Church Leader Convicted in Absentia
Pastor Youssef Ourahmane is the vice president of the Église Protestante d'Algérie (EPA), an association consisting of more than 45 Protestant churches. Along with this leadership role, he also serves as a senior pastor who oversees a number of churches and Bible schools.
Christian Parents Charged with Blasphemy
Shaukat Masih and his wife Kiran live in Lahore, Pakistan, with their three children, ages thirteen, nine and seven. The Christian couple has been accused of desecrating the Quran after loose pages fell from the rooftop of their house, even though they were not home at the time of the incident. As a result of the accusations, the couple has been detained. Without family members available to look after their three school-aged children, the accused parents arranged for the children to stay with another Christian family in the area.
Approximately 50 Believers Recently Released!
In April, a group of 103 young Christian musicians were arrested in the Eritrean capital of Asmara. They had gathered to sing songs of praise, which were to be shared on YouTube, but the young Christians were deemed by the government to be involved in an illegal religious gathering. For more information on this incident, see this page.
Church Opponent Sentenced to Three Months in Jail
On February 19th, the members of the Tabernacle of David Christian Church were gathered for worship when an angry village leader, Wawan Kurniawan, stormed into the building. Pushing the pastor aside, he demanded that the service end immediately. Ten other villagers joined him, resulting in turmoil, as well as injuries to the pastor. (See this page for more details.)
Infirmed Pastor Handcuffed in Hospital
Pastor Ru Zongren, who suffers from kidney failure, was in the hospital for kidney dialysis on July 30th when police handcuffed him to his bed. He was detained in the hospital for five hours before finally being released.
Originally from a rural area of Anhui Province, Pastor Ru came to faith in Christ at an early age through the Christian witness of his parents. He eventually went on to study theology, graduating from seminary in 2007, prior to returning to his hometown where he has compassionately served the community since. Through his faithful ministry over the years, the Chengxi Christian Church has grown to establish a membership presently consisting of about 400 believers. -
Pastor and Family Detained; Multiple Other Christians Arrested
A pastor, his wife and their three-year-old son have been jailed in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh after holding a prayer service at their home in Haidargarh on July 30th. Pastor Harendra Singh and his wife Priya were arrested and remanded on allegations of "luring innocent people to Christianity." Because both of these parents were detained, they had to take their young son with them to prison.
Several Imprisoned Christians Released!
In a Persecution & Prayer Alert report that was published on July 27th, a call had been issued for prayer on behalf of two Christian leaders who have served more than 7,000 days in prison, without charge, because of their faith. (For more details about their situations, go to this page.)
Church Leaders’ Trial Set for August 21st
In August 2021, 12 church leaders from the Golden Lampstand Church in Linfen, Shanxi, were arrested – including Pastor Wang Xiaoguang and his wife, Yang Rongli. The government accused the Christians of fraud because the church was collecting money in the form of tithes and offerings to support the ministry.
Imprisoned Christian Grieves Over Loss of Son
In January 2019, Mehdi Akbari was arrested along with fellow Christian converts during coordinated raids on their homes. In October 2020, he was sentenced to ten years in prison for "acting against national security" by "forming an illegal evangelical Christian group." During the trial, which lasted mere minutes, the judge ridiculed the believer's faith and referred to Christianity as a "deviant religion."
Imprisoned Pastor Faces Health Issues
Vietnamese pastor Nguyen Trung Ton was imprisoned in 2011 on charges of "anti-state propaganda." He was rearrested in 2017 and convicted in April 2018 for "carrying out activities aimed at overthrowing the government." The Christian leader was sentenced to 12 years in prison. (To review previously published information on the pastor's sentencing, go to this page.)