

  • Pakistani Christian Dies From Police Attack

    The Voice of the Martyrs has learned that Samuel Masih, a Pakistani Christian accused of blasphemy under Pakistan's strict Law 295, died tonight (May 28, 2004) around 9:00 p.m. local time in the Lahore hospital where he was a patient.

    Masih was arrested August 23, 2003 and was accused of throwing waste against the side of a mosque. He was held in the Lahore Central Jail until, suffering from tuberculosis, he was transferred to a local hospital on May 22.

    Two days later, early in the morning, Masih was attacked by one of the policemen assigned to guard his room. The policeman, a Muslim, reportedly told investigators that it was his religious duty, as a Muslim, to kill the Christian man. "I have offered my religious duty for killing the man. I'm spiritually satisfied and ready to face the consequences," he is reported to have said.

    VOM sources said the body had been taken to the Cathedral Church Lahore, and that police were pressuring church leaders to finish the burial tonight. Church leaders refused, saying they would hold the funeral and burial tomorrow morning. The situation is reportedly tense.

    The Voice of the Martyrs encourages Christians to pray for Masih's family as they grieve his loss.

  • Family Asked to Withdraw Their Case After Arrest is Made

    On May 5, the Persecution and Prayer Alert reported on the death of nineteen-year-old Javed Anjum after being tortured by the students and staff of an Islamic religious school (click here for more information). According to Pakistan's "Daily Times," while on his deathbed, Javed Anjum identified Ghulam Rasool, the school's prayer leader, as one of those responsible. Rasool was arrested and, after nine days of interrogation, confessed to torturing Anjum with a club. He also identified two others, Muhammad Tayyab and Omar Hayat.

    Shahbaz Bhatti

    According to Shahbaz Bhatti, chairman of the All Pakistan Minorities Alliance, the authorities are now pressuring the Anjum's family to withdraw their case as a compromise. Because of the strong control that Islamic groups have in Pakistan, authorities are very reluctant to press charges against Muslim religious leaders.

    Pray that justice will be done in this case, and that those responsible for this horrible crime will be held accountable. Pray for the family and friends of Anjum, as they mourn the loss of this young man.

    For more information on the situation facing Christians in Pakistan,click here.

  • Pastor Kidnapped But Escapes

    On May 16, Pentecostal preacher Rev. Wilson Fazal left for church and disappeared. Fazal had faced previous threats. Three days before, he had evaded a kidnapping attempt. He, and other Christians in the city of Quetta, had been receiving threats, warning them to stop preaching to Muslims, including a letter calling itself Mahaz-e-Jihad, or "Frontier of the Holy War." The Voice of the Martyrs has received copies of two of these letters that he had received prior to his kidnapping. They are available below.

    On May 11, he had received a letter from a group calling itself Mahaz-e-Jihad, or "Frontier of the Holy War" saying, "You are an infidel and blasphemer, stop preaching Christianity in schools, hospitals and Churches, Wage war (Jihad) against America." Believers across Pakistan were rightfully concerned when he vanished without a trace.

    Two days later, on May 18, Fazal was found safe in the capital of Islamabad. According to Fazal, he had been taken 600 kilometres from Quetta, to the city of Peshawar, where he managed to escape from his captors.

    Compass Direct reports that the whereabouts of six other Pentecostal pastors from Quetta are unknown at this time. While they may have also been kidnapped, it is speculated that they may have gone into hiding to avoid capture.

    Praise God that Fazal is safe. Pray that he will not face further danger and that those responsible for this kidnapping will be found. Pray for the other missing pastors, that they will be safe. Pray for their families during this difficult time.

    For more information on persecution in Pakistan,click here.

    Jihad Blessings -- Allah Mercy

    Religion Christian Scholar: Wilson Fazal -- Quetta Baluchistan

    You are a Blasphemer of Allah.

    1. Get ready to face the Jihadi Mujahideen
    2. Accept the last religion (Islam)
    3. Stop preaching Christianity in Schools, Hospitals and Churches.
    4. Join us and preach Islam in America.
    5. Jihad (fight) against America.
    6. Do all this for the sake of your children and get a lot of money from us.

    Keep all this matter secret, and don't tell anybody.

    Get ready, Get ready, Get ready........... Otherwise.



    The one who does not know to die, does not know to live.

    This is to inform all Christian scholars, not to preach the false teaching of Christianity among Muslims. Throw out all Muslims from all of your Christian institutes and Churches and don't let them enter your institutes and churches at all.

    Otherwise you should get ready for our suicide attacks.

  • President Orders Review of Blasphemy Law

    Pervez Musharraf
    President of Pakistan

    Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf announced on May 15 that he is calling for a review of some of the country's strict Islamic laws to ensure that they are not being abused. This includes the controversial blasphemy law, which imposes the death penalty for anyone convicted of blaspheming Mohammad or the Koran. According to Reuters, Musharraf said that the blasphemy law needs to be re-examined to ensure that it is not misused by those seeking to settle personal scores. Several Christians have been convicted under this law, often as a result of questionable accusations, though no one has yet been executed.

    Pray that this law will be repealed. Pray for those still in prison, charged under this draconian law.

    For more information on Christian persecution in Pakistan,click here.

  • Boy Dies After Facing Torture


    Students studying at an Islamic school in Pakistan

    A young Pakistani Christian faced brutal torture, leading to his death, at the hands of the students and staff of an Islamic religious school. According to a Voice of the Martyrs source in Pakistan, Javeed Anjum was returning to his home in Toba Tek Singh, Punjab, on the afternoon of April 17 when he became thirsty. Seeing water taps at an Islamic school, he helped himself when a staff member of the school approached. When the staff member found out that Javeed was a Christian, he was taken inside the school. There the students and staff gathered around him and ordered that he embrace Islam by reciting the Islamic creed. When he refused, they began to beat him.

    Javeed was kept at the school for five days, facing beatings and torture in an attempt to force a conversion, but he steadfastly refused to deny Christ. Finally, when his physical condition had deteriorated, he was taken to the police station where he was accused by the school administration of trying to steal a water pump. When police saw his condition, they refused to accept the charges against him. He was taken to a hospital for treatment and there gave police his statement. On May 2, Javeed died of kidney failure, as a result of the beatings he had faced. An autopsy has shown the brutal torture he faced at the school. A police report has been filed against the school administration.

    Pray for Javeed's family and the Christian community, as they face the reality of this terrible incident. Pray for strength and healing for each one impacted by this death. Pray for those involved in Javeed's torture, that they will experience the love of Christ, even through seeing the faithfulness of Javeed.

    For more information on persecution facing Christians in Pakistan,click here.

  • Pastor Killed in Home Attack

    Pastor George Masih

    VOM has resently learned that the pastor of a small church was killed on April 2 by a shotgun fired at point blank range at his home in Manawala, near Lahore, Pakistan. George Masih, wife Aniata and four children were watching the JESUS film in their home around noon. When the movie finished and Aniata opened the door to go outside, two masked attackers burst in. One grabbed Aniata while the other shot George in the face and then hit him with the butt of the gun.

    Masih had been a Christian for seven years and was active in ministering for the Lord. Two years ago, they moved to Manawala to plant a church there. Their work, however, drew the anger of a Muslim neighbour, Shokat Ali. Ali urged the landlord to evict the Masih family and had threatened to kill Masih if he continued preaching.

    Pastor George Masih and family

    About three hundred people gathered for the funeral, including many Muslims who had been blessed by Masih's ministry. Aniata told VOM sources, "I need the prayers of my brothers and sisters that I may be strengthened by the Lord our God to bear this loss." Aniata has four children, ages eight, four, two and one.

    Pray for Aniata and the children as they deal with this terrible loss. Pray that the ministry begun in Manawala will continue and that many will come to faith in Jesus Christ, despite this tragedy.

    For more information on persecution in Pakistan,click here.

  • Christian Businessman Kidnapped and Killed

    According to All Pakistan Minorities Alliance, a Christian businessman, Irfan Khokar (33), was kidnapped from his place of business in Taxila, Pakistan on the evening of February 8. He was taken to an apartment where he was tied up. It appears that he was shot and killed when he attempted to free himself.

    Irfan, along with his father, owned a successful bookstore. His father, BM Khokhar, attributes the killing to religious intolerance and bias against them, because their business was successful. Christian businesses frequently face attacks from militant Muslims who attempt to prevent the businesses from being successful.

    Pray for Christians facing opposition, ridicule and frequently worse in the workplace. Pray for the strength to stand firmly in their faith. Pray for the family of Irfan Khokar and his wife, Aster, whom he had married only months before.

    For more information on challenges facing Christians in Pakistan, go tohttps://www.vomcanada.com/pakistan.htm.

  • Family of Slain Pastor Threatened

    After more than a month since the murder of Pastor Mukhtar Masih at a train station in Khanewal on January 7, no one has been arrested. It became apparent shortly after the murder that police were attempting to cover up the incident, calling it a cardiac arrest.

    On February 16, Shabbaz Bhatti from the All Pakistan Minorities Alliance informed VOM that Mukhtar's family has been facing threats and harassment. They received a letter stating that Mukhtar's killers were professionals who were seeking opportunities to kill the family as well. His son, Musa Mukhtar, and daughter Nomee have been chased and harassed. His wife, Parveen Bibi, has said that the family fears for their lives, "we need prayers and solidarity from our brothers and sisters in Christ."

    Pray for protection and peace for this family as they face this danger at a time when they are dealing with the loss of their father and husband. Pray that those responsible for these acts will be found and prosecuted.

    For more information on persecution in Pakistan, go tohttps://www.vomcanada.com/pakistan.htm.

  • Gunmen Attack Church Service

    As many as six men with semi-automatic rifles entered St. Paul's Church in Patoki, Pakistan during an evening prayer service on January 25 and opened fire. No one was injured in the attack, but several rounds were fired as they shouted, "We will teach you a lesson and even demolish your church."

    Shahbaz Bhatti

    According to the pastor, Rev. Saleem Gill, three of the men (Azad Hussein, Mohammad Ali and Amanat Ali) owned a butcher shop across the street and had caused problems in the past by throwing animal parts into the compound, playing loud music to disturb the services and shouting obscenities. When church leaders asked them to stop on January 24, they threatened to destroy the church. According to people in the area, these men have caused problems with Christians in the past, especially since September 11, 2001. According to a report received on January 29 from Shahbaz Bhatti of the All Pakistan Minorities Alliance, no arrests had yet been made, despite knowing the identity of the men.

    Pray that these men who attacked the church will see the love of Christ. Pray for peace and emotional healing for the members of St. Paul's Church.

    For more information on persecution in Pakistan, go tohttps://www.vomcanada.com/pakistan.htm.

  • Death Sentence Given in Hospital Attack

    Those who have been following the plight of Christians in Pakistan for the past several years will likely remember an attack on a Presbyterian hospital in Taxila on August 9, 2002. Three nurses were killed and twenty-three injured when grenades were thrown into a chapel where staff was meeting for a morning prayer service. One of the attackers was also killed in the attack. The hospital, founded in 1922, specialized in eye diseases mostly for poor Muslims in the area. While the hospital did receive some foreign funding and was Christian-based, the hospital was staffed by Pakistanis.

    According to a January 23 report from Associated Press, three men have been found guilty and sentenced to death for the attack. Another three were released for lack of evidence.

    Pray that there will be no retaliation against Christians as a result of this verdict and that Christian agencies throughout Pakistan will be able to continue their work of meeting the spiritual and physical needs of Pakistanis.

    For more information on persecution in Pakistan, go tohttps://www.vomcanada.com/pakistan.htm.