

  • Ten Killed, Churches and Homes Burned in Muslim Riots in Northern Nigeria
    Elim Church
    Elim Church
    Photo from
    Compass Direct
    Ten people were killed, several Christians seriously injured, and Christian churches, businesses and homes burned when Muslims went on a rampage in the Yelwa Tudu area in Bauchi state on December 11, according to a December 13 report from Compass Direct. The violence occurred after unidentified people pulled out two blocks from the foundation of the mosque under construction at the Baba Tanko Secondary School in Kagadama shortly after construction began on the building on December 2. The Muslim students believed that Christians had done the damage and threatened to attack local believers. Although the school principal and staff thought that they had diffused the tension, nine days later Muslim students stormed out of a classroom and converged at the mosque site chanting "Allahu Akbar." They then began to attack Christians with knives and daggers. The violence eventually escalated into a town-wide riot. The Redeemed Christian Church of God, the Assemblies of God Church and the Elim Church were set ablaze and sustained fire damage. At least a dozen Christianhomes were destroyed in the attack.

    At last report, only one of those killed has been identified, a Christian known only by his surname, "Bogoro." The identities of the other nine have been kept secret by the government and their bodies were given a swift burial in a common grave.

    Pray that the Lord will fill Christians with His peace and strength as they recover from this brutal attack. Ask God to comfort those who have lost loved ones. Pray that Christ will be exalted through this tragedy and that people in this area will continue to be drawn to Him (Phil. 1:20).

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in Nigeria, go to theNigeria Country Report.

  • Churches in Northern Nigeria to Be Demolished The Kano state government has decided to demolish four church buildings, without discussion or compensation, to make way for roads and a hospital, according to a November 30 report from Compass Direct. Rev. Murtala, head of the Christian Association of Nigeria, sees the road and hospital construction as merely a guise for demolishing the buildings. For the Church leaders in Kano, this action is a continuation of the onslaught they have faced since the government implemented sharia law in the state. The two Pentecostal churches and the two Evangelical Fellowship of West Africa churches
    Pastor Yahaya Ibrahim
    Pastor Yahaya Ibrahim
    Photo from
    Compass Direct
    are all located in the Badawa area of Kano.

    Persecution of Christians is prevalent in Kano state. Last year, the only church building in the town of Rogo, Kano was destroyed by authorities. Pastor Yahaya Ibrahim told Compass Direct there are 13,000 Christians in the Rogo area, but the government denies them any land to build church buildings. There is also significant pressure against Christian children. "Our children cannot be admitted into government-owned schools unless they change their names to Muslim names," Ibrahim said."There are times children of Christians are forced to convert into Islam."

    Pray for the continued ministry of church fellowships in Kano, despite the opposition they face. Pray that Christians will be able to continue to meet together, despite the lack of buildings.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Nigeria, go to theNigeria Country Report.

    The Voice of the Martyrs has just released a new 60-minute DVD report on Nigeria. Go to our online catalogue to order a copy today.

  • Local Elections Result in Anti-Christian Violence
    Danyaro Bala
    Photo from
    Compass Direct
    Local elections in the Sumaila area of Nigeria turned violent on November 17 after news reports showed a Christian candidate ahead in the polls, signifying the first ever victory for a Christian in the area. In reaction to these results, local Muslims turned on a Christian community in Gani, destroying houses and shops. According to a November 26 report from Compass Direct, several Christians were injured in the attack and a school teacher, Danyaro Bala, was killed. The military was eventually called in to restore order.

    Danyaro's brother believes the attack was clearly an attempt to force Christians to submit to Islam. He told Compass, "The selection of only houses of Christians and their shops for destruction shows clearly that Muslims were out to force us into submitting to their hold on political leadership."

    Danyaro is survived by a wife and eleven children. He was an elder and key leader in his local church.

    Pray for Danyaro's wife and children as they grieve this tragic loss. Pray for peace in the area.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Nigeria, go to theNigeria Country Report.

    Watch for a new 60-minute video documentary on Nigeria available from The Voice of the Martyrs in mid-December, entitled "The Remains of the Day."

  • Two Christians Killed in Northern Nigeria
    Henry Emmanuel Ogbaje
    Henry Emmanuel Ogbaje
    Photo from
    Compass Direct
    Two young Christian men were recently killed by Muslims militants in the area of Gamji Gate, Kaduna state, according to an October 22 report from Compass Direct. On the evening of October 12, militants bludgeoned Henry Emmanuel Ogbaje with wooden clubs while he was on his way home from his church. A few hours later, he died from his injuries.

    The following day, a young man identified only as "Basil" from the Our Lady of Apostles Catholic Church was stabbed to death.

    Local Christians believe these two murders are part of a systematic effort by Muslims to wipe out Christianity from northern Nigeria. Although the government has been attempting to establish an inter-faith dialogue between the two faith groups, their efforts have failed to diminish the wave of violent attacks on Christians.

    Pray for those who mourn for the loss of these two faithful followers of Christ. Pray that the Lord will be exalted through this tragedy and that people in this area will continue to be drawn to Him (Phil 1:20). Pray that violence against Nigerian Christians will cease.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Nigeria, go to theNigeria Country Report.

  • Several Christians Killed in Muslim Riots

    Kano State, NigeriaAt least nine Christians were killed by Muslims in a series of violent attacks in the Tundun Wada region of Kano State, northern Nigeria on the weekend of September 28-29. According to an October 2 report from Christian Solitary Worldwide, local Muslims also burned churches and destroyed believers' homes and businesses. Although the exact cause for the rampage is not yet known, the violence reportedly began on Saturday morning when a group of Muslim students barged into a room shared by two Christian students at the local Government Secondary School and attacked the believers. When the school principal arrived on the scene, the Muslims claimed that these two had drawn a picture of Mohammed on a mosque wall and were planning an attack on Muslim students.

    Authorities have removed all corpses in a likely attempt to obscure the true death toll. Local police have also sealed off the area and denied access to those seeking to provide assistance. Three pastors from the state capital were detained when they tried to evacuate members of their denomination. Three Christian members of the Nigerian Air Force who were accompanying them were also detained. The pastors have since been released on bail. The other three remain in custody.

    Pray that Christians will rely on the Holy Spirit to comfort, strengthen and embolden them in the aftermath of this brutal attack. Pray that those who have lost loved ones will find peace in the fact that those who suffer with Christ will be glorified with Him (Romans 8:15-17). Pray that the three detained believers will be released.

    For more information on persecution in Nigeria, go to theNigeria Country Report.

    This month's Persecution Report video report includes a feature on the persecution facing Nigerian believers. Go to our home page to view the report.

  • Church Set on Fire by Muslims in Northern Nigeria

    Muslim militants set fire to a church building in Gombe, Nigeria on March 23, just two days after a local Christian teacher was killed by a mob of Muslims students. According to a March 29 report from Compass Direct, the Muslims entered the Evangelical Church of West Africa (ECWA) church at approximately 11:00 p.m. and started the fire, which gutted the sanctuary. The 500 church members must now conduct their worship services and church programs out in the open. Security reports indicate that fifteen more churches in the area have been targeted for similar attacks.

    Pray that these believers will be able to rejoice in their loss as they look forward to their eternal possessions (Hebrews 10:36-37). Pray that attacks on Christians in this area will cease. Pray that Nigerian Christians will be encouraged to continue to meet together despite opposition (Hebrews 10:23).

    For more information on persecution of Christians in Nigeria,click here.

  • Teacher Killed by Mob of Muslim Students in Northern Nigeria
    Christianah Oluwatoyin Olusase
    Photos from
    Compass Direct
    Christianah Oluwatoyin Olusase, a Christian teacher at Government Day Secondary School in Gombe state was murdered by a mob of Muslim students on March 21, according to a March 27 report from Compass Direct. Olusase was supervising an all-girl class while they were taking an Islamic Religious Knowledge examination. In accordance to school procedure, she collected papers, books and bags before the exam and dropped them in front of the class. One of the girls responded by starting to cry and telling her classmates that there had been a copy of the Quran in her dropped bag. The girl claimed that because Oluwatoyin was a Christian, she had desecrated the Quran by touching it. The students began to shout "Allahu Akbar (God is Great)" and then beat, stoned and clubbed Oluwatoyin to death. They dragged her corpse outside of the building and burned it.

    Pray that those who mourn for Christianah will find the Holy Spirit's comfort to carry them through their grief (2 Corinthians 1:5). Pray that the students that killed her will come to repentance and salvation (Acts 9:1-19).

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in Nigeria,click here.

  • Angry Muslim Mobs Burn Churches and Homes

    The recent comments by Pope Benedict XVI in Germany have angered Muslims throughout the world. Some believe this may have contributed to the destruction of churches throughout Dutse, the capital of the Nigerian state of Jigawa on September 20. Problems began after a conversation between a young Muslim man and a Christian woman, Jumai. VOMC sources in Nigeria state that the Muslim man insulted Jumai, saying she was following a "useless Jesus." In response to the insult, Jumai allegedly replied with a similar comment about the prophet Mohammed. As news of the conversation spread, Muslim youths began rioting against Christians because of this alleged blasphemy against Mohammed. As a result, the homes of Christians and as many as eighteen churches were burned. Thankfully there were no deaths, but serious injuries have been reported.

    Police officials report that one thousand people have taken refuge in police stations and the city has been put under a curfew. Sources report that Jumai was taken to the police station for questioning but officials claim it was for her own protection.

    Pray that believers in Dutse will reflect God's love (Matthew 5:43-48) and trust His judgment (Romans 12:17-21) during this difficult time. Ask God to protect Jumai and the other believers in the area.

    For more information on the difficulties facing Nigeria's Christians,click here. Video reports on persecution in Nigeria are also available on VOMC's multimedia website, https://www.vomcanada.com/.

  • Woman Stoned to Death for Street Evangelism

    On June 28, a Muslim mob in the town of Izom in the Nigerian state of Niger overwhelmed police and clubbed a woman to death for participating in street evangelism. News reports claim that the woman was between eighteen and twenty years of age.

    According to reports, the unidentified woman met with a group of Muslim youth outside of the Jumat Mosque in Izom and shared the Gospel with them and gave them some tracts to read. When Muslim leaders learned what she had been doing, they were outraged and claimed that she had insulted Islam and Mohammed and should be killed. Hundreds of Muslims began looking for the woman. When they found her, they began to beat her but police took her into protective custody. The mob threatened to destroy the police station if she was not turned over to them. As police attempted to smuggle her out a back door, their actions were discovered. The police fled and the woman was clubbed and stoned to death. At least two police officers were injured in the attack. Several arrests have been made and the investigation is on-going.

    Pray that, in the midst of their grief, this woman's family and friends will hold to the comfort of knowing that they will be with their loved one at the Christ's return (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). Pray that the authorities will have the boldness to address this matter in a way that brings about true justice. Pray also that this incident will not result in further violence in the community but that the persecution would result in the furtherance of the gospel of peace (Philippians 1:12).

    For more information on persecution in Nigeria,click here. A video report on the persecution facing Christians in Nigeria is available on VOMC's multimedia website, https://www.vomcanada.com/.

  • Students Missing After Facing Beating

    Two Christian female students from the Ahmadu Bello University in Kaduna State , Nigeria went missing after they were severely beaten by seven Muslim women in their dormitory on March 18. The two students, Joy and Priscilla, were preparing to bathe when the seven students, veiled in Islamic robes, attacked them.  They were harassed, intimidated and flogged and left unconscious.  Compass Direct reports that the two were taken to the university clinic and have not been seen since.

    Because of the attack, the university closed for two weeks.  During that time, the university took action against the Muslim Students' Society by removing their leadership for failing to maintain control.  According to the Daily Trust news service, when the university reopened on March 28, there was added security and each student had to sign a pledge to maintain peace and obey the university's rules and regulations.  The university has promised to investigate the attack and punish appropriately.

    Pray that there will soon be news as to the whereabouts of Joy and Priscilla and that they will be recovering from the attack. Pray that the university will take action and that there will be no further incidents of this kind. Pray that the Christians among the student body will not be intimidated but will be emboldened to share Christ with their peers. Ask God to show His love to the young women who were responsible for this brutal attack.

    For more information on persecution of Christians in Nigeria ,click here. A video news report from Nigeria is available from VOMC's multimedia website, https://www.vomcanada.com/.