

  • Bible School Leaders Released
    Pastor ChuPastor Liu

    Pastor Chu and Pastor Liu
    Photos courtesy of
    China Aid Association

    On March 1, a house church Bible School was raided and thirty-six people arrested (click here for more information).  The next day, China Aid Association (CAA) reported that everyone had been released.  The ten thousand copies of Christian literature, however, were not returned.  Instead, they were given to a government committee to determine if they are legal.  According to CAA, the decision by the Public Security Bureau to release the prisoners came as a direct result of international pressure.
  • Bible School Raided
    Pastor ChuPastor Liu

    Pastor Chu and Pastor Liu
    Photos courtesy of
    China Aid Association

    In the morning of March 1, a house church Bible School was raided by Public Security Bureau officers in Huaibei City, China.  Approximately thirty-six house church leaders, students and teachers were taken into custody, according to a press release from China Aid.

    According to eyewitnesses, more than fifty officers armed with electric shock batons surrounded the school.  The school is run by Pastor Chu Huaiting, a well-known house church leader and vice-president of the Chinese House Church Alliance.  Officers did not present a search warrant, even when requested.  During the raid, ten thousand copies of Christian literature and two hundred blankets for distribution were confiscated.  Among those arrested were Pastor Liu Haiting, Pastor Liang Zhenjun and Pastor Joseph Wang. Three hours later, police arrested Pastor Chu at his home.

    Pray for the release of those who have been arrested. Ask God to give them wisdom in what to say as they face their accusers.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China,click here.

  • Priests Arrested for Reasons Unknown

    China flag, rosary and prayer bookAccording to the Cardinal Kung Foundation, Father Lu Genjun (44) and Father Guo Yanli (39) were arrested by security officials while waiting for a friend to arrive at the Baoding train station on February 17.  No information on the reasons for the arrest has yet been made public. Sources report that Guo has been sent to the Xushui County detention centre. The location of Lu is unknown. Lu has been detained twice before. He served three years in prison following his arrest in 1998 and an unspecified period of time in 2004. Guo has not been previously arrested.

    Despite the best efforts of China's Communist government, the Church in China is growing rapidly, particularly unregistered groups. According to a February 28 report from Asia News, one-third of all Communist Party members belong to some type of religious organization, despite prohibitions from the Central Committee.  It is estimated that ten million Party members are actively involved in religious activities.

    Pray that Father Lu Genjun and Father Guo Yanli will know the peace that comes with resting in Christ, even in the most difficult circumstances. Pray that they will soon be released. Praise the Lord with us that the Body of Christ is growing in China, even within the ranks of those who officially oppose it. Pray that believers will remain steadfast in their faith, unmoving in their commitment to live and spread the truth of the Gospel.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China,click here. Various resources on China, including a 4-DVD set on the history of Christianity in China, are available on VOMC's online catalog.

  • Prisoner Released; Another Suffering
    Xu YonghaiLiu Fenggang
    Xu Yonghai
    Liu Fenggang
    Xu Yonghai, originally detained in November 2003 and sentenced to two years in prison in August 2004, has been released according to a February 3 report from Human Rights in China (HRIC).  During the same trial, house church leader Liu Fenggang was sentenced to three years in prison.  HRIC has learned that Liu's health has seriously deteriorated because of a lack of treatment for his heart condition.  For more details on Liu and Xu, click here.  We encourage you to write a letter to, and on behalf of, Liu Fenggang. Click here to download our most recent Prisoners List that has the addresses to which to write.
  • Assassination Attempt Against Lawyer
    Gao Zhisheng
    Gao Zhisheng
    Photo courtesy of
    China Aid
    A prominent lawyer who had his legal license suspended by Chinese authorities because of his work in representing the religious rights faced an attempt on his life on January 17, according to China Aid Association. Gao Zhisheng was traveling in Beijing when a vehicle with an obscured license plate suddenly stopped in front of him.  Gao narrowly missed hitting the vehicle, stopped and got out to investigate.  The driver of the other car then attempted to run down Gao, who was able to dodge out of the path of the vehicle.  As the car sped away, the newspaper covering the license plate blew away and the plate number was reported.  It is believed the driver was a security agent of the Chinese government.  Throughout the incident, a military vehicle was nearby observing.

    Pray that Gao will continue to experience God's protection even though his work angers those in authority. Pray that Gao and his friends within the house churches will continue to share Christ with boldness and share their faith with their persecutors.

    For more information on the persecution facing Chinese Christians,click here.

  • Several House Churches Raided in Recent Weeks
    Raid on the Church of Ark
    Raid on the Church of Ark
    Photo courtesy of
    China Aid
    A January 16 report from VOMC partner, China Aid Association, gives details on police raids on several house churches since Christmas.  These incidents are further evidence of an escalating crackdown on house churches in recent months.

    Shortly after Christmas, Jin Tianming, the pastor of at least nine house churches in Haidian District, was detained by police for questioning.  Dozens of other leaders from his churches were also questioned by authorities.

    On January 4, 2006, a house church in Dayinjia Village, Changchun City, Jilin Province was raided by five officers who declared the gathering illegal and ordered the forty believers there to move to a government-sanctioned TSPM church.  The pastor, Cui Guojun, was interrogated for three hours before being released.

    On two consecutive Sundays, January 8 and 15, officers from the Public Security Bureau raided the Church of Ark, a well-known house church in Beijing.  According to a report from Gao Zhisheng who was present at the meetings, a plain clothes officer roughed up several of those present, grabbing the video camera of a foreign journalist who was present at the time.  The officers claimed the meeting was an illegal religious gathering and disturbing the neighbours.

    The January 4 edition of the Persecution & Prayer Alert reported that five Christian leaders remained in custody following a raid on Christmas Day in Ma Na Si County. China Aid Association reports that these men have been released, but none of the confiscated property has been returned.

    Pray that the body of Christ in China will continue to grow in number and in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray that Pastor Jin and his colleagues will know the peace of Christ.  Pray that the Lord will enable them to maintain a consistent testimony. Pray that the believers in the house churches recently raided will continue to stand up for the truth of God's Word. Thank God for the release of the five Christian leaders.  Pray for them as they continue to make Christ's name known.

    For more information on persecution in China,click here.  Video footage from China is also available on VOMC's multimedia website, www.vomcanada.com.

  • Christmas Services Raided

    PSB OfficersAs one hundred Christians gathered to worship on Christmas Eve in Korla City, Xinjiang, six police officers raided their meeting and forced them to stop the service.  The officers directed the people to go to a government-sanctioned church if they wanted to meet for worship. One church leader has informed China Aid that they intend to continue meeting even though they will have to find another location.

    Also in Xinjiang, in Ma Na Si County, two hundred police officers and other officials raided a house church meeting in a rented facility on Christmas Day.  Two hundred and ten believers had gathered to worship when the police entered with a search warrant and declared that the meeting was an "illegal religious gathering."  Twelve church leaders were arrested and property was confiscated, including two vehicles, a piano, a video camera, eighty Bibles, 230 towels and all the Christmas food.  Seven of the leaders were later released.  Those still in custody at last report were Pastor Guo Xianyao (54), Ms. Lu Jianzhen (47), Ms. Wu Haifang (28), Ms. Wang Ximei (54) and Ms. Zhou Bin (50).  According to one witness, Pastor Guo was physical beaten by the police.

    Pray that those who have been arrested will soon be released. Ask God to give them patience and quietness of heart as they face their accusers. Pray that Pastor Guo will be able to maintain a consistent walk with God as he recovers from the beatings. Ask God to protect His people from bitterness and that they will have an undying love for those who continue to violate their basic human rights.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China,click here. Video reports on China are available on www.vomcanada.com

  • Protest Against Confiscated Property Turns to Violence

    On November 23, sixteen nuns were injured as they protested plans to destroy a school building in Xian, China.  The building had been confiscated by the Chinese government during Mao's "Cultural Revolution," but should have been returned to the Catholic Church after policies changed in 1979. According to a December 14 report from the Catholic news agency, Zenit, officials have responded to public pressure.  Eleven people have been arrested for their part in the attack and the government has agreed to pay all medical expenses for those injured. For more information, including photos from the attack, click here.

    On December 16, a similar attack took place in the sea-side city of Tianjin. Forty-eight priests and two nuns staged a protest against the confiscation of several buildings which should have been returned to the Church, but which were turned over to a land developer instead.  Around 2:15 p.m., a group described by local sources as "thugs" arrived and began to beat the demonstrators with iron bars, bricks and clubs.  When security forces arrived, the attackers fled and the demonstrators were taken to the police station for questioning.  A few hours later, those injured were allowed to go to the hospital.  At last report, six priests were recovering from various injuries and one nun, Song Zhiying, remained in hospital with head injuries.

    Praise God for His intervention on behalf of those who were attacked in Xian. Pray that those responsible will be convicted. Pray that the attackers in Tianjin will also be arrested. Pray for a full recovery for those injured.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China,click here. Various videos on China are available for free viewing on www.vomcanada.com. VOMC also has a number of resources on China available for sale through our online catalogue.  

  • Christian Businessman's Court Case Rejected Tong Qimiao and his wifeIn October, The Voice of the Martyrs issued a series of reports on the plight of Christian businessman, Tong Qimiao, who was severely beaten by security police on September 28 for no apparent reason.  He was then forced out of the hospital and his business was closed after he complained about the treatment he received. Tong filed claim against the Public Security Bureau (PSB) officer responsible for the attack.  However, according to a December 13 report from China Aid, the District People's Court of Kashi City in Xinjiang has rejected the claim without explanation.
  • Nuns Injured in Attempt to Stop Destruction of School Building

    Pictures courtesy ofChina Aid
    Sixteen nuns were injured as they attempted to prevent the destruction of a school building in Xian on November 23.  Although the government attempted to block any information on the incident from leaving the country, Catholic sources were able to release information on the destruction of the School of the Rosary and the attack on the nuns protesting the destruction.

    Under the leadership of Mao Zedong, the Chinese government confiscated all church-owned property, including the School of the Rosary, which was turned into a state-run school in 1952.  In the 1980's, government policy changed and all property confiscated during the "Cultural Revolution" was to be returned to their original owners.  However, many buildings owned by the Church remained under government control.  A few years ago, the government abandoned the building and recently sold the land to a developer who intended to destroy the building.  The nuns from the Congregation of the Franciscan Sacred Heart Missionaries protested this action, claiming ownership belonged to the Catholic Church.

    According to a report sent by the Xian diocese, a bulldozer began to destroy the wall of the compound on the night of November 23.  At least thirty men with sticks and matching jackets cut power to the facility and began to demolish the building.  When the nuns protested, the men turned on the women and began to beat them.  At last report, those still hospitalized included: Dong Jianian (41) who has undergone spinal cord surgery; Cheng Jing (34) who is at risk of losing her sight in one eye; Yue Xiuying (31); and Zan Hongfang (34) who suffered a fracture to her left arm.  Others continue to recover from their physical and psychological wounds.  Hundreds of Christians took to the streets of Xian on November 27 to protest the action.  To quell the protests, the city officials have offered to sell the property to the Catholic Church for 6.5 million yuan (over $932,000 CDN).  The auxiliary bishop of Xian, Dang Minyan, has agreed to discuss the issue, but many Catholics see such a transaction as illegitimate.

    Pray for complete healing for those injured in this incident. Pray that Cheng Jing will not lose sight in her one eye and that Dong Jianian will fully recover from her spinal cord surgery. Ask God to grant the city officials a willingness to work toward an equitable deal with the Catholic Church.

    Video reports from China, including footage of the destruction of a church building in 2003, are available on VOMC's multimedia website, www.vomcanada.com. More information on the persecution of Christians is also available on our country report.