li will be released soon (II Corinthians 1:9-11). Pray that Dr. Li and Dr. Fan will be able to adequately represent the Christians affected by this latest raid. Ask God to protect the individuals in prison and that they would continue to share Christ with those around them, wherever they may be (I Peter 5:1-4).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China,click here.

  • Numerous House Church Leaders Arrested Since late April, Chinese authorities have arrested at least a dozen pastors and house church leaders according to a May 15 report from China Aid Association.

    On April 26 in Shandong Province, Pastor Liu Yuhua was arrested and accused of "being involved in illegal business practices." Authorities have also seized his bank account and 8600 Yuan ($1200 CDN) in cash. Pastor Liu has been printing and distributing Bibles and Christian literature for fellow believers free of charge in order to meet the needs of the rapidly growing church in the region.  In 2005, Pastor Cai Zhuohua was sentenced to three years in prison for a similar "crime."

    On May 10, eleven pastors and house church leaders were arrested in Sugian City, Jiangsu Province after security officers broke up a Bible study in the home of Pastor Cai Zhirong. Approximately sixty Christians were in attendance at the time. According to eye-witness reports, police used electric shock batons on anyone who resisted arrest.  Cui Rongbo, a South Korean pastor who was present at the meeting, was among those arrested. He was released later that day, along with his two translators, but was ordered to leave China within forty-eight hours.

    Pray that Christians in China will be enabled to rejoice in their afflictions as they look forward to the time when Christ's glory will be revealed (1 Peter 4:12-13). Pray that these leaders will be released (2 Corinthians 1:10-11). Pray that the passion for Christ which these Chinese believers have will continue to be the light that draws others to Jesus (Matthew 5:14).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China, go to the China Country Profile.

  • Government Controlled Church Ordains Bishop Against Vatican Wishes

    The Vatican and China flagThe government-sanctioned Catholic Church in China has ordained Ma Yingling as bishop of Kunming despite strong Vatican objections. In response, the Chinese government has issued warnings to the Vatican to not interfere. A spokesman for China's Foreign Ministry was quoted in a Hong Kong newspaper saying, "The Vatican mustn't interfere in China's internal affairs, including interfering in domestic matters in the name of religion."

    In recent months, relations between the Vatican and the Chinese government seemed to have been improving, as evidenced by the appointment of Anthony Dang Mingyan as an auxiliary bishop of Xian; an appointment approved by the Vatican.  The appointment of Ma, who has been a strong leader in the state-run church, would seem to signal a hardening of the Chinese government against the Vatican. VOMC spokesman, Glenn Penner said, "Governments have no right to interfere in the appointment of church leadership regardless of denomination. These actions by the Chinese government illustrate yet again the myth of genuine religious freedom in China. We call upon government and business leaders to seriously consider the ethics of partnering with a government that so blatantly violates basic human rights."

    Pray that Christians in China will be free to worship and order their church affairs without government interference. Pray for church leaders in China who continue to serve the Lord despite growing opposition.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China,click here.

  • Bishop Julius Jia Zhiguo Released From Detention

    Bishop Julius Jia Zhiguo Bishop Julius Jia Zhiguo of Zhengding has been released after five months of detention but remains under house arrest, according to an April 26 report from Zenit. Bishop Zhiguo was taken by authorities for a "study session" on November 8 (click here for the story).  It was the eighth detention for the 71-year-old bishop since January 2004.  He was transferred to house arrest on April 19, coinciding with Chinese President Hu Jintao's visit to the United States.

  • Zhang Rongliang's Case Sent to Intermediate People's Court

    Zhang RongliangAfter a two-hour hearing on April 6, the Zhongmu City People's Court determined that there was "insufficient evidence and ambiguous facts" in the case against Zhang Rongliang.  According to an April 13 report from Compass Direct, the court sent the case to the Zhengzhou City Intermediate People's Court for advice.  An answer is expected by April 24.

  • Prayer and Intervention Requested for Zhang Rongliang
    Zhang Rongliang
    Zhang Rongliang
    Prayer and intervention is requested for a pastor who is in a Chinese prison and is suffering from failing health.  Pastor Zhang Rongliang (55) was arrested on December 1, 2004 and has remained in custody without charges since.  On April 6 a hearing was scheduled. No information on the results of that hearing is available.  However, it has been reported that Zhang has been hospitalized since December 19, 2005 suffering from complications of diabetes and high blood pressure.
  • House Church Leaders Detained

    ChinaAccording to a March 21 report from China Aid Association, sixteen house church leaders are being detained after two raids by Chinese authorities in the past week.

    On March 20, Pastor Lian Changnian was leading a Bible study for over one hundred believers when the meeting in Xiantao City, Hubei Province was raided.  Pastor Lian is being detained in the Xiantao City detention centre.

    Fifteen house church leaders, including a 15-year-old girl, are also being detained after a meeting of sixty house church leaders was raided in Wen County, Henan Province. According to the testimonies from the forty-five who were released, all the prisoners were treated badly. All were tortured with electric shock batons. Pastor Li Gongshe (51) is in hospital with a broken rib because of the beatings.  Of the prisoners still detained, the whereabouts of six are unknown. Church leaders fear that the beatings may have been so severe that police are trying to prevent family visits.  Those missing are Ms. Ma Wenqing (72), Ms. Zhang Jinzhi (44), Mr. Zhang Liang (24), Ms. Zhang Suihong (35), Ms. Xian Guirong (38), Ms. Wei Rongzhen (43).

    Pray that our brothers and sisters will be able to rejoice in knowing that it is a privilege to suffer for Christ's sake. Pray that the Lord would bring verses of Scripture and hymns of praise to their minds. Pray that those who have been released will be protected from any further harassment. Ask God to protect those who are in prison and give them strength in their afflictions.

    For more information on China and the persecution of Christians there,click here.

  • More Christians Arrested

    ChinaWhile raids on unregistered churches in China are frequent, the Chinese government's opposition to so-called "illegal evil cults" took a different turn on March 6 when an officially registered church was raided for allegedly providing "illegal evil cult" training.  An eyewitness told China Aid sources that a Three-Self Patriotic Church in the village of Qiaozhuang, Henan Province was raided by Public Security Bureau (PSB) officers as fifty Christians were receiving Bible training from Pastor Liu Tuanjie. Pastor Liu is from Shangshui County in Henan Province. According to Chinese regulations, even within government churches, church leaders can only minister in their designated areas.

    Pastor Liu and two other church leaders, Mr. Li Xueqin and Ms. Ma were taken into custody. Ma was released after her family paid a fine.  As of March 10, Liu and Li remained in custody.

    China Aid also reported on March 10 that a prominent Chinese musician, Su Wenxing, was recently placed under house arrest.  Su is regarded as one of the best conductors in the country.  In April 2004, a performance of Handel's Messiah by the China National Orchestra conducted by Su was abruptly cancelled without reason (for more information, click here). Su was reportedly told by guards at his door that he could face arrest if he continues his "provocative (evangelistic) activities" through music.

    On March 6, two house church leaders were taken by PSB officers from their homes in Baihe County, Shanxi Province. Both Pastor Ruan Yonggui and Pastor Liu Fukao belong to a well-known House Church group called China Gospel Fellowship.

    Pray that these arrested leaders will be released soon and that they will have opportunities to share Christ with others while in custody. Pray for renewed determination on the part of Chinese church leaders to continue to follow Christ regardless of the cost. Pray that the eyes of world leaders will be opened to the reality of China's restrictive anti-religious policies.

    For more information on the persecution facing China's Christians,click here.

    We encourage Canadians to write letters of protest and concern over these recent arrests to the Chinese embassy in Ottawa:

    His Excellency Lu Shumin
    Embassy of the People's Republic of China
    515 St. Patrick Street
    Ottawa, ON K1N 5H3