
North Korea

  • Week of Prayer Called for North Korea

    The Voice of the Martyrs joins with other organizations in calling Christians to specifically remember North Korea in your prayers this week. A coalition of organizations, including Christian Solidarity Worldwide, Release International, Asialink, Open Doors UK, Jubilee Campaign and others has declared June 23-29 a "Week of Prayer for North Korea" and is calling for Christians to specifically pray for believers suffering for their faith.

    North Korea is possibly the most brutal oppressor of Christians in the world today. Because of harsh repression, little news is available and the world is often unaware of the brutality of this regime. Christians of all ages, including young children, face imprisonment, torture and death. Whole families are subjected to hard labour and often worked to death or arbitrarily killed. One estimate puts the number of Christians in labour camps for of their faith at several thousand.

    Christian Solidarity Worldwide has made available a variety of resources to help in raising awareness and guiding your prayers. We encourage you to access these through their website at http://www.csw.org.uk/northkorea.htm. We call on churches to take time during their services on June 29 to pray for our brothers and sisters suffering in North Korea.


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