
Haroon Ayub Masih

  • Bail Granted in Three Blasphemy Cases
    Salamat Mansha Masih sourrounded by officers and speaking to his mother and lawyer
    Salamat speaking with his mother and attorney.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    In February 2021, Salamat Mansha Masih, along with his friend Haroon Ayub Masih, were accused of blasphemy after reading the Bible aloud at a public park located in Lahore and offering a Christian book to a Muslim man. While Haroon and his family escaped by going into hiding, Salamat was detained. (To review a previously posted report on this situation, visit this page.)

  • Christian Man Tortured Into False Confession
    Salamat in a police van; his mother and attorney - Photo: Morning Star News - https://morningstarnews.org
    Salamat speaking with his mother and attorney.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    On February 13th, Haroon Ayub Masih and his friend Salamat Mansha Masih were accused of blasphemy after reading the Bible out loud at a public park in Lahore, Pakistan, and then offering a Christian book to a Muslim man. Haroon and his family escaped into hiding, but Salamat was arrested (read more).