

  • Reach Out to Victimized Christian Facing Life Imprisonment
    Imran Ghafur

    The family of Imran Ghafur, a Christian man who has been in jail since 2010 on blasphemy charges, is requesting continued prayer for Imran's release. The imprisoned believer is currently serving a life sentence on the conviction of burning a Quran.

    Imran's brother, Naveed, told VOM contacts that the entire family was able to visit him before Easter. He further shared that Imran continues to read his Bible, fast and pray. The attorney representing the imprisoned believer has filed an appeal with the Pakistan High Court, but no hearing date has yet been set. VOM has regular contact with Imran's family, offering prayer and encouragement. (For more information about Imran, visit our website.)

    Please continue to remember Imran in your prayers, asking the Lord to further encourage and sustain him as he remains behind bars after all this time. Additionally, may his family be granted patience as they too are suffering daily due to the long absence. In addition to praying for his release, ask that Imran and his loved ones be granted the strength required to remain faithful to God in all circumstances. May their faithfulness result in a rich harvest, whereby many will come to faith in Jesus Christ.

    Important Note: Along with your prayers, you can personally reach out to Imran by writing him a letter of encouragement. When writing, please do not mention the name of the source of your information or the name of any organization such as The Voice of the Martyrs. While it is not dangerous for a prisoner to receive general letters from individuals, if a particular organization is mentioned, the incarcerated Christian may be accused of links with "foreign organizations" and thus be subjected to even harsher sentences. Also, please do not state anything negative about their government. Your letters can be mailed to: Imran Ghafur, Central Jail of Faisalabad, Faisalabad, Pakistan. Thank you for reaching out and making a difference in this believer's life!

  • Pastor's Life Threatened for Evangelizing

    After evangelizing Muslims and baptizing a former Islamic religious leader, a Pakistani pastor is now receiving death threats.

    "Azhar" regularly shares the Gospel with his Muslim neighbours and has baptized a number of believers from similar backgrounds, including a former imam known as "Rashid." Trouble started for the pastor after Rashid stopped attending the local mosque. Fellow Muslims tried to convince Rashid to return to Islam, but he wouldn't. His relatives then labelled him as an apostate; a traitor to the faith. They issued death threats against Rashid, as well as his wife and children who had also become believers. After Rashid and his family fled the area, the convert's angered relatives turned against Pastor Azhar.

    The pastor was told to return Rashid to them or face death. The threats continued to escalate for several months until they found Pastor Azhar's son and severely beat him. The relatives also informed militant groups of the pastor's activities, and he is now constantly monitored by the fundamentalists' widespread network. Like Rashid, Pastor Azhar had no choice but to flee the village to protect his family. Thankfully, VOM helped him relocate to a safer area. Though the pastor has changed cell phone numbers on numerous occasions, he still receives death threats. It is not certain how the militants continue to find his phone number.

    Though Pastor Azhar has been forced to relocate, the threats have not discouraged his desire to minister to others. He continues to share the Gospel with Muslims and encourage new converts in their faith. "Thanks to God that He is still using us for His Kingdom," he recently shared.

    Thank the Lord for the powerful ways in which He is using His servants Azhar and Rashid among this community. May their steadfast faith inspire many more to learn about Jesus and come to faith in Him. Pray especially that God will encourage the faith of these men and their family members as they face persecution and the threat of future violence. Also ask that the wider Christian community will uphold them during this time of trial through prayer and practical assistance.

    To learn more about the difficulties Christians endure in Pakistan, visit our website.

  • Young Teen Dies after Being Set on Fire
    Nauman, after the attack.

    A young teenage boy who was set on fire in Lahore on April 10th -- allegedly the result of admitting that he was a Christian -- has died in hospital.

    Before he died, Nauman Masih told police that two men had approached him, asking about his religion. When Nauman responded by stating he was a Christian, the men proceeded to beat him. When he tried to run away, they followed him, threw kerosene over his clothing, and set him ablaze.

    Over the weekend, it was announced that although 55 percent of his body had been badly burned, the medical team expected him to make a good recovery. However, on April 14th, soon after Nauman had undergone corrective plastic surgery, it was stated that the Christian teen had only a 50 percent chance of survival. Nauman sadly died the following morning.

    The attackers were masked when the incident took place, making it unlikely that they will be caught. While authorities have reportedly shown little interest in conducting a further investigation, Christians connected to this case are still in pursuit of justice.

    First, let us lift up in prayer Nauman's grieving friends and family members as they mourn his tragic death. May the Holy Spirit surround each of them with an overwhelming sense of His peace during their time of grieving, while also enabling them to forgive the assailants. Also pray that the authorities will be able to locate the culprits so they can be justly punished for committing such a heinous crime. But even more importantly, intercede for the perpetrators in hopes that they will be convicted of their sin and, as a result, turn to Jesus for forgiveness and salvation.

    For more information on Pakistan's persecuted church, you can read our Country Report.

  • Christians in Mourning after Two Churches Bombed

    These Pakistanis gathered together for a time of
    prayer and peaceful demonstration after the two
    recent church attacks in Youhanabad.
    Photo: VOMC partner

    On March 15th, suicide bombers attacked two churches in east Lahore during the morning worship services, killing at least 17 people and wounding more than 70 others. A group linked to the Taliban has claimed responsibility for the attacks, while offering threats of more violence. The bombings occurred minutes apart in the Christian neighbourhood of Youhanabad. Witnesses report that volunteer security guards and police who were assigned to protect the churches died while tackling the attackers near the entrance ways, thankfully preventing even more injuries and deaths.

    The following day, crowds of upset believers gathered on the streets to protest against the assaults. One Christian youth was killed and 15 others were wounded in Lahore as violent protests spread from the affected neighbourhood to other parts of the country. Meanwhile, angry residents of Youhanabad reportedly killed two Muslims who were suspected of aiding the terrorists. Although Christian and Muslim leaders have been calling for peace, there is concern that the volatile situation could escalate, resulting in reprisals being made against the beleaguered Christian community. Various VOM ministry partners are currently assessing the needs of those affected by the bombings and will soon be responding with emergency assistance.

    Let us bring those mourning the tragic loss of loved ones due to these senseless attacks to our compassionate God in prayer, asking Him to be especially near to each one. May He also grant full healing to those who have suffered injuries. In particular, VOM ministry partners working within the country have requested prayer that the affected Christians will be blessed with increased faith and the willingness to forgive their persecutors. Additionally, ask that the Pakistani believers will be agents of peace and reconciliation, demonstrating the heart of our Lord Jesus Christ. Finally, please pray that the members of the militant group behind these assaults will repent and come to faith in Him.

  • Woman Succumbs to Injuries from Church Bomb Attack
    Farah after the bombing.

    A Christian woman who suffered serious injuries resulting from a bomb attack at her church has tragically passed away. Farah Javed died as a result of an infection on January 11th, almost 16 months after one of the deadliest attacks against Christians in the country's history. The All Saints Church building in Peshawar was struck by two suicide bombers on September 22nd, 2013, leaving more than 80 dead and another 150 wounded. (For more information on this horrific attack, you can read a previous prayer report.)

    Farah was permanently paralyzed as a result of the assault, and sadly battled many medical complications in the months leading up to her death. Farah’s mother and siblings are understandably having a difficult time, especially as the young woman's father also recently passed away in March of 2014.

    Let us bring this grieving family to God's throne of grace, asking Him to grant His mercy in their time of need (Hebrews 4:16). While mourning the loss of Farah and her father, may they be confident in the salvation assured for both of these loved ones through Jesus' death and resurrection. Please also remember the many other families who have lost dear loved ones during that heartless bomb attack, praying that they will continue to sense the Holy Spirit's abiding presence. May others still struggling with physical or emotional wounds from that senseless tragedy experience full recovery. Finally, pray that the believers in Pakistan will continue with God's Kingdom work, breaking through the darkness of sin and evil by shining His glorious heavenly light.

    To learn more about Pakistan's persecuted church, you can read our Country Report.

  • Sharp Rise in Attacks on Christian Girls and Women
    Pray for the safety of women in Pakistan.
    Wikimedia Commons / Sonia Sevilla

    There has been a dramatic increase in the number of Christian girls and women facing brutal assaults in Pakistan during recent months.

    On November 28th, two Christian sisters (ages 14 and 16) were attacked in a village located within the Jaranwala district after they went out into the field to use the washroom. The girls' family alleges that three males assaulted the sisters repeatedly overnight, and that they have since been threatened by the perpetrators with warnings not to press charges. They also claim that the police have obstructed attempts to gather medical evidence. Ministry partners of VOMC's sister mission in the United Kingdom are ensuring the girls receive the medical care and legal assistance they need.

    Elsewhere in Punjab, a 14-year-old girl was abducted on November 26th in Thatha Gondal. It is believed that she has been forcibly converted to Islam and married to her kidnapper. Local Christians and Muslims have been involved in negotiations to return the girl to her family.

    Meanwhile, a pregnant mother of four from Rana Town was reportedly attacked after resisting a ruthless woman's attempts to make her convert to Islam. The Christian mother was then brutally attacked by the instigator's brothers. After stripping the pregnant mother of her clothing and disgracefully parading her in public, the men then robbed and finally beat the victimized believer to the point of unconsciousness. Local police initially refused to register a case, having only done so after our ministry partners intervened.

    Please lift up in prayer all of these dear sisters in Christ, asking the Lord to surround each one with His sustaining love and grace. May He not only grant needed physical and emotional healing to the young girls who were assaulted, but also ensure they receive the support and encouragement of the members of their family and the wider community during this difficult time. Intercede on behalf of the young teen who still remains held captive by her kidnapper. May this girl soon be freed so she can return home to her loved ones. In addition, ask God to be especially near to the expectant mother who was so callously humiliated and beaten, praying that both she and her unborn child will be granted restored health and strength.

  • Final Appeal for Woman Sentenced to Death over Cup of Water
    Asia Bibi

    Following a confrontation while picking fruit with Muslim co-workers, Asia Bibi was accused of insulting the Islamic prophet Mohammed after drinking water from the village well. As a non-Muslim, the Christian mother of five was considered unfit to touch the water, thus making it impure. According to other witnesses, a group of men and women then began beating Asia, claiming that she had made derogatory remarks against Mohammed, a charge she denies. Several days later, blasphemy allegations were filed, resulting in the November 2010 conviction. (A previous report on Asia's situation is available here.)

    Four years later, after losing the initial appeal in the High Court of Lahore, Asia, who remained in prison on death row, is now sentenced to be hanged. Although acquittals are rare in blasphemy cases, on November 24th a second appeal was filed in the Supreme Court of Pakistan. Raising global criticism and serious concerns about the fairness of her trial, Amnesty International has called for her release. Asia's husband, Ashiq Masih, has also made a personal plea to Pakistan's president, Mamnoon Hussain, asking that the sentence be overturned. "My prison cell has no windows, and day and night are the same to me," states Asia. "But if I am still holding on today, it is with thanks to everyone who is trying to help me."

    In a country where about 96 percent of the population is Muslim, Christians living in Pakistan constantly risk persecution in the form of threats, attacks, discrimination, and possible death. According to human rights defenders, the current blasphemy laws pose great dangers to Christians, as well as members of other religious minorities. Blasphemy remains a highly sensitive issue in this country, as even unproven allegations continue to erupt in violence. For a brief overview of such cases in this country, go to the Pakistan Country Report.

    May the reverential fear of the one true God -- the Creator of the vast universe and all humankind -- come upon Pakistan's governing leaders and judicial authorities. He has promised to contend with those who contend with His people, and to mete out justice and vengeance on behalf of the innocent and upright of heart. One day, these leaders themselves will stand before the Throne of the Great Judge to give an account of their actions and decisions. In the meantime, we can be assured that the Lord is hearing the heartfelt cries of His people, as Asia's situation raises international concern. Please continue to uphold this dear suffering sister of ours, realizing that the prayers of God's people have been greatly sustaining her. Let us pray for a greater measure of His divine strength, protection, peace and unfailing presence as Asia and her family await the outcome of yet another appeal...beseeching authorities to extend compassion, mercy, favour and ultimately freedom to her and all those who are experiencing persecution for their faith in this country.

  • Misunderstanding Leads to Overwhelming Tragedy
    Shama and Shahzad

    A young Christian couple, Shahzad Masih and his wife Shama, were brutally murdered on November 4th over an unfortunate misunderstanding.

    According to an on-the-ground report from the European Centre for Law and Justice in Pakistan, Shama, an illiterate mother of four who was in her second trimester of pregnancy, inadvertently burned pages of the Quran. The landlord, informed by neighbours that she had burned the Quran, locked the couple in his office, beat them, and offered them freedom to escape for a fee they couldn't pay.

  • Asia Bibi's Death Sentence Upheld
    Asia Bibi

    On October 16th, Asia Bibi lost her appeal against a death sentence for blasphemy. Her attorneys now have 30 days to file an appeal with the Supreme Court in Islamabad -- a process that will likely take more years of waiting and agonizing endurance. During Asia's hearing at the Lahore High Court, nearly 2,000 Muslim teachers gathered outside while approximately 25 were present inside the courtroom, presumably to put pressure on the judges. When learning about the disappointing outcome of the trial, she pleaded with VOM contacts: "Please do something. It's been so long, and I want to be with my children."

  • Asia Bibi's Appeal Again Postponed
    Asia Bibi

    The hearing for Asia Bibi, a Christian woman sentenced to death for blasphemy, was postponed for the sixth time on September 9th -- this time at the request of her husband, Ashiq Masih. Asia was arrested in June 2009 after being accused of insulting the Muslim prophet Mohammed. (For more information on Asia's longstanding case, visit this page.)