Hao Zhiwei
Pastor Hao Zhiwei Sentenced to Eight Years
Pastor Hao Zhiwei and her late husband.
Photo: ChinaAidIn July 2019, Pastor Hao Zhiwei was arrested for allegedly swindling money by collecting church offerings. Two other Christian women were also arrested at that time. The authorities alleged that the house church, located in China's Hubei province, was illegal. Therefore, any money collected to support it was considered to have been done unlawfully (read more).
Women Imprisoned for Collecting Offerings
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brothers and sisters in China
Photo: ChinaAidThe pastor of a house church in China's Hubei province, along with two other women from the church, are facing charges of fraud because they collected offering money for their church. Officials claim that the church is illegal and its pastor does not have a legal ordination; therefore, they allege the money was collected fraudulently. The pastor, Hao Zhiwei, could face more than 10 years in prison if convicted.