

  • Suspended Prison Sentence
    Rundown church that was returned. - Photo: Middle East Concern www.meconcern.org
    The church building in Mostaganem.
    Photo: Middle East Concern

    On February 27th, Pastor Rachid Seighir was convicted of "shaking the faith" of Muslims through the availability of materials in his church's bookstore in Oran, Algeria. He, along with his bookstore sales representative, Nouh Hamimi, were sentenced to two years in prison. For more on this case, see this report.

    The men appealed the decision, and a ruling was expected on May 30th. After a week's delay, the judgement was reduced on June 6th to a one-year suspended sentence, along with a fine of $1,800.00 CAD each. The men intend to appeal their initial conviction.

    Government-Mandated Church Closures