

  • Maoists' Victory Seen as Positive for Religious Freedom

    Nepal Christians in Nepal have welcomed the victory of the Maoist party in elections held on April 10 for an assembly to rewrite the constitution and make the nation a democratic republic. The Maoists clinched 119 seats of the 224 results announced for the constituent assembly. Believers see the victory as a step forward towards full religious freedom in the country which has been an official Hindu kingdom for more than 200 years.

    Commenting on the election result, Bernie Daniel, a spokesman for The Voice of Martyrs Canada said: "It is indeed ironic that an electoral victory by a Maoist organization is perceived as conducive to religious freedom. It remains to be seen if this is going to be true, but we certainly hope and pray that the Maoists will keep their promise to be part of a democratic Nepal committed to respect the rights of our Christian brethren to worship God freely in the nation."

    Pray for Nepalese Christians to continue trusting and serving the Lord as their country faces major change in its governance (1 Cor. 15:58). Ask God to reach the leaders of the Maoist party that won the election so that they will come to faith in Christ.

    For more information on the state of religious freedom in Nepal, go to theNepal Country Report.

  • Bombing at Children's Home Injures Boy

    A teenage boy was injured when a bomb exploded at the Grace English Boarding School in Birganj, Nepal on April 25. Mukesh Karki (15) sustained leg injuries and required hospitalization. An activist group known as the Nepal Defence Army (NDA) has claimed responsibility for the bombing. They also attempted to destroy a bus on the property.

    According to news reports, the Hindu militants claim the staff was converting Hindu children to Christianity by force with funds provided by pro-Maoist groups. The purpose of the NDA is to restore the country to a Hindu theocracy.

    The Grace English Boarding School, together with the Blessed Children's Home, help to meet the physical and educational needs of more than three hundred children in Birganj, both Hindu and Christian. Two years ago, the directors, Babu and Sabitri Varghese, were charged with forcibly converting children. Those charges were later dropped due to lack of evidence.

    Pray for the full physical recovery of Mukesh. Pray for the staff and students of the school and home as they continue to care for the needy children of the community. Pray that God will silence those who falsely accuse believers of forcible conversion.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Nepal,click here.

  • Orphanage Operators Threatened

    The Voice of the Martyrs has learned that the operators of a Christian orphanage in south central Nepal are facing threats of being shot if they do not pay $68,500 USD to an armed gang, the Jota Lal Sahena, in the region. Pleas that they do not have the funds have gone unheeded and the Nepali police are unwilling to intervene.  More details cannot be shared at this time for security reasons.

    Please remember to pray for the safety of the staff and children of this orphanage. Pray that God will calm their hearts and minds.  Pray that the operators will have wisdom as they seek God’s guidance on how to deal with this threat.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Nepal,click here.
  • Nepal Declared a Secular Nation
    The Nepalese Prime Minister,
    Girija Prasad Koirala
    May 18, 2006 was a dramatic day in Nepal's history as Parliament took steps to remove most of the power from the ruling monarch and take control as a democratic nation.  Along with the political changes, resolutions were passed declaring the nation a secular state, removing Hinduism as the official religion of the country.  These changes came after massive demonstrations against the ruling monarchy. Maoist rebels have also been fighting to overthrow the government for many years.

    Peace is not yet certain in Nepal. A ceasefire between the government and the Maoist rebels is in effect. The rebels, however, refuse to hand over their weapons until after new elections take place.  There is fear that any remaining role for the monarchy in the new constitution may lead to renewed violence.  Hindu groups are also raising opposition to the removal of Hinduism as the state religion. Christian leaders are hopeful, however, that these sweeping political changes will lead to greater religious freedom in Nepal.

    Pray for a stable peace in Nepal. Pray also that these changes will indeed result in greater religious freedom.

    For more information on Nepal and the persecution facing Christians there,click here.

  • Couple Released and Charges Dropped

    Last week, the Persecution and Prayer Alert reported on the arrest of a couple who led an orphanage in Nepal.  Babu and Sabitri Varghese had been accused of forcible conversion of those under their care.  On May 9, EquipNepal received a phone call from Babu, reporting that they had been released and all charges had been dropped due to lack of evidence.  Though very tired and suffering from a cold, Babu and Sabitri are well and praising God for their release.  They are hoping to take a few days away to rest.

    Babu expressed concern for a strike planned by militant Hindus in Birganj City on May 12 to protest their release.  Pray that these plans will fall through.  Thank God for their safe release.  Pray for a quick recovery for Babu and Sabitri.  Thank you to all who prayed on their behalf.

    For more information on the tensions facing Christians in Nepal,click here.

  • Couple Charged with Forcible Conversion

    Blessed Children's Home building
    On April 27, a couple who operates an orphanage and boarding school in Birganj city in southern Nepal was imprisoned on charges of forcible conversion.  According to EquipNepal, Babu and Sabitri Varghese could face up to three years in prison. They were scheduled to appear before the courts today to answer these charges.  In a hand-written note from jail, Babu wrote, "We count it's a great privilege to suffer for our God."

    Emails received by EquipNepal from Babu, state that the incident began when a former employee of the school stole a picture of an adult baptism, apparently with extortion in mind.  The picture was sent to a local newspaper which published it in conjunction with an article accusing the orphanage of converting the children.  The newspaper then attempted to extort 100,000 rupees (over $1700 CDN) from the couple.  When they refused, a further article was published a few days later, calling Babu a "contractor for Christianity" and demanding six years in prison for the Vargheses.  They were accused of "making the orphans Christian."  On the contrary, Janis Viren of EquipNepal, states that while the school is a Christian school, most of the students are Hindu.  The orphanage, Blessed Children's Home, has seventy-eight children at present.  The Grace English Boarding School has over 300 students.

    News article accusing the Vargheses of converting children

    Pray that the couple will be released soon.  Pray for their two sons, Blesson (7) and Benson (9), and another infant who considers them her parents.  Pray for the remaining orphanage staff as they continue to care for the needs of the children.

    For more information on religious liberty in Nepal,click here.

  • Equipment Stolen from Christian Hospital

    Dr. Iwamura Memorial Hospital
    and Research Center

    Staff and patients at the Dr. Iwamura Memorial Hospital and Research Center in Bhaktapur on the outskirts of Kathmandu, Nepal were helpless when about two hundred people swarmed the hospital on October 7, taking medical equipment valued at three million rupees ($500,000 CDN). Previously, the hospital had been threatened several times by rebel groups in the area. The head of the hospital, Purnima Gurung, was out of the country at the time. Her testimony, as she works to continue the work of the hospital is, "God is good. He will not forsake nor leave us in any circumstances. He is always with us."

    Two months ago, the Persecution and Prayer Alert reported on the destruction of a church building in western Nepal. VOM sources reported this week that the church is continuing to meet in homes and some converts have since come to the Lord.

    Praise the Lord for His continued faithfulness in spite of opposition. Pray for the continued work of the hospital in caring for the needs of the Nepalese people.

    For more information on the difficulties Christians in Nepal experience for their faith,click here.

  • Church Building Burned

    A church building in far western Nepal was completely destroyed on September 3 and villagers have been warned to not meet again, according to VOM sources in Nepal. All of the contents of the building were either burned or stolen, including musical instruments, books and carpets. Believers have been meeting in the facility for almost forty years and there had been an understanding with the perpetuators that the church meetings were fine. This attack happened at a time when the fellowship was growing rapidly, meeting the needs of many who were seeking for answers.

    While no one was hurt, local Christians are understandably shaken and future meetings of the church are uncertain at this point. Christian leaders will be meeting with those responsible for the attack to try to reach an agreement.

    Please pray for wisdom for the church leaders as they meet and make decisions for the future. Pray that they will rest upon the protection of guidance of the Lord. Pray also for Christians throughout Nepal. In the past week there has been considerable unrest, after the execution of twelve Nepalese citizens by Islamic militants in Iraq. Mosques have been attacked in the country, in retaliation for the deaths, but Christians have also faced threats, as the "Christian" west is seen as responsible for the situation leading up to the executions.

    For more information on the challenges facing Christians in Nepal,click here.

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