

  • Ethiopian Evangelist Killed for Refusing to Deny Christ

    The Voice of the Martyrs continues to receive news of persecution facing Christians in rural Ethiopia where communication is difficult and reports of their courage often take several weeks to reach the outside world.

    VOMC sources reported this week of how a leader and evangelist with the Assemblies of God in the town of Jijiga, Ethiopia was shot and killed on July 19 for refusing to deny his faith in Christ.  According to the report, Estifanos Abate (34) was traveling from Degahabour to Jijiga in eastern Ethiopia, when the bus was stopped by Islamic militants.  The militants boarded the bus, demanding to know the religion of each traveler.  Of the 45 passengers, five were Orthodox and four were evangelical Christians.  The gunmen ordered these nine to be separated from the Muslim passengers.  The Christians were then ordered to repeat the Islamic creed and to bow three times toward Mecca.  Everyone but Estifanos complied with the order and was allowed back on the bus.  The gunmen threatened Estifanos, who calmly began to tell his attackers about Jesus, while his fellow travelers begged him to save his life by obeying their demands.

    The Muslim leader then ordered the bus to continue on its way, without Estifanos.  As the bus pulled away, Estifanos was executed.  According to the report, his body was left on the side of the road for most of the day, presumably as a warning to others.  At last report, authorities had not yet even begun an investigation into his death.

    Such violence and injustice is not uncommon for evangelical Christians in Ethiopia.  Continue to pray for their continued Christian outreach in regions where the pressure of Islamic militants is getting more intense.  Pray for wisdom and direction for Christian leaders, as they lead their people in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.

    For more information on Ethiopia and the challenges facing Christians there,click here.  In the Video section of VOMC's multimedia website, www.vomcanada.com, you can view and eight-minute video entitled, "Ethiopia: Gathering the Scattered."  You can also order a more recent video from our online catalog entitled "Faith Under Fire: Ethiopia."

  • Ethiopian Missionary Beaten and Arrested

    Over the past three years, hundreds of Muslims have come to Christ through the ministry of missionaries serving quietly in Ethiopia.  Early this month, however, the identity of one of these missionaries in north eastern Ethiopia was discovered by those opposed to the spread of the Gospel.  According to a VOMC source in Ethiopia, a large mob formed on July 8 intending to kill the missionary, whom we will call "Stephen" (not his real name).  His house was burned and he was dragged into the bush.  Police managed to intervene, but the mob turned on the police, wounding two of them.

    Stephen was taken into custody where police beat him and allowed other prisoners to attack him.  He was finally released after paying 2000 Birr ($285.00 CDN).  The authorities released him during the night because of threats against his life.  Mission leaders are presently appealing his case to the high court in Bahir Dar.

    Pray for the protection and continued ministry of Stephen and others like him who are risking their lives to share their faith in Jesus Christ.  Pray for discretion and guidance for those willing to carry the cross of Jesus Christ.

    For more information on the difficulties facing Christians in Ethiopia,click here. To watch an eight-minute video on the plight of evangelicals in Ethiopia, produced by VOMC, entitled "Gathering the Scattered," go to the Video section of our multimedia website, www.vomcanada.com.

  • Continuing Persecution in Rural Ethiopia

    In February, The Voice of the Martyrs in Canada reported on the severe persecution of Christians in rural Ethiopia, particularly in the Alaba region (click here for more details). According to VOM reports received this week, the violence is continuing unabated. 

    The thirty-two believers expelled from the village of Besheno in January are still unable to return to their homes.  Muslim leaders interrogate any stranger to ensure that no Christian enters the area.

    VOM's contacts in the Alaba area reported that an eight-year-old girl named Denkenesh was stabbed to death on June 5 by a witch doctor who had repeatedly told her Christian family that their prayers hindered his contact with the spirits.  As a result, the witch doctor lured the girl into his home and killed her.  When blood-soaked cloths were found in his home, he admitted to the attack and was arrested.  The Christians in the area are skeptical that the trial will bring about a fair verdict.

    Home of Serkalem's family
    Serkalem's brother Adane (11) and friends
    Also in the Alaba region, in the village of Colicha, a government official led a mob in raiding a church service on June 12.  Those present were forced from the home where they were meeting.  The governor has written a letter to the owner of the house, forbidding further church services.

    On June 19, eleven Muslim converts were late arriving for church.  They and others had been accosted on their way to the service and beaten.  These managed to escape and proceed to the service while the others were driven away.

    While in Alaba, VOM met with the family of Serkalem, a young man martyred on February 1 (click here for more information).  Since the attack in February, the family's house has been damaged by Muslim attackers and their crops ruined, but the family remains firm in their faith.  VOM spoke Serkalem's 11-year-old brother, Adane, and his friends.  The children freely spoke about discipleship and being prepared to pay the cost of following Christ.

    Pray for Christians in Ethiopia who are facing continued persecution at the hands of those opposed to the Gospel.  Pray for strength and the healing of those beaten or mourning the loss of a loved one.  Pray for the safety of Christians working to spread the Gospel of Christ to those around them.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Ethiopia,click here.

  • Severe Islamic Persecution Reported in Rural Ethiopia

    VOM sources in Ethiopia have compiled a disturbing report from the town of Alaba (K'olito) and surrounding area in the Southern Region of Ethiopia.  VOM has documented recent cases of severe physical abuse, confiscation and destruction of property, extortion, kidnapping, forcible marriage and the unlawful imprisonment of evangelical Christians in the area.  VOM has also learned of the martyrdom of a Christian student named Serkalem on February 1, 2005, who was repeatedly stabbed by assailants as he returned home from school.  His family has appealed to authorities but if past experience is any indication, a proper investigation is unlikely.

    VOM also learned that, on the same day, in Alaba, Hajji Husman Mohamed and his family were severely beaten, including his pregnant wife. For more than an hour, the attackers physically abused everyone in the house. Hajji, a former Muslim Imam, has suffered several times since his conversion to Christ in March 2003.  Last December, all of his property was taken from him, including his furniture, cattle, and a year's supply of grain.

    VOM has also received reports that, in early January, thirty-two believers were chased out of the village of Besheno, located approximately 30 km northeast of Alaba.  The Muslims who organized the attack are now checking every vehicle entering the community to ensure that no Christians return.

    Given the remote nature of much of Ethiopia, the Ethiopian Constitution has allowed a certain degree of flexibility in administering justice.  It provides, for example, legal standing to some pre-existing religious and customary courts and gives federal and regional legislatures the authority to recognize other courts. By law, all parties to a dispute must agree before a customary or religious court may hear a case. Shari'a (Islamic) courts may hear religious and family cases involving Muslims. In addition, other traditional systems of justice, like councils of elders, continue to function in the country. Although not sanctioned by law, these traditional courts typically resolve disputes for the majority of citizens who lived in rural areas and who generally have little access to formal judicial systems.  Unfortunately, this also opens up the system to abuse, such as is being seen in the region near Alaba.  The Alaba self-governing administration is the first regional office in Ethiopia to have requested the government to implement Shari'a (Islamic) law.  Ninety-nine percent of the population in Alaba is Muslim, with less than one percent being Ethiopian Orthodox.  The tiny fraction remaining is Evangelical. Islam is the identity of the Alaba tribe.  As one church leader put it to VOM sources, in this town, "Islam means Alaba and Alaba means Islam."

    Pray for those who continue to serve Christ in Ethiopia, despite the many difficulties that they face.  Pray for safety for Hajji and others suffering injustice and pain for their faith.

    For more information on persecution of Christians in Ethiopia,click here.

  • Property Stolen from Needy Believers
    Ethiopian Worship Service

    On January 3, The Voice of the Martyrs documented two disturbing reports in Ethiopia, demonstrating some of the continuing difficulties facing Christians there. On December 23, a Christian farmer named Adenew was returning from the market with the only ox he owned when he was attacked. His attackers beat him and then slaughtered his ox, offering the meat to those around. Though the attack took place in public, no one intervened to help. Adenew is still recovering from the assault. The local church provided for his medical expenses but asked if VOM could help replace his ox, as seeding time is approaching and the ox was needed to plough his land to provide food for his family.

    Two days later, on December 25, Hassen, a Christian in the Muslim-dominated region of Alaba, had all of his property forcefully taken from him. The Muslim attackers took his furniture, cattle and a year's supply of grain needed to feed his family.

    The Voice of the Martyrs has an emergency contingency fund in place for situations such as these in Ethiopia and was able to provide a new ox for Adenew, as well some funds for the needs of Hassen and his family. We thank God for the privilege of being able to stand with our Ethiopian brothers and sisters in this way. If you would be interested in helping VOM provide funds for such emergencies, online donations can be made to VOM's "Relief and Development Fund" (click here).

    Pray for Hassen and Adenew as they rebuild their lives after these acts of violence against them. Pray for protection and strength for other Christians facing similar danger in Ethiopia.

    For more information on Ethiopia and the challenges facing Christians there,click here. You can also view a video entitled "Gathering the Scattered" on the persecution facing Christians in Ethiopia and how VOM is standing with them in their affliction. Go to the Video section of our multimedia website, www.vomcanada.com. You must subscribe to the site to view these resources, but membership is free.

  • Christians in Hiding and Prison

    On July 4, a source for The Voice of the Martyrs in Ethiopia returned from a trip to the town of Alaba, located 325 km southeast of the capital of Addis Ababa. During his visit to this predominantly Muslim area, he had the opportunity to meet with various Christians who are in hiding or are in prison for their testimony of Jesus Christ.

    Two months ago, five church leaders were imprisoned by local authorities for allegedly speaking against Islam, the Koran and the religious leader of Alaba. A convert to Christianity, Mohamed, has also been in prison for a year without any formal charges, falsely accused of theft. Another man named Ajee Sheka Osman is presently in hiding. He is being chased by his sons, who have been promised money and a trip to Mecca by Muslim leaders if they kill their father. Church leaders are helping hide Osman to protect his life.

    Muslim leaders in Alaba are working to eradicate Christianity in the community, which they apparently consider to be a holy place. Christian youths are regularly harangued, as Muslim scholars engage them in conversations, deliberately intended to confuse and turn them from their faith.

    Pray for Christians in Alaba, as they share the message of Jesus Christ. Pray that leaders will be able to effectively teach the truth about Christianity to youths who are becoming increasingly confused in the face of pressure. Pray for the Mohamed, Osman and others in prison or in hiding because of their faith. Pray also for their families.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Ethiopia, click here. The Voice of the Martyrs has been working in Ethiopia since 1999. To view an eight-minute video of how the mission's work started in this east African country, go to the video section of VOM new multimedia website, PersecutionTV.

  • Mob Destroys Eleven Homes

    The Voice of the Martyrs learned late last week of another recent attack on evangelical Christians in Ethiopia. On March 12, the homes of 11 evangelical Christians were burned to the ground by a hostile mob in the town of Deneba, 150 kilometers northeast of Addis Ababa. About 26 believers including children are now displaced and in need of emergency assistance. VOM visited this town late last year and witnessed the deep poverty and persecution facing of many of the believers there, which, with this event, has been exacerbated. As is usual in Ethiopia, government officials have taken no measures to protect them and bring the persecutors to justice.

    Evangelicals, although they make up approximately 20% of the country's population (Operation World), rarely enjoy the same legal rights and protection as Orthodox and Muslim Ethiopians, especially in the rural areas. The Voice of the Martyrs is looking to assist these families through their Families of Martyrs Fund (donations can be made securely online at https://www.vomcanada.com/donation.htm. Be sure to designate your gift to the Families of Martyrs Fund).

    Please remember the plight of the evangelical church in Ethiopia as they face acts of violence at the hands of religious leaders who believe that they are doing God's will by attacking them.

  • Jailed Church Leaders Released

    Evangelical church leaders Kiros Meles and Abebayeh Desalegn were released from prison on March 7 after being jailed without charges for 10 months in the northern Ethiopian town of Maychew. According to a report by Compass Direct, the magistrate found no basis for the charges, calling their imprisonment "a shame."

    The men were arrested after a riot in April 2002 in which an Ethiopian Orthodox man was killed. The local police accused the two evangelical leaders, even though the shot came from the local police chief's gun and an off-duty police officer was also jailed. Local Christians are skeptical that charges will ever be laid against the police officer.

    Join with us in thanking God that these men have been released. Pray for Ethiopian Christians as they face opposition. 

  • Mob Attacks Evangelical Crusade

    On Sunday, December 29, a mob attacked a crusade in Mekelle, Ethiopia, killing two and injuring many others. According to a source for The Voice of the Martyrs, a crusade organized by the Ethiopian Full Gospel Church was in its final day when a mob of Ethiopian Orthodox militants attacked. Mekelle is the capital of the state of Tigray in northern Ethiopia. The state is strongly Ethiopian Orthodox and has often seen persecution against evangelicals. According to the Ethiopian source, there were at least twelve serious attacks against evangelical Christians in Ethiopia in 2002. Societal discrimination, individual physical assaults, and a denial of police protection are commonplace, particularly in rural areas.

    Pray for those suffering at the hands of those who often feel that they are doing a service for God by persecuting evangelicals (John 16:2). Pray for the attackers, that they might see and experience the love and peace of Christ in their lives through the lives of those whom they are persecuting. The February 2003 edition of The Voice of the Martyrs Newsletter will focus on the plight and testimonies of Christians in this east African nation. For more information or to receive a free subscription to this informative and inspirational monthly publication, go to our website at https://www.vomcanada.com/nlonline.htm.