
Fady Youssef Todari

  • Facebook Posts Lead to Riot and Arrests
    Damage in the home of Fady Yousef's parents - Photo: Facebook / Nader Shukry
    Damages at the home
    of Fady's parents.
    Photo: Facebook / Nader Shukry
    via Morning Star News

    In early June, posts critical of Islam showed up on the Facebook page of Fady Youssef Todari, a 25-year-old young man from Giza. When he noticed the posts, he was quick to announce that his Facebook account had been hacked and, as a result, posted a video message apologizing for any disdainful messages that had occurred. Despite this, militants in the village called for revenge.

    Hundreds of Muslim protestors gathered on June 10th and marched to the homes of Fady's father and uncle. While both homes were damaged by the mob, the home where Fady lived with his father was destroyed.