

  • Evangelist Poisoned by Muslims

    VOMC sources report that Yosuf Hajji, an evangelist who was recently imprisoned in the town of Bulbula, 200 km south of Addis Ababa, is severely ill from eating poisoned food. Local Christians suspect that Hajji's food was deliberately poisoned by Muslim authorities in collaboration with local Muslims. He is currently receiving treatment at a local hospital.

    Pray that Yosuf will have a full recovery. Pray that he will find peace in the fact that those who share in Christ's suffering will also share in His glory (Romans 5:15-17).

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in Ethiopia,click here.

  • Christian Gathering Bombed in Eastern Ethiopia; Two Killed, Several Injured

    On the last week of April, Muslims bombed a tent where a group of Christians was gathered in the town of Jijiga, Eastern Ethiopia, according to reports from VOMC sources. Two Christians were killed and several were injured in the bombing. The Christians were meeting together to mourn for two of the Christians killed by rebels on April 24 during the storming of a Chinese-run oil field in the nearby town of Abole. Sixty-five Ethiopians and nine Chinese were killed in this attack and seven Chinese workers were kidnapped.

    Pray that those who have lost loved ones will find comfort in the Holy Spirit during their grief (2 Corinthians 1:5). Ask God to heal those injured. Pray that increased persecution in this area will result in increased boldness among believers (Acts 4:29-31).

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in Ethiopia,click here.

  • Bible Students Arrested, Church Leaders' Houses Raided

    This week, VOMC sources reported three recent incidents of persecution in Ethiopia.

    On March 22, two Bible students were imprisoned in Jimma on the false accusation of attempting to kill an imam. They were released one week later with a fine of 1000 Birr ($135 CAD). A court hearing was scheduled for April 2.

    On April 2 in Bambasse, a town in southwest Ethiopia, the house of evangelist Tolosa Megersa, was raided by local Muslims and six of his cattle and sheep were killed. Five days later, the home of Full Gospel Church leader, Lemmu Abdissa, was also raided. All of his property was destroyed, including 4,000
    kilograms of grain.

    Thank God for the release of the two Bible students. Pray that those who have experienced property loss will rest in the fact that they have "better and lasting possessions" (Hebrews 10:36, 37).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Ethiopia,click here. The April edition of The Voice of the Martyrs Newsletter features the persecution of Christians in Ethiopia. To subscribe and to read this month's feature article, click here.

  • Evangelist Killed by Militants in Western Ethiopia An evangelist, Taddese Tefera Akufo, was beaten to death by militant Muslims in Jimma on March 26, according to VOMC sources. Akufo and two female coworkers were evangelizing on Merkato Street when a mob of Muslims emerged from a mosque. The two women were able to flee but the militants dragged Taddese inside the building and beat him to death. The killing was apparently a direct attack against a local evangelism campaign. In an attempt to shift the blame, local Muslims have opened a case against Christians that falsely accuses them of entering mosques in order to forcibly convert Muslims.

    Image from the October
    massacre in Jimma
    Pray that those who mourn for Taddese will find comfort in the fact that Christ is victorious over death and that those who die in Christ will be raised with Him. (1 Corinthians 15:50-58). Pray that God will embolden Ethiopian Christians to follow the example of those who were martyred for Him (1 Corinthians 4:9-14, 16).

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in Ethiopia,click here. VOMC's multimedia website www.vomcanada.com has amateur video footage of the aftermath of a massacre of Christians in Jimma in October 2006. The April edition of The Voice of the Martyrs Newsletter features the persecution facing Christians in Ethiopia and how VOMC is standing with them. To receive a copy and a free subscription, click here.

  • House of Christians Burned, Christian Man Killed
    Youths in Ethiopia are frequently driven from their homes when they
    turn to Christ, including these youths from Alaba in southern Ethiopia
    VOMC sources in Ethiopia have reported on two recent attacks on Christians in Ethiopia in early January.

    On January 8, the homes of three Christian families were burned by Muslims in the village of Begge. Although the family belongings were burned, no one was injured in the attack. All of the family belongings were burned but no one was injured in the attacks. Tareku Meres, Jemal Tasesa and Tamene Gemechu and their families are currently taking shelter at a local gospel church. At last report, the police have not investigated the incident or taken any action to bring the arsonists to justice. For the past three months, ten Christian youths have also been living in a church building in Begge after fleeing from their homes. They were chased from their homes after their families threatened to execute them for converting from Islam.

    On January 5, a Christian man named Ajja Delge was killed by an unknown person in the town of Kofele. Delge, a father of five, was walking near his house when he was hit on the head with a metal iron. His body was found in a nearby jungle the following day. His family believes that he was killed by Muslims. Since the Kofele area is dominated by Muslims, local Christians believe it is unlikely that the police will conduct a proper investigation into Delge's murder.

    Ask God to sustain and comfort Ajja's loved ones in their grief.  Pray that the Christians who are homeless will have a deep assurance of the Lord's never-ending love, even in the midst of very trying circumstances (Ephesians 3:14-19).  Pray that persecutors of Christians in Ethiopia will come to repentance and salvation, just as Paul did. (Acts 9:1-19).

    For more information on persecution in Ethiopia,click here. Amateur video footage showing the aftermath of an attack on Christians in Jimma, Ethiopia in October 2005 is available on VOMC's multimedia website, www.vomcanada.com.

  • Attacks on Christians in Western Ethiopia

    There were two new attacks against Ethiopian Christians over the past few weeks, according to a report from VOMC sources.

    On November 5, Semu Hailu -- an elder of a Mennonite Church in Jimma, Ethiopia -- was imprisoned after a group of Muslims accused him of insulting the prophet Mohammed. The accusation came after Hailu refused to move out of his house and sell his property to a nearby mosque. The Muslims responded by telling him that "kafirs" should not live around mosques and threatened him repeatedly, demanding that he leave his property. When he refused, they eventually accused him of insulting Mohammed, resulting in his arrest. During Hailu's November 9 court hearing, Muslims brought in false witnesses to testify against him. The court ordered him to be imprisoned for an unspecified period of time.

    On November 17, the house of Jemal Tasisa was burned by Muslims in the village of Tongo. Tasisa, an elder in a local Lutheran church, has fled to Assosa, Benishangul state with his five children. VOMC is providing him and his family with aid through our Relief and Development Fund.

    Ask God to comfort Semu in prison. Pray that, like Paul, his imprisonment will result in the advancement of God's kingdom (Philippians 1:12-14). Ask the Lord to keep Jemal and his family safe from harm. Pray that increased persecution in Ethiopia will result in increased boldness among the believers (Acts 4:29-31).

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in Ethiopia,click here.

  • More Christians Killed and Injured as Violence Continues in Western Ethiopia

    Religious tension continues to generate severe violence against Christians in Western Ethiopia (for information on recent attacks in this area, click here).

    On October 11, local Muslims burned seventeen churches in the town of Begge and killed an evangelist named Mekayel Kena, according to VOMC sources. Three other Christians were also injured in these attacks. Many Christians had their houses burned down and were forced to flee to neighbouring towns for refuge. These attacks were initiated after a tape urging local Muslims towards jihad was officially circulated in the area. VOMC is providing emergency aid to those affected by this attack.

    Over the weekend of October 14-15, five people were killed in the city of Jimma as a result of violence between Ethiopian Orthodox Christians and Muslims. A Federal Police spokesman said, "The crisis was touched off by a few individuals who were attempting to create discord between the people of Jimma by using religion for their cheap political ends." Police have made several arrests and are continuing to search for more suspects. 

    Ask God to give wisdom to those in authority as they seek to restore peace to Jimma and the surrounding region. (1 Timothy 2:1-2). Pray that Mekayel's Christian friends will be comforted in knowing he is with the Lord (1 Thessalonians 4:15-18). Pray that Christians will have the courage to share Jesus' love with Muslims in the area (Matthew 5:43-48).

    For more information on the difficulties facing Christians in Ethiopia,click here.
  • Religious Riots Bring Severe Persecution

    On September 27, the Ethiopian Orthodox Church celebrates the festival of Meskel. This is a national holy day with feasts and a large bonfire around which thousands gather to sing and commemorate what they believe is the discovery of actual cross of Christ in the fourth century.

    While the majority of Ethiopia's population is Ethiopian Orthodox, Islam is growing rapidly in many areas, particularly in the southwest. Intent on stopping this feast which takes place during the Muslim fast of Ramadan, Muslims planned protests against the celebration. In the town of Denbee, 405 km southwest of Addis Ababa, the protests turned deadly and as many as nine people were killed in the violence. According to VOMC sources in Ethiopia, the violence started when an Orthodox woman and her son were killed for refusing to recant their faith. In retaliation, the woman's husband killed four Muslim men. This reciprocal attack led to escalating violence against all Christians. Many of those suffering are not Orthodox and have nothing to do with the Meskel celebration.

    Hundreds of Christians have since been attacked. Reports state that more than fifteen hundred members from the evangelical Kalehiwot ("Word of Life") denomination have been displaced from their homes. Five churches in the area were burned: three Kalehiwot, one Lutheran and one Catholic. Five Kalehiwot churches were confiscated and turned into mosques. More than 750 believers were kidnapped and forcibly converted to Islam after being starved for four days. Property has been confiscated, Muslim men are forcing Christian girls to marry them and believers are being forced to ingest a traditional narcotic drug. The Ethiopian military has since moved into the area to prevent further violence and is restricting all travel into the region.

    In a further incident in southwest Ethiopia on October 8, Muslims burned the Full Gospel Church in the town of Kober, near Begge as well as setting fire to the house of a Christian, Isaac Bayou (26). The next day, a Full Gospel Church in Begge was also burned. VOMC sources are continuing to monitor the situation and further reports will be forthcoming as they become available.

    While the initial violence initiated by Muslims and then reciprocated by Orthodox Church members is regrettable, the devastating attacks by Muslims against Christians who have no association with either group are deplorable and go far beyond retaliation. Apparently local Muslims are using the situation as an attempt to rid the area of all Christians.

    Ask God to give wisdom to those in authority so that residents in the region will be able to live quietly and peacefully together (1 Timothy 2:1-2). Pray that the displaced and suffering believers will know that the Good Shepherd walks with them through this terrible ordeal (Psalm 23). Pray that those forced from their homes will be able to return.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Ethiopia,click here. The persecution of Christians is featured in the October edition of VOMC's new video "Persecution Report" available on our home page. The October edition of The Voice of the Martyrs Newsletter features testimonies of Christians in Ethiopia suffering for their faith. To subscribe to this free monthly newsletter, click here. Those who subscribe will be able to read the feature article online. Sorry, but this publication is sent free only to Canadian addresses. Contact our office for pricing for international subscriptions.

  • Ethiopia to be Featured in Upcoming Newsletter
    Shek Hamed Adem, an Ethiopian Christian
    who was severely beaten and hanged
    on a cross by Muslims on July 5
    This week, The Voice of the Martyrs in Canada received more detailed reports and pictures of the persecution facing Christians in the western Ethiopian state of Benishangul, as reported in last week's Persecution and Prayer Alert (click here for the details). We will be releasing this information in early October in a special feature article in The Voice of the Martyrs Newsletter. To subscribe, go to our Newsletter Page.
  • Severe Persecution for Christians in Western Ethiopia

    Eyewitness reports from VOMC sources in Ethiopia provide evidence of the severe but under-reported persecution facing Christians in the Muslim regions of Bambesi and Tongo near the Sudanese border. This remote area is without modern means of communication requiring VOMC personnel to travel by foot for several days to collect these reports.

    On July 20, hundreds of Muslims occupied the compound of a Christian woman and forcibly erected a mosque on her property. The building was erected as part of a plan to build a mosque every two kilometres.

    In the last three months, the harvest of more than thirty-five Christians has been completely destroyed, creating severe hardship for the families of these subsistence farmers. VOMC was able to provide some funds for their needs.

    On June 28, the home of an evangelist named Tareku from the village of Begge was destroyed and the building where almost seventy new believers gathered for worship was also burned down.

    On July 5, a convert from Islam named Shek Hamed Adem was severely beaten and hanged on a cross. While beating him, the crowd told him, "Jesus was hanged on a cross and beaten and as his follower you also deserve the same punishment."

    These are only a few of the incidents compiled by VOMC staff who met with many of the local believers last week. They report that the reason for the persecution is because the church is growing. More details on these and other incidents will be forthcoming in the next few days.

    Pray that the Christian woman who has experienced the loss of her home will experience the joy of knowing that Christ is preparing a far greater inheritance for her (Hebrews 10:32-39). Ask God to enable Tareku and his congregation to hold fast to the hope they have in Christ as they encourage one another toward love and good works in their regular meetings, with or without adequate buildings to do so (Hebrews 10:23-25). Pray that Shek will rest in the love of his Heavenly Father, finding peace in the fact that as he has suffered with Christ so he will be glorified with Him (Romans 8:15-17).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Ethiopia,click here. When possible, VOMC attempts to help in practical ways to alleviate the suffering of believers who have lost everything because of their faith in Christ. To assist in these efforts, gifts can be made online to our Relief and Development fund.