

  • Fatal Assault in High School Classroom

    Sharoon Masih, Pakistan -- Photo from Morning Star News
    Photo: Morning Star News

    An attack on a 17-year-old Christian boy who was killed at school in recent weeks may have been religiously motivated. The day before the assault -- which was also Sharoon Masih's first day of high school -- a teacher had hit and humiliated him in front of the class. This same teacher, Nazeer Mohal, sent Sharoon home because he had not been wearing a proper uniform, calling him a derogatory name that's used when referring to Pakistani Christians, among other curse words. Sharoon was the only Christian in the class.

  • Illiterate Christian Boy Attacked by Mob

    Lahore, Pakistan

    On August 12th, an angry Pakistani mob almost killed a 16-year-old Christian boy -- who is completely illiterate and also mentally challenged -- for allegedly burning the pages of a Quran. He was apparently forced to confess to the alleged crime, and is now in custody despite inconsistencies in evidence and witness testimonies of alternative explanations.

  • Two Chinese Students Killed by ISIS

    Li Xinheng and Lu Ling Lina
    Chinese students, Li Xinheng and Lu Ling Lina
    Photo: VOM USA

    Two Chinese students, whom the Pakistani government accused of "preaching," were kidnapped and killed by members of the self-proclaimed Islamic State (ISIS) in May. The young Chinese nationals, Li Xinheng and Lu Ling Lina, lived in Quetta where they were studying at a local language school with the intent of becoming teachers.

  • Parliament Calls for Reform of Blasphemy Laws

    Image: Justice scales and gavel

    There have been fresh calls within Pakistan's Parliament to reform the nation's blasphemy laws. The resolution follows the mob-killing of a Muslim student on April 13th. Pakistan's top court is now investigating the murder of Mashal Khan who was attacked by his peers for allegedly promoting "blasphemous" content on social media. A total of 45 people have been detained in connection with the mob attack which prompted officials to close the entire campus out of fears for security.

    Mashal, a journalism student at the Abdul Wali Khan University in northwest Pakistan, was a self-professed "humanist" and a strong advocate of women's rights and freedom of thought and speech. Although he had not been formally charged under the laws, it is thought that the attack followed rumours about the student's social media postings which were circulating at the university.

    As a result of this tragedy, Pakistan's National Assembly passed a resolution condemning the lynching, describing it as "cold-blooded murder." They went on to express their determination to "ensure that strong safeguards may be inserted into the blasphemy law to prevent its abuse through such atrocities in the future."

    This isn't the first time that the highly controversial laws have been condemned within Pakistan's Parliament. However, all such calls have faced strong opposition, with one senior politician being assassinated for speaking out on the matter. For more about persecution in Pakistan, click here.

    Ask God to mightily intervene in Pakistan so that strong safeguards will indeed be implemented into the blasphemy law, along with strong deterrent penalties for those making such accusations. Pray that He will personally minister to Mashal's family and friends as they grieve over this tragic loss. Also prayerfully uphold the many others who are currently imprisoned for alleged blasphemy, including Asia Bibi and 16-year-old Nabeel Masih. May God preserve and bless His severely persecuted people, while pouring out His Spirit in amazing grace and awesome power so that multitudes in Pakistan will experience transformative revival.

    Update on Asia Bibi: Asia's lawyer submitted a request to the Supreme Court asking for her trial to be brought forward to the first week of June. On April 26th, the request was turned down. As her lawyer explains, the authorities are afraid to release her, aware that massive outrage would erupt if she is freed. Islamic clerics have now renewed their call for Asia to be executed, claiming that incidents such as the lynching of Mashal Khan are merely the consequence of Muslim frustration over the delay in Asia's execution. Previous reports on Asia's case may be reviewed here.

  • Asia Bibi Has One Final Appeal

    Asia BibiAsia Bibi was arrested in 2009 after a disagreement with Muslim co-workers. She was convicted of blasphemy against the Prophet Muhammad and sentenced to death. She has appealed to the Supreme Court of Pakistan and is currently waiting for the court to hear her case.

    Asia has been in jail for more than seven years, separated by walls and bars from her husband and daughters. She has been threatened in jail, and must often cook her own food as a precaution against the possibility of poisoning. Yet she has tenaciously held onto her faith in Christ. VOM Canada's previously posted reports on Asia's case are available here.

    Asia is one of many Christians who are imprisoned around the world because they follow Jesus rather than the edicts of their government or captors. They call out to God each day, and we can join in calling out to God on their behalf. Other reports relating to persecution of believers in Pakistan may be accessed by going to our online country report.

    Pray that Asia and her family will remain strong in their faith. As they await the upcoming appeal hearing, may they be sustained with the loving-kindness, protection, peace and presence of God. Ask Him to use Asia's testimony in wonderful ways -- serving as a witness for Christ to guards, officials, prisoners, members of the community, and many others in Pakistan and around the world. Also uphold the legal team and judicial authorities as the appeal is prepared for presentation in court, praying that they receive divine wisdom and protection against the threats of those opposing Asia and her Christian values.

  • Missing Pastor Possibly Kidnapped

    pakistanPastor Judoon has not been seen since January 22nd, and his family fears he may have been kidnapped by militants. They announced that he left his house at 6 p.m. without stating where he was going and then disappeared. Locals have searched the area in vain. The police have since found his bag and motorbike a short distance from Kamahan.

    The pastor's family members are concerned because Judoon was supporting a Christian accused of "blasphemy," the type of case that causes tensions to run high in Pakistan. Serving as an elder of Kamahan village near Lahore, Judoon demonstrated compassion towards a fellow believer, Babu Shahbaz, who was accused of writing his name on a copy of the Quran, then ripping up its pages. (Babu, reported to be an evangelist, is illiterate.)

    While Judoon's whereabouts is unknown, Babu remains locked up in police custody. Local Christians believe Babu's accuser is a business rival motivated by jealousy. The ministry of Release International, an affiliate of The Voice of the Martyrs, is supporting both families during this difficult time of uncertainty, trial and tremendous concern. Learn more about persecution in Pakistan by going to our online country report.

    As extremists in Pakistan typically do not discriminate between those accused of blasphemy and those who support or defend the accused, please pray that God will protect Pastor Judoon and his family. Also pray that his friend Babu will be released and the charges against him dropped. May both families rebuild their lives in safety and harmony among those of their communities. Continue to intercede for the general populace of Pakistan, that there will be a radical shift in attitudes toward religious minorities.

  • Teen Girl Escapes Abusive Abductors

    pakistanA 17-year-old Christian girl is presently in hiding after having escaped kidnappers who brutally abused her. As a result of the abuse, she is left pregnant and terrified. "Sara" (not her real name) was abducted seven months ago, allegedly by militant Muslim neighbours who invited her for a meal, then drugged her. For the next seven months, the teen was held captive and subjected to appalling abuse.

    Thankfully, Sara recently managed to escape and return home to her family. As it is not safe for her to stay in the neighbourhood, she is now receiving care and counselling at a VOM-operated safehouse. Ministry contacts are also seeking justice on her behalf through the courts.

    Ask God to pour out His healing love over Sara, wiping away every tear from her eyes (Revelation 21:4). Pray that justice and restoration will take place for this abused teen and her family -- and for every Christian in Pakistan who's suffering abuse and discrimination because of their faith. May there be a change in attitude towards religious minorities who are considered "second class" citizens by those oppressing them. Pray that the country's government and state officials will lead the way, speaking out against religious intolerance and taking firm action against militants who persecute innocent victims such as Sara.

  • Perpetrators Sentenced for Brick Kiln Murders

    Shama and Shahzad

    On November 25th, a court in Lahore handed the death sentence to five people who were responsible for the torturing and killing of an impoverished young Christian couple in 2014 over allegations of burning the Quran. Eight others involved in the attack were sentenced to two years in prison.

    After militant Muslim leaders incited violence via mosque loudspeakers, a frenzied mob consisting of hundreds of villagers were caught up in the assaults, during which time, Shahzad Masih, 26, and his wife, Shama, 24, were thrown into a burning brick kiln. At the time of her death, Shama was five months pregnant. A previous report on this case is available at this page.

    Although more than 50 people had initially been charged in the deaths of the young couple, most of them were acquitted after family members recorded statements denying the presence of the accused at the scene. Sources also believe that the state later lost interest in the case, allowing several of those directly involved in the attack to walk away free by manipulating gaps in the Pakistani legal system.  

    Even still, the incident has caused an outrage in both national and international media -- civil society in general -- prompting the Pakistani government to take the unprecedented step of becoming the complainant in the case. "The conviction of five people by the court is no small feat," states the attorney who represented the victims' family. "I hope this verdict would be seen as a stern warning against any such violence against minorities in the future." For more cases relating to Pakistan's notorious blasphemy laws, visit the Pakistan Country Report.

    While thankful that God has used the public outcry of people around the world to bring attention to the plight of minorities suffering under Pakistan's blasphemy laws, we are mindful of our need to intercede for the perpetrators. May the Lord not only touch the hearts of those convicted in this case with His love and mercy but also the many others who participated in the mob violence, bringing each of them to repentance and salvation (John 3:16). Pray that His comfort, provision and blessing be upon the couple's four orphaned children, so they will grow strong in both physical stature and character, and encouraged to embrace the faith of their beloved parents.

  • Blasphemy Charges Dropped Against Child

    Blasphemy charges have been dropped against a young Christian boy in Quetta, Pakistan. The youngster and his mother were both accused of burning pages of the Quran, an incident that allegedly took place on October 20th.

    While the child and his mother remained behind bars, local Christian leaders negotiated on their behalf. Thankfully the matter was resolved a day later, resulting in the release of the mother and son. The blasphemy accusations were quashed and an official complaint was filed against some unknown persons.

    Nasir Saeed, Director of CLAAS in the United Kingdom, said this is not the first time a minor has been charged with a blasphemy offence. He then cited examples. One such case took place in 1993 when 12-year-old Salamat Masih was charged under the blasphemy law for a crime he never committed. In 2011, a 13-year-old Christian girl by the name of F. Bhatti was accused of blasphemy by her Muslim teacher for misspelling a word.

    The director further states in regards to this concern: "The Government of Pakistan must consider such cases and take appropriate steps to bring necessary changes to stop the ongoing misuse of this law. The international community has continuously expressed its concern and called for amendments." Please pray that the needed amendments will be made so the country's citizens -- including its children -- will be protected from injustice and abuse. May our Lord's mercy and justice prevail, not only in the judiciary system but also in the hearts of the country's majority.

  • Asia Bibi Case Adjourned After Judge Steps Down

    Asia Bibi's agonizing wait has been prolonged as Pakistan's Supreme Court adjourned her appeal hearing. A leading Supreme Court judge, who was due to hear Asia's appeal last week stepped back from the case on the grounds that he had been a judge in the trial of Mumtaz Qadri. (Mumtaz was previously convicted and condemned to death for murdering Punjab governor Salmaan Taseer, who had opposed the country's blasphemy laws.)

    Tensions are running high over Asia's case. Approximately 150 Muslim clerics issued a "fatwa" (a religious edict), warning the government not to release Asia and threatening to kill anyone who helps a person accused of blasphemy. More information on Asia's case can be found here.

    Please pray that God's strength and peace will sustain Asia, her family and those representing her (Philippians 4:7), while also keeping them safe from any assault or threat against their lives. Ask Him to grant wisdom, courage and protection to the members of the Pakistani government, as well as the Supreme Court judges who will be hearing Asia's appeal. May they not be intimidated by the militants but rather encouraged to act justly and extend mercy. Through it all, may Asia's case be used to highlight the injustice of Pakistan's blasphemy laws and to testify of her steadfast Christian faith to many around the world.