

  • Kidnapped Girl Forcibly Converted to Islam
    Muslim bride

    Sadaf Masih, a 13-year-old from Bahawalpur, has been kidnapped, forcibly converted to Islam, and married to a Muslim. Despite evidence, the family's cries for justice have fallen on deaf ears.

    On February 6th, Sadaf was abducted by influential men in her community. Her parents reached out to the family of the abductors and was assured that she would be returned. Yet after eight days, the perpetrators returned to say that Sadaf had converted to Islam and was now married. They showed the family a marriage certificate which falsely stated that she was 18 years old.

  • Asia Bibi Freed; Pervaiz Masih Acquitted
    Asia Bibi
    Asia Bibi

    In a much-anticipated decision, Pakistan's top court has rejected a challenge to the acquittal of a Christian woman on blasphemy charges. The ruling is the final legal option, allowing Asia Bibi to freely leave the country.

    Originally convicted in 2010 after accusations of insulting Mohammed, Asia spent eight years on death row. The case has polarized the country, and government leaders who provided their support have been killed. The Supreme Court threw out all charges against the accused believer on October 31st, at which time she was taken into protective custody due to threats against her life. Although a final appeal was filed, the Supreme Court ruled on January 29th that the petitioners gave no evidence that the original acquittal was wrong. In fact, the Chief Justice stated that, if the case had not been so sensitive, her accusers would be guilty of perjury and should be jailed for life.

  • New Security Updates Required of All Churches
    Church steeple in Pakistan - Photo: Mission Network News
    Photo: Mission Network News

    In a move presented as a way to protect Christians, new regulations in the province of Punjab may result in the closure of churches. As of January 2nd, the government is requiring minimum security updates to all church properties. According to one ministry leader, the requirements are short on details but will likely require metal detectors and security cameras with offsite monitoring and storage.

  • Brothers Sentenced to Death for Blasphemy
    Blasphemy accusations often lead to riots. - Photo: World Watch Monitor
    Blasphemy accusations often lead to riots.
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    Two Christian brothers, Qaisar and Amoon Ayub, have been in Jhelum Jail since 2015 on accusations of blasphemy. The allegations go back to 2009 for website material that was considered offensive against Islam. On December 14th, the brothers received notice that they had been convicted and sentenced to death. For security reasons, the two did not appear in court for the sentencing.

  • Asia Bibi Released But Location Unknown
    pk asiabibi wwm
    Asia Bibi
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    During the night of November 7th, Pakistani authorities released Asia Bibi from the Multan jail following her acquittal a week before (click here for more information). Under tight security and a media blackout, she boarded a flight to an unknown destination. Initial media reports claim that she had been flown out of Pakistan. However, government officials insist that she is still within the country but at a safe location. Please remain mindful to pray for Asia, her family, and the nation of Pakistan.

  • Asia Bibi Acquitted!

    Asia Bibi - Photo: World Watch Monitor
    Asia Bibi
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    After more than nine years in prison, the Supreme Court of Pakistan ruled on October 31st to throw out all charges against Asia Bibi, removing the death sentence against her for blasphemy.

    In their ruling, the judges noted the contradictory evidence from witnesses. An alleged confession by Asia was ruled to be coerced. Announcing the verdict, Justice Nisar declared that tolerance is a basic principle of Islam, which requires proof beyond reasonable doubt. In a further opinion released with the judgement, Justice Khosa made a strong statement against the accusers: "Blasphemy is a serious offence but the insult of the appellant's religion and religious sensibilities by the complainant party, and then mixing truth with falsehood in the name of (Muhammad), was also not short of being blasphemous." To view the full English text of the judgement, along with the supporting opinion, go to this page.

  • Supreme Court Reserves Decision on Asia Bibi
    Asia Bibi - Photo: VOM USA - www.persecution.com
    Photo: VOM USA

    A final appeal of the death sentence against Asia Bibi was heard by Pakistan's Supreme Court on October 8th. The court has reached its decision but chosen to not release it yet, warning the press against releasing any information until the decision is officially announced.

    Asia Bibi has been imprisoned for nine years on charges widely seen as false. Many believe fear of further violence from Islamist militants has been a major reason why she has not been released. More details on Asia's case can be found on our website.

  • Pharmacist Fatally Doused with Acid
    A baptism in Pakistan - Mission Network News www.mnnonline.org
    Persecution in Pakistan poses
    threat to professing Christians.
    Photo: Mission Network News

    Faraz Ahmed Badar, a Christian pharmacist at a hospital in Gujranwala, was killed by being doused with acid as he was leaving work at 2:00 a.m. on September 5th. The 26-year-old had been working for two years as manager at the DHQ Hospital.

  • Eyesight Lost in Attack
    Vikram John - Photo: Morning Star News www.morningstarnews.org
    Vikram John
    Photo: Morning Star News

    A young Christian in Karachi lost his sight in one eye after armed neighbours attacked his family on August 18th. Other family members were also assaulted but suffered only minor injuries.

    Since Alvin John and his family moved into a new home in late 2017, they have faced harassment and intimidation from neighbours opposed to their Christian faith. On this specific night, Alvin's 25-year-old son Vikram had exchanged words with some area youth before coming into the house. The dispute started when Vikram was defending his younger sister who had been teased.

  • Pray for Long-Term Prisoners

    Prisoners of faith Imram Masih and Asia Bibi
    Prisoners of faith
    Imran Ghafur and Asia Bibi

    During the summer of 2009, two Pakistani Christians were falsely accused of blasphemy. Nine years later, both remain in prison, separated from loved ones as they await court rulings.

    On July 1st, 2009, Imran Ghafur was accused of blasphemy when burned Quranic papers were found on the floor of his shop. Coincidentally, according to witnesses, a nearby Muslim shop owner had recently become jealous because of Imran's success. In January 2010, Imran was sentenced to life imprisonment. Due to the high-profile nature of this case, the court has not initiated a hearing date for Imran.